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Do Dan & Phil share clothes / underwear?

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 10:34 pm
by oqua
Do Dan and Phil share underwear?
First up: The infamous Sonic the Hedgehog boxer shorts

The saga begins with a now-privated video from May 6, 2010 called “Swine Flu” (originally titled “Sea Panther”), which Phil filmed while on holiday in Florida. In this video, Phil shows off some Sonic boxers at 1:51, saying, “I got some really cool boxer shorts, which I wanted to show you. ‘Super Sonic.’ How cool are these? I would show you, but I think at this angle it would be a bit inappropriate.” Then he shows the Japanese writing on the boxers and asks, “What does that say, by the way, foreign people? Let me know. If you tell me, you could win a shell.”

In his next video (which is still available on his channel), “United States of Phil,” he returns to the subject of the underwear at 2:34: “My boxers said ‘Sonic the hedgehog,’ surprisingly, so thanks to everyone who told me that.”

He inserts the clip of the underwear from the previous video, which is how people are still able to get screenshots of it and stuff, even though “Swine Flu” has been privated. This also explains why there is confusion over whether or not Phil privated the video where he shows the underwear — He actually showed it in two videos; one is now private while the other is still available on his channel.

The next time the Sonic underwear makes an appearance, it is in the video “How To Make British Pancakes” from March 8, 2011 — ten months after Phil first showed the underwear.

This time, Dan is wearing the underwear:

Dan staunchly denies that he was sharing Phil’s underwear. His story is that he and Phil both own their own pair.

He repeats this claim three times:

1) In a (now-deleted) annotation:
I would just like to make clear xD
that I -am not- wearing Phil’s underwear! o_o lmao
we both own the same pair from Next
after arguing over who should get to have them
we both bought them.

2) In a (now-deleted) response to a comment on the video:
Comment: “i’d just like to point out that not only is dan wearing phil’s t-shirt he is also wearing his boxers :3”
Dan: no actually paul griffiths sent us both that t-shirt and we both bought those boxers =p you creepers!

[The t-shirt he is referring to is the orange Babycakes t-shirt.]

And 3) In a vyou answer from July 6, 2011:

Question: I've noticed you and Phil often wear the same clothes...explain yourself!
Dan’s response:
No… pfft, “often” — what do you mean often? ...Okay, in that one video, I have the SAME pair of underwear as Phil; we both walked into Next and saw a pair of Sonic underwear and we had an argument over who should buy it, so… we both own the same pair of underwear. And for that one video, I borrowed his Babycakes t-shirt because everything I own is black and I wanted to not look boring ...“Often”? Really? [laughs] Creepers.

[The “one video” he is referring to is obviously the “British Pancakes” video. Note how his story about the t-shirt contradicts the one from his comment on the video]

In a vyou from January 31, 2012, he also sticks to the “two pairs of underwear” story, this time saying the Phil threw his pair away because it ended up being too small:

Question: Have you and Phil ever got your sonic underwear mixed up?
Dan’s response: Heh, no, because Phil actually bought, like, a size too small, so, that kept the confusion from being a continued thing because he threw his away because they didn’t fit.

[It is worth noting that Phil had owned the underwear for at least ten months when Dan said “we both own the same pair of underwear” — present tense, implying that they are both still in possession of their own pair. And in this vyou answer, Dan doesn’t say they shrank, but that Phil “bought a size too small.” If Phil truly “bought a size too small,” wouldn’t he have noticed right away? Why would he have kept them for more than ten months before “throwing them away because they didn’t fit”?]



Q: Did Phil buy his pair of Sonic underwear while he was on holiday in Florida?
A: Not necessarily. Many people take the “Swine Flu” video as evidence that Phil bought his underwear in Florida, which would directly contradict Dan’s claim that “we both walked into Next and saw a pair of Sonic underwear and we had an argument over who should buy it…” HOWEVER, if you look at the quote above (“I got some really cool boxer shorts, which I wanted to show you”), you’ll notice that Phil never actually says that he got the underwear IN FLORIDA. He just says he got them. It could be that he got them in the UK in Next, like Dan said, and then brought them to Florida, and decided to include them in his video.

Q: Were the underwear actually available in Next stores?
A: It would seem so. This website about Sonic Gear includes a photo of the underwear and says, “This is a boxer/breif style underwear which can be found at NEXT stores in the UK area. It's done in Japanese style, with classic stock art, and Sonic's name written in Japanese beside it. The background is a loud mix of red and green, with the hot pink text and blue Sonic mixed in. The waistband (for whatever reason) says "Super Sonic" though actual Super Sonic is no where to be found. Loud though it may be, it is fantastic to see modern underwear in reasonable sizes with Sonic on it! A great item to collect.”
Dan’s repeated references to Next (in his vyou and in the annotation) seem like evidence that Next was truly involved somehow: Either Phil bought the underwear and Next and Dan knew that, or Phil bought the underwear somewhere else and he and Dan noticed that Next also sold them, or Dan is telling the truth and he and Phil both bought a pair at Next.
It seems odd that Phil would buy the underwear in Florida and Dan would magically know to say they bought them at Next.

Q: Is the pancake video the only time Dan has ever worn the boxers on camera?
A: No, they have appeared in on at least two other occasions:

1) In Phil’s video “I DRANK EGGNOG” from November 2, 2011. At 1:11:


2) In Dan’s video “Truth or Dare 3” from August 5, 2011. At 3:55ish, Dan isn’t actually wearing the underwear, but Sonic underwear can be seen on the bathroom counter when Dan does the mentos & coke thing under his shirt.


Behind them is a black pair of Calvin Klein underwear, idk if that's relevant.

Q: Has Phil ever worn the boxers on camera?
A: Not to my knowledge. (Note: if Dan is telling the truth, Phil’s own pair were discarded sometime between July 6, 2011 and January 31, 2012.)

Q: Is there any actual evidence that Dan is lying?
A: Yes and no. It is impossible to prove that Dan and Phil did not at one point both own an identical pair of Sonic underwear. However, Dan frequently linked his comments about the underwear with explanations for why he is also wearing Phil’s orange Babycakes shirt in the pancake video. His comments about the Babycakes shirt are contradictory and could be taken as hints that he’s making things up about the underwear as well. (He talks about the underwear and the shirt in the same sentence, and if he was lying about the shirts, then maybe he was lying about the underwear).

Q: Is this the only example of boxers that Dan and Phil have (possibly) shared?
A: NO.

Which brings us to the blue musical note boxers….

Neither Dan nor Phil has ever addressed this pair of boxers (except perhaps implicitly when Phil privated a video). This case is generally agreed on as an unambiguous, indisputable example of them sharing underwear, or at least of Dan wearing underwear that used to belong to Phil.

Phil showed these boxers on camera in a now-privated video called “I found a slinky.” It was published on February 1, 2009, eight months before he met Dan in real life (so no chance of them going into a store together and both buying a pair, and no chance of Dan leaving his own underwear at Phil’s house).

Q: The “I found a slinky” video is now privated. Did Phil private it because of the underwear?
A: Possibly, but it is worth mentioning that this video also contained a few references to Charlieskies and the “Pabloislove” channel, so would have arguably had reason to private it even apart from the underwear.

Screenshot of Phil showing the music note boxers:

Dan can be seen wearing these underwear in at least two later videos:

1) Dan’s video “Inappropriate Winking” from September 26, 2011(at 1:55):


2) Phil’s video “How to make Christmas cookies!” from Dec 22, 2011:


To sum it up:
Yes, they have shared at least one pair of underwear, the pair with music notes. They’ve probably shared two pairs (Dan denies that they ever shared the Sonic underwear, but although Dan’s denial cannot be disproven, there is reason to doubt it).

Coming up next, a post about them sharing clothes in general.....

Re: Do Dan & Phil share clothes / underwear?

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 10:34 pm
by oqua
Do Dan and Phil share clothes?

This post is meant to serve as an exhaustive collection of pictures of them sharing clothes, plus a compilation of all the times Dan’s denied that it happens, or at least denied that he wears Phil’s clothes for any reason other than “dressing as a character,” along with an examination what Dan’s said on the subject and why it is or is not true.

All the info and photos you could ever want relating to Dan and Phil sharing clothes:

Q: Do Dan and Phil share clothes, i.e. has Dan worn Phil's clothes and vice-versa?
A: Yes. See the numerous photos further down in this post!

Q: Has Dan denied that he and Phil share clothes?
A: Yes. Many times:
  • At least three times on vyou or in younow liveshows:
Vyou answer from July 6, 2011:

Question: I've noticed you and Phil often wear the same clothes...explain yourself!
No… pfft, “often” — what do you mean often? ...Okay, in that one video, I have the SAME pair of underwear as Phil; we both walked into Next and saw a pair of Sonic underwear and we had an argument over who should buy it, so… we both own the same pair of underwear. And for that one video, I borrowed his Babycakes t-shirt because everything I own is black and I wanted to not look boring ...“Often”? Really? [laughs] Creepers.

Liveshow from August 28, 2012:

20:05 - “I read something on, erm, Tumblr earlier… I’m thinking, uh, a segment I should start with these things is like ‘Stupid Thing Dan Saw on Tumblr of the Week.’ I’m only joking. I love everybody. […] But— I’ve had lots of people talking about, erm, me and Phil ‘sharing clothes’? Just because, you know, regardless of situation, we’ve seen — we’ve, you know, we’ve worn the same print of t-shirt on about four occasions over the last three years doesn’t mean we ~share clothes.~ You know, like, sisters do, or something like that. You know what I mean? It’s like…we own several items of the same clothing, ‘cause we’ve either been given them by somebody like Babycakes, or stuff like that. Err, me and Phil don’t like each other’s clothes. So don’t worry about that.”

Liveshow from October 8, 2013 (this one is specifically regarding his Cringe Attack video):

28:38 - “That’s Phil’s sweater”“No. Pretty sure it’s my sweater. I love — no I don’t love; it made me incredibly depressed — that in my last video, (laughs) all these people were like, ‘Aren’t you wearing Phil’s t-shirts?’ And I was like, ‘Erm, well, yeah, I’m playing three children playing Pokémon cards at a Pokémon party, and three Pokémon t-shirts are owned by Phil, so yeah, I— I wore Pokémon t-shirts that were owned by Phil in my video, because I was playing children at a Pokémon party! (laughs) And, like, obviously most people got that and weren’t just like ‘Ooh! Feels!’ at it, but there were a few people that genuinely didn’t— were questioning why I was wearing three of Phil’s t-shirts. So in case you were one of those people that, erm, were genuinely actually wondering why, that’s why: ‘cause of a Pokémon party.”
  • Twice on the customer service tumblr blog:
Ask: Why do you say you and Phil don’t share clothes, even with about 7 or 8 photos that prove otherwise?
When you say you ‘share clothes’ with somebody it implies that often you casually wear the other persons clothes instead of your own whenever you like for whatever purpose. Apart form the 2/3 identical items of clothing me and Phil wear and the jogging bottoms I gave him, there is pretty much always a strange/very specific reason. I might be in a ‘costume’ for a video, I might be wearing something because neither of us mind getting ruined, or blahblahblah. Yes, on occasion we will borrow another persons item of clothing because we need to for a specific reason, but we don’t ‘share clothes’ in the way that some of you probably want us to are implying. Either way I don’t see how this is either that important or interesting. xD

Ask: can we just establish that you do, in fact, wear phil’s clothes?!!!! xD
well not really in the way you’re implying. i don’t ‘wear his clothes’ unless there’s a specific reason for it. we either own the same item of clothing or if it’s for a video then i’m usually dressing as a ‘character’ or wearing something that i don’t want to get wet or something ~ feel free to post this answer in the tag as my head is hurting from banging against the desk every time i see someone go ‘omG they shur clothis!1 PHAN’ xD
  • And twice regarding the Sonic boxers specifically:
I would just like to make clear xD
that I -am not- wearing Phil’s underwear! o_o lmao
we both own the same pair from Next
after arguing over who should get to have them
we both bought them.

Comment: “i’d just like to point out that not only is dan wearing phil’s t-shirt he is also wearing his boxers :3”
Dan: no actually paul griffiths sent us both that t-shirt and we both bought those boxers =p you creepers!

[Note Dan’s comment that “paul griffiths sent us both that t-shirt and we both bought those boxers.” The Paul Griffiths part important in light of other statements he’s made.]


Q: Is what Dan’s saying true?
A: Not really. Sort of, but it’s very misleading.

First of all, he IS CORRECT that many times when he has worn something that belonged to Phil, it was merely to play a character in a video.
Here are a lot of examples of that kind of clothes-sharing:

(click to enlarge)

There is absolutely nothing to suggest that he would have worn those items of clothing if he weren’t performing a sketch, so imo these don’t really “count” as examples of them “sharing clothes.”

He has also worn Phil’s clothes in several videos where he wasn’t playing a character per se, but maybe something about the video called for a certain type of clothing. For example…

He wanted to look young/like a highschooler?:

They both wanted to wear Halloween clothes but not the same ones as the previous year:

Dan needed a good Christmas jumper:

He and Phil presumably wanted to match:
(Though Phil implies it was a coincidence in this tweet, which would actually be a suggestion that they do casually share clothes lol): And some instances are even less justifiable, but could still possibly be examples of Dan sharing Phil’s clothes for a specific reason (and one instance of Phil sharing Dan’s!!):

(NOTE: according to Dan, “we own several items of the same clothing, ‘cause we’ve either been given them by somebody like Babycakes, or stuff like that” — which could be interpreted to mean he is claiming that he has his own version of this shirt. Though he has NEVER worn it in any other video. Same goes for the purple Babycakes shirt seen below.)

(A rare instance of Phil in Dan’s clothing! Another example would be the burgundy A&F sweatpants)

Note that Dan also wore this shirt in his Truth or Dare 3 video, likely it is an example of something where “because neither of us mind getting it ruined”:

That being said, there are many, many instances where we have photographic proof that Dan DOES wear Phil’s clothes in a casual way, even when it doesn’t matter what he’s wearing and he’s just lounging around the house or on vacation:

(click to enlarge)

To be fair, a lot of these are from times when Dan was visiting Phil’s house (so he probably had a significantly limited wardrobe with him at the time), or when they were on vacation together (again, limited wardrobe).

Also, Dan refers to “the jogging bottoms I gave him” — presumably the burgundy A&F ones. So according to Dan those don’t count.

But many of these examples have no apparent explanation, except for the explanation that they do indeed “share clothes, you know, like, sisters do, or something like that.”

For example, in the one where he’s wearing Phil’s green sweatshirt, he is not living with Phil and he’s not staying at Phil’s house. He is at Uni, which means that he had to intentionally borrow it from Phil. Also, it’s noteworthy that this seems to be Phil’s go-to hoodie for when he’s ill. He wears it in “Man Flu” and in a liveshow where he’s sick (the Toxic liveshow lol). Aww.

You’ll notice I picked an example of him wearing the orange Babycakes t-shirt from somewhere other than the pancakes video.

Which brings us to…

Everything you could ever want to know about the Babycakes t-shirts.

Dan and Phil own, between them, five Babycakes t-shirts (Dan would have you believe there are duplicates involved; this is dubious):


The orange one gets the most attention. Let’s examine Dan’s mutually-exclusive claims about this t-shirt (complete quotes cited above):
  • 1) “And for that one video, I borrowed his Babycakes t-shirt because everything I own is black and I wanted to not look boring”

    2) “no actually paul griffiths sent us both that t-shirt”
Which version is the truth?

Well, Phil mentions in his video “Worst Birthday EVER!!” (February 15, 2010) that he was given five Babycakes t-shirts for his birthday:

2:29 - “Also I want to say a quick thanks to Paul Griffiths (who lives down the road!) who sent me five Babycakes t-shirts!”

He then shows brief clips of himself in four of the t-shirts.

And Dan commented on the video:
“I apologise to you all for stealing the 5th bbycks t-shirt that he couldn’t show you xD”

We do indeed have two examples of Dan wearing the elusive 5th Babycakes t-shirt in videos:

Source: Now-privated video called “LET’S HAVE A QUICKIE” from April 30, 2010

(Source video)

It’s this shirt:

Dan’s early comments (“I apologise to you all for stealing the 5th bbycks t-shirt that he couldn’t show you xD” and “for that one video, I borrowed his Babycakes t-shirt because everything I own is black and I wanted to not look boring”) both suggest that Paul Griffiths gave Phil five t-shirts and Dan “stole” one of them. Which would mean Dan was lying when he later claimed, twice, that they were BOTH gifted he orange shirt (and possibly other babycakes shirts as well). If he’s not lying later, then he was lying when he said he “borrowed Phil’s Babycakes t-shirt,” but why would he have lied about that?

So, in conclusion:
Yes, Dan and Phil share clothes. That much is certain.
What is up for debate are Dan’s motivations. Sometimes, Dan only borrows Phil’s clothes for videos. Other times, he seemingly borrows them just for fun / convenience / sentimental reasons. Dan has vastly downplayed the frequency with which he borrows Phil’s clothes and made it sound like he does it only when forced to by logistical factors or the need to give different characters costumes in his sketch videos. This is clearly not true. He’s also blatantly lied — regardless of which tale is the truth, it is undeniable that he has said contradictory things.

It’s not a big deal that Dan and Phil share clothes (except maybe the underwear…), but Dan made it a big deal by denying it.

Also note: The last instance I can find of a blatant clothes-sharing denial is October 2013. That was more than two years ago. He has borrowed Phil’s clothes several times since then, in very overt ways. So possibly he’s left this phase behind him.

Maybe even in 2013 he was starting leaving it behind, as he kind of alludes lightheartedly (?) to borrowing Phil’s glasses in this tweet from October 2, 2013 (also about the “Cringe Attack” video:


Bonus info and pictures:
I often see these cited as examples of Dan and Phil sharing clothes. They are not in fact the same items of clothing, if you look closely!

Dan’s Dailybooth post from when he dressed up as Phil...
[seemingly an indication that at least once, Dan and Phil played dress-up as each other, i.e. Phil dressed up as Dan and Dan dressed up as Phil.]
so me and @Phil have been playing dress-up all day..
not like that you sicko’s.
by yah, he raped me with his clothes and glasses.
what do you think? do i make a sexier phil than phil?

Yes you do, but does he make a sexier Dan than you? :P

yes he does actaully, quite a lot so and it saddens me xD
charlieskies in the same blue and black check cardigan of Phil’s

just for the lulz
that's phil's shirt
(I generally only cite instances of the borrower in the clothes, because examples of the actual owner wearing the clothing item are plentiful, but sometimes I just gave examples for both of them, especially for more obscure articles of clothing)

Green monster “OMFG” shirt
• Dan =

Phil’s red check shirt
• Dan =,

Dan’s cowl neck shirt
• Phil =

Phil’s lavender button-down shirt
• Phil =
• Dan =

Phil’s black Adventure Time t-shirt
• Phil =
• Dan =

Phil’s yellow Adventure Time hoodie
• Dan =

Halloween jumper
• Phil =
• Dan =

Phil’s alien abduction Christmas jumper
• Dan = best of the Internet Takeover

Phil’s white Saatchi Gallery shirt (heart being stabbed)
• Dan =,
• Phil =, dailybooth, etc.

Purple Babycakes t-shirt
• Dan = 2011 MCR concert with Phil, photos can be found here: ... r-the-anon and here: ... booth-phan (Dailybooth February 18, 2011)

Light gray polo
• Dan =, various skits
• Phil = ... -aw-when-i

Orange Babycakes t-shirt
• Dan =, old vyous (ex:
• Phil =,

Multicolored Babycakes t-shirt
• Dan =

Phil’s black jacket
• Dan =,

Phil’s blue and black check cardigan
• Dan = Dailybooth, December 12, 2009
• Phil =

Phil’s dark red mottled polo
• Dan =,
• Phil = party photos, Portugal trip ... o3_500.png,

Phil’s green & red plaid shirt with leather elbow patches
• Dan =

Phil’s green “sick” hoodie
• Dan = Dailybooth, October 12, 2010
• Phil =,

Phil’s green York hoodie
• Dan = ... 2162064386

Phil’s green and black check shirt
• Dan =
• (Phil wears it in the same video — they filmed it over the course of two days; Dan wears it the first day and Phil wears it the second day)

Phil’s Sunnydale High t-shirt
• Dan =
• Phil =

Phil’s blue shirt with small buttons
• Dan =

Phil’s black shirt:
• Dan = Jamaica photos, videos (ex:
• Phil = (Various places, but he’s wearing it at 1:09 and 1:38 of this Jamaica video:, then he seemingly gives it to Dan?)

Phil’s yellow and black socks:
• Dan =

Maroon A&F sweatpants:
• Phil =,
• Dan =,

Sonic underwear:
• Phil =
• Dan =

Music note underwear:
• Dan =,
also at 1:55 of “Inappropriate Winking”
• Phil = now-privated video called “I found a slinky”

Phil’s red Tokyo Festival shirt
• Dan =
• Phil =,, other times
Update - 11 December 2017:
They dgaf anymore, hallelujah

