Russia - Moscow Vegas City Hall - 6th June

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hobbit hair
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Anyone going to this one?
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hobbit hair
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A few notes from the June 6th show:

This show was messier and more relaxed than 05.06, probably because Deps now knew what reaction to expect from this audience. They were giggly, banted more around the script and may have intentionally pressed a few innuendos to get maximum laughs, both Dan and Phil. Honestly, more stroking/touching jokes than I needed to hear that day.
The audience seemed a bit quieter today, idk why, possibly some people also went a second time, so there were less surprises for them. I definitely saw some people sat there starstruck just looking at the boys, not cheering much. Can't blame them. The cheering culture is interesting as well, I feel like here people are more used to clapping rather than screaming. Which Dan kind of acknowledged by asking, what are you clapping to.
Saw security confiscate phones from some people. Girls sat next to me definitely had a sneaky set up for taking pictures.

In the simulation, the audience 'chose' good endings, both for Dan and Phil, apparently, for the first time, according to Dan. It was weird though, I think it happened, because people cheered for the first option first time, got 'encouraged' by surprised Dan, and then continued to cheer for the first option every time. While choosing the second option leads to the predictable ending. I didn't mind either way, but the 'Dan enters polyamourous furry marriage' ending was a funny one and was referenced a few times throughout the show.
When Phil was prompted to persuade us that free wifi is bad, his argument was that if it's free, the fbi agent must be watching you. (And he referenced the meme, saying he sometimes does a dance for them.) When he mentioned this, Dan looked at him, like, are you sure you want to be saying this now. Definitely the thing with leaving their phones outside the country was on their minds.

I see better now how the narrative ties the whole show together, lol, it took me some time. Still, it feels like a bit of a preachy essay which wouldn't get a high mark in a writing class.
At both shows, Dan's naruto runs cracked me up. Small detail, but he looks so funny doing them, especially after trying to have a 'deep' conversation.
This is not news, but I now got to see this live, Dan seems to be more flexible and aware saying his lines and to have better comedic timing. He presses every joke he can, be it his lines or Phil's. Phil kind of lets Dan lead in most segments, waits before Dan is done milking the joke, only then moves on with the show. Phil plays off most jokes in a very rehearsed way. They made each other giggle a few times though, which was funny.

In conclusion, I enjoyed this show a little more than the one from the day before. Seeing them live was still a weird experience, I kept dissociating haha.
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Thank you so much for your review. I always love reading them.

I didn’t realise there was more than 2 different endings for the Dan simulator! The 2 I have seen both equal death so the 3rd one is also interesting. It’s a shame that if there are a lot of different endings we won’t get to see them all! I assumed it was just one ending 😂😂
:prideheart: :gayaf: :prideheart:
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hobbit hair
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Thank you for reading!

For the endings, nothing will live up to the disappointment of still not having the cake scene footage, will it. 😅
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