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Phil liveshow (joint) - 17 Aug 2017 - PRANKING DAN WITH PLANT SPRAY

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2017 2:43 am
by alittledizzy

Re: Joint liveshow - 17 Aug 2017 - PRANKING DAN WITH PLANT SPRAY

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2017 2:43 am
by alittledizzy
:03 - Cafe Nero muffin tweet story.
1:21 - Phil literally walked away.
2:04 - Dan bought Phil's cookie because Phil walked away.
2:15 - Sponning the new shop stuff.
2:41 - Dan stands up to get the notebook and it seriously looks like they've just got a nest behind them. Comfycozy blanket and pillows.
3:28 - Showing off notebook.
4:15 - Phil giving Dan shit for not bringing the notebook, retweeting him, or appreciating his old references. (Dan: I'm not supportive.)
4:52 - Phil neglects Australians.
5:20 - There are lens wipes on the table, Phil says he "keeps forgetting to bring them upstairs."
5:25 - Convo about the room

Dan: People are like, where are we right now? We are in the room that is not the room where we filmed-
Phil: The room that's not the romo (laughing at Dan)
Dan: It's not the room that has the sofa crease sofa in
Phil: it's the upstairs lounge
Dan: where the lava lamp and scented candles are
Phil: That's where we're sat.

6:14 - Glass in laptop camera melting.
6:44 - Phil Lester, actual millionare, wants his warranty to cover his laptop breaking.
7:03 - "Danneh. It's gonna be fine." In weirdgrowly voice.
7:18 - Edinburgh TV Festival talk.
8:02 - Scottish accents.
9:02 - Dan didn't do a ls Tuesday because he went on a walk, because he never says yes to social things, and we totally all definitely believe that sure yeah mmk.
9:24 - For some reason Phil associates Dan's walk with him growing a beard and wearing plaid.
9:36 - Big Ben
10:35 - Phil raising his voice when Dan is interrupting him.
11:09 - Someone in chat says "Dan, stop interrupting." and Dan mocks.
11:12 - Someone asks Dan how to tell their parents that they're dropping out and Phil says "Well I mean, Dan, that is your line of expertise." lmao sick burn
11:26 - A-Levels results day talk.
11:57 - Dan reads a comment saying that he's being annoying, Phil fusses at Dan for focusing on the negative comments.
14:03 - Talking about Phil's ebay box video.
15:38 - Phil has a phobia of cotton wool.
16:40 - Phil says he likes a bit of mystery, cute little smile on Dan's face.
17:21 - Dan's wearing a hat, Phil grabs his head and says it's bc of a haircut. Dan says he's just fluffy.
18:22 - Phil says he doesn't remember Dan being drunk in the Geoguessr video. (Dan was not. He just thinks the game is stupid.)
18:44 - Everything leads back to Swish Swish.
19:36 - Someone types Jeremy C in chat.
20:00 - Businessman Phil wants to do a song to the ditty memes tune, then realizes ditty memes probably has it copyrighted.
20:25 - Dan has had a shower.
20:30 - Phil wanted to have such a good shower before the liveshow.
21:08 - They recycle, do cool washes, and don't usually use the dryer. Environmentally friendly.
21:27 - Dream Daddy
21:52 - Dan watched the whole Dream Daddy like five times (obviously).
22:05 - Phil: Do your lips ever just taste salty for no reason?
22:38 - "Phil, bite your lip again."
23:06 - They congratulate someone on their 2 mo anniversary with girlfriend.
23:17 - Robot Unicorn Attack singing
24:12 - Impromptu 'what's in the box'
24:26 - Phil tells Dan keep everyone company.
24:33 - Dan is not allowed to do his diss track on Phil's liveshow bc of swears.
24:43 - Dan pretends not to know what the chapstick challenge is.
24:51 - He's making his next video "now."
25:31 - Item one: orange.
25:38 - Item two: microwave popcorn. (Which Dan knows better than his own family.)
26:15 - Item three: terrible dinosaur bottle opener that doesn't work
26:58 - Item four: Phil spraying Dan, and then being very proud that he got Dan with a prank.
27:43 - Fuck, Phil is super cute being all proud of pranking Dan.
28:07 - Phil talks about how bad he is at trying to scare Dan.
29:25 - Livestream gaming; they're trying to set it up. Dan says they've done some heavy procrastination. Phil says next week; Dan says Phil has to make the assets. (Dan: "January.")
30:52 - They haven't played Breath of the Wild; Dan is playing FF16.
31:15 - Dan reviews FF16.
32:12 - Thirty-five is not old.
34:18 - Phil is changing the way he uses his tumblr.
36:16 - Phil sassing Dan for not speaking coherently.
36:36 - Phil's emoji pjs.
37:07 - Phil is forced to admit that it was a vase.
37:28 - Dan explains why he interrupts Phil; he lets Phil start things but Phil leaves out details and doesn't set up stories.
39:19 - Phil sharing an opinion. (He didn't like Code... whatever the anime they just watched was.) Dan explains to us why Phil didn't like it (or the Star Wars prequels, or FF12): because Phil isn't about that politics stuff.
40:40 - Phil's uni advice.
41:12 - Phil's Star Wars charity shirt that Dan definitely bought for him since Dan knew more of the backstory of it than Phil seemed to.
46:39 - Phil makes a weird comment about curating fanfic.
47:36 - Dan reaching all around Phil to grab stuff.
47:45 - Dan spraying Phil. ("Japed back." But it was kind of a nice mist.)
48:28 - Phil's afternoon tea at the Shard was fancier than he intended.
48:41 - Dan comments on how southern Phil sounded when he said "The Shard."
49:05 - Dan: "Jock strap or onesie." Phil: "I wore both."
49:47 - British Boys Get Flirty Over Quinoa

Re: Joint liveshow - 17 Aug 2017 - PRANKING DAN WITH PLANT SPRAY

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2017 11:47 am
by mermaid blood
1.15 - 'get muffIN SIDE ME'. dan made an accidental (or freudian) penetration innuendo to a male barista, who did not appreciate it. apparently neither did phil:
phil: i walked away.
2.03 - dan had to pay for phil's cookie as a result (sugar daddy dan). reminder their finances are entwined... i see you, subtle public declaration of affection, i see you.
4.12 - (scolding phil) you don't bring the book, you don't retweet me, you don't like my reference to AWOL Nation that's really old...
5.30 - bit stumbly over where in the house they are right now
7.00 - (in a scottish accent) phil: danny! it's gonna be fine
9.00 - dan went for a walk with someone this week. 'i never say yes to social things and that's really bad'.
9.20 - phil: i thought you were going to grow a big beard, start wearing lots of plaid, and chop down trees in the woods...'
dan: who was it? you don't know them.
10.57 - dan smiles at phil's rant, 'big ben patrol.'
dan: (reading chat) dan stop interrupting! [makes noise] god, what a serious conversation.
11.40 - phil: the world is still your squirrel. i mean who wants an oyster, i'd prefer a squirrel right?
dan: to do what with? eat?!
phil: just to hang out with.
11.53 - (reading the chat) dan: dan is so annoying.
phil: - stop, why are you just focusing on those ones? read a nice one.
[dan reads out compliments]
phil: - there you go! see, don't give in to the haters.
13.30 - dan's friends thought he was going to have high GSCE results, he didnt want the pressure so he ran away to his car to open the envelope. Phil went with his mum.
15.35 - dan: you have a phobia of cotton wool
phil: other people's cotton wool!
16.02 - dan: orifices
16.25 - dan: watching you suffer was amazing. please do another one.
17.00 - dan: you're weird. why do you wipe them? and worship them? this is like, some very kinky stuff happening here...
phil: if you're gonna come into my country, you need to follow some of the traditions. you're a bad tourist.
17.18 - phil: he's actually shaved... [puts hand on back of dan's head, leaves it there] the back of his head off, [dan cracking up] and he's too scared to say.
17.30 - phil proposes a silly hypothetical for dan to answer about his hair, dan is delighted and grinning
18.20 - phil: some people were saying you were drunk in the Geogussr vid...i don't remember you being drunk?
18.43 - phil: swish swish bish.
[dan hides from embarrassment]
19.07 - phil: sings 'another rat in the basket', dan does his blushy adoring smile, then prissy face.
19.29 - both react dramatically to someone typing the Jeremy C ditty meme in the chat.
20.20 - dan: someone in chat said, show me that phussy. [extreme priss face]
20.30 - phil: i wanted to have such a good shower
dan: [struggles not to show emotion on his face]
22.02 - phil: do your lips ever just taste salty, for no reason?
dan: ....
22.20 - dan: (the muffin was) blueberry. i didn't even enjoy it.
phil: because of the shame?
dan: yeah. you know when you're dwelling emotionally on something that just happened... (explains)
well there we go, that guy thought i meant something else.
22.35 - dan: (high pitched mocking voice, reading from chat) phil, bite your lip again!
[phil does deliberately unattractive thing with his face]
phil: that's not how you wanted me to do it
dan: [struggles so hard to not break out in a grin, contorts prissy face lmao]
22.45 - phil: what does the DTT stand for?
dan: dan's tentacle time.
phil: temptation
dan: somehow, ruder than what I said...
23.03 - dan laughs at phil struggling to read out fan hannah and her girlfriend's anniversary... dann laughs
23.22 - phil starts singing a gaming song they also sung years ago on camera, dan joins in the harmony. cute.
25.55 - dan hearty laugh
27.00 - phil pranks dan by spraying him with water when his eyes were closed
27.35 - dan: 'pranking... my friend'
27.45 - big grins
28.08 - phil: i've been trying to scare dan, like when he comes out of the bathroom...
(describes two failed pranks on dan) (adorable)
29.30 - live gaming is hard to set up
30.00 - discuss their top Origin of Symmetry
phil: no, you're rubbish at favourites
30.54 - phil has been telling dan to play final fantasy number 15, finally he did
32.10 - phil: (reading from chat) I'm 35 next week, am i old? no.
dan: you know what's old? 70.
phil: 70 is old.
dan: and do you know what's not bad? being old. if you're not old, it's fine. (dan this makes no sense?)
phil: do you know what a wise person once said to me? you're only as old as you feel.
32.50 - phil tried to save a beetle, spider ate it.
33.20 - dan looks in the monitor and pulls his jumper back to cover up the exposed clavicle that's been out all show, sad. let us view your beautiful toffee sauce dip, daniel.
33.57 - dan: they'd land on a pigeon spike, and die.
phil: (sad) ohh. they can't impale themselves on the pigeon spike can they?
34.20 - phil wants to change the way he uses his tumblr. he's done reblogging cute animals and lakes.
he wants to reblog phan art.
35.35 - dan is (too) perfectionist over his tumblr
37.10 - dan makes phil explain why he used a vase to drink out of in his video
dan: this is why i interrupt phil.
38.47 - phil: no, you need to think outside the box dan.
41.02 - weirdly sexual discussion of fondling the orange
44.00 - phil disgusted by dan eating butter
45.50 - dan liked college (a levels)
46.37 - dan: skiing and fan fiction cross over club.
phil: i wish i'd joined that one. i would've been the curator of that
dan: (makes a face)
47.46 - dan pranks phil back by spraying him with the atomiser
48.30 - phil went to The Shard with a friend from new york
49.21 - dan wiggling back and forth cutely
49.50 - dan: i've got some quinoa.
phil: oh some quinoa, are you going to give me some quinoa?
dan: do you want some quinoa?
phil: cook me some quinoa.
(dan bashful grinning)