St Louis - Fox Theatre - 29th July

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Are you going to this date? Want to meet up with others? Here's the place to arrange it.

We want to hear all your reviews and opinions from this date. Seen a photo from the m&g you want to discuss, go ahead, we love a good discussion.

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- This forum is public, which means anyone can see information you post.
- If you are meeting up with others, please make sure you do this in a safe way. Make sure you know who you are meeting with beforehand, and do this in an open, safe place. Perhaps even Skype before to ensure your safety.
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Enjoy :)
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Yay! I've got VIP row 3 center. Anybody out there?
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KatjaZoe wrote: Mon Jul 30, 2018 9:22 am So i went to the St. Louis show tonight and i just wanted to write a little bit about it for posterity <3

I was a little nervous before going because A. i was afraid it would be kinda cringe and B. i had seen some people say that had like a weird negative feeling in the aftermath of seeing them live (like a disconnect after seeing them irl and then just going back to videos i think?). But my experience tonight was so amazing -- the show was not cringe at all despite being super branding heavy (so many cereal / dead house plant references omg) it was still really funny and had me genuinely cracking up through the whole thing. Also, seeing them in person for the first time was definitely an experience -- like when they first walked out on stage i think my brain broke a little bit actually seeing them in front of me. But luckily i don't feel that disconnect feeling afterwards, honestly if anything i feel more connected to them than ever? It was honestly such an amazing night and i'm so happy i was able to go.

A few things that stood out to me (which may be repeats of things from other shows i'm not sure sorry)

1.Phil saying "oh hellooo there" when shirtless ripped satan came on screen during the simulation segment. Pair that with the Hamburger comment from today's gaming video and yes it would seem Phil definitely feels some type of way about boys with abs :lol:

2. Phil kept reading things wrong all night and Dan kept giving him shit for it. At one point during suggestions for "what would dan and phil call their fragrance" phil read out "shook no. 9" instead of "shook no. 5" and Dan just stopped everything and silently gave him and exasperated look until he realized how he had messed up

3. They confirmed they would be doing spooky week this year, but that they can't confirm they'll do every day ("maybe we'll only make it through the first 3 days then we'll die") but they said the same thing about gamingmas last year and still ended up doing every day so :shrug:

4. When they were explaining the Dan's Secret Box section Phil said to make sure the audience suggestions were "something that would be acceptable to go on the amazingphil channel". Was this a thing before or did they add that in after people kept saying battery operated boyfriends and wank socks?

5. Phil had to say why koalas were bad, which he said would be because he could get chlamydia from holding them and then people would say that he didn't #rubberupfordan (i honestly think he just meant it as a reference but people in the audience definitely reacted to it as a phan innuendo and he looked pretty flustered for a second)
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I feel like such a dummy for not tracking this down earlier!! I absolutely wanted to meet some Idb peeps!

Bless that diss track. Bless #rubberupfordan. Bless every single selfroast (and some phandom roasts, tbh).
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Since no audio for the show has appeared yet, I thought I'd post this compilation of tweets and Tumblr posts for those of us who will want to reminisce in the future.

Overview of All Audience Submitted Content
St Louis July 29th
See anything wrong/missing? Please let us know!

Please click ‘read more’ to view the details from the show! It WILL contain spoilers from the show!

‘Props’/Opening of the Show
Starts with what they are not going to do
Mentions ‘erotic role play’
Dan as a criminal, Phil as a policeman, voiceover of implied smut
Dan and Phil ‘strip’

Truth Bombs
Dan: what job would they have if youtube didn’t exist?
A: professional sleeper, tootsie roll factory janitor (winner), sad lawyer.
Phil: what imaginary sport would they get a medal in?
A: Cereal stealing, speed hamster breeding (winner), most plants killed
D&P: if they released a fragrance what would it be called?
A: Eua de Dil (melons and apples), salty tears (winner), shook no.5
Ball & Mystery Box

Phil threw a ball into the audience to guess what was ‘inside’ the mystery box
cereal, fursuit, dead plants

Dan VS Phil
Psychic Connections - iconic vines ( Dan said I smell like beef, and Phil said the guacamole song)
Phantastic Phacts
This part has been removed from the show.
Dan, Phil, or a Rat?
Picture: Phil (Phil got it wrong, he guessed Dan)
Picture: Rat (Dan got it wrong, he guessed Dan)
D&P Dilemma
For Phil: Dan has to perform the next show naked unless Phil gives Dan clothes to wear while Phil had to wear the cheese costumer. Phil said okay.
For Dan: Kinky kidnappers took Phil, but Dan had to tweet his browsing history. Dan said no.
Friendship Test loser - Dan ( 27 - 25, Phil is in the lead)

Wheel of Doom
Dan was sacrificed.

Good VS Evil
Dan - burning down an orphanage, dentists, rawr XD
Phil - heaven, fluffy koalas, flower crowns

Getting Deep
Q: What’s your favorite season & would spooky week be happening this year?
A: Phil said winter because he likes to be warm and cozy. Dan said Halloween and they debated as to whether or not Halloween was a season. Phil said he wants to spend a Halloween in America because we go all out. They also confirmed spooky week would be happening this year!
Q: How to rebrand myself?
A: Be truthful because it’s gonna take a while
Q: How to make a huge change in your life?
A: Dan said to take small steps and that it might be hard if you’re still at home or at school. He said to be patient and try not to expect it to immediately happen.

Golden II Awards
They wore glitter suits
Give fandom awards to the audience

Phil’s Diss Track
Lyrics to Phil’s Diss Track (fan cited/not official)

Dan on Piano
Dan plays a song on the piano
Has to do with him and Phil’s origin story
Phil interrupts by returning to his diss track momentarily
Lyrics to this part of the show (fan cited/not official)

Interactive Introverts Duet
Dan and Phil sing a duet with Dan playing the piano
About how they’re ‘Interactive Introverts’
Lyrics to this part of the show (fan cited/not official)

Audience was named Monica!
They pronounced ‘St. Louis’ correctly about twice during the course of the show. They pronounced it mostly like ‘St. Lou-EE’
Phil brought up ‘#rubberupfordan’
*Current pre-show/intermission playlist*

Thank you to Ethan (he/him) (@/punkflowerboi), grace (she/her) (@/surfdoggg), Mal (she/they) (@/teethpastess), and Shay (she/her) (@/shanbricykine) for your submission!
Highlights from Interactive Introverts St. Louis
Interactive Introverts St. Louis!!!
Spoilers if you haven’t seen the show yet! Here are some of the highlights of my incredible night:
  • Right when we walked in, there was so much energy from the crowd and you could tell that everyone (except for maybe the parents) was just so happy to be there
  • No surprise, everyone lost it whenever an emo song played before the show. Nothing like collectively shouting along to Welcome to the Black Parade while people wave their phone lights
  • Dan and Phil complimented our theatre and Phil said every building should look like it, to which Dan raised the point of public bathrooms.
  • The simulation aspect was hilarious, I gave a valiant effort to treat them kindly, but naturally Phil still went to hell and Dan “died how he lived, a degenerate”.
  • They kept gently shaming us for yelling for satan and liking danandphilcrafts
  • Dan made fun of Phil for never exercising and they decided that he’d win at “speed hamster breeding” as a sport. Phil did a questionable hand motion for it and everything.
  • Phil dropped the Balls of Mystery when bringing them out, and Dan was like, “Sorry Phil just dropped his balls all over the stage guys”
  • Then later when they were being passed back up out of the audience, he actually managed to catch all three
  • Phil just. couldn’t read. First he read someone’s name wrong, and then one second later read 5 as nine, and Dan like, leaned over to make a face at him until he realized. Then during the awards he read hope as think or something like that, and Dan roasted him mercilessly for not being able to read with an “english language degree”
  • Dan was on the wheel of death and Phil hit him in the leg close to his crotch with the bow and arrow.
  • Dan then said penis on stage.
  • Everybody screamed a ton when he bent over to take off his raincoat thing, he shamed us and moved behind a part of the set, people still screamed.
  • I’ve never seen so many people yell happily about math or pie graphs, and Dan dabbed vigorously when announcing them
  • Dan lost the friendship test thing, but they’re now officially tied on the overall leader board
  • When getting shocked he said “bloody poop” and then laughed at himself for it
  • Phil is literally just impossibly white
  • On a related note, Dan said, on Phil actually getting any vitamin D, “the D he craves”
  • I think the part where they just sat down and talked was my favorite, since it really and truly felt personal, and they were both more relaxed and it was really calming
  • Phil’s favorite season is winter because he likes being cozy and he said he’d like to spend a Halloween in America because we get really into it, and Dan’s favorite is fall
  • Dan gave some really good advice about trying to get to who you want to be, and that even if you can’t make huge changes immediately that growth is a process and that you’ll get there eventually by starting with small changes like a fringe to a quiff.
  • Everyone in the entire theatre went buckwild when Phil started his disstrack, and then lost it a second time when Dan started to play the piano and sing
  • The interactive introverts song is so catchy!!!
  • The way Phil holds himself is something I really like, which sounds weird, but his funny walk up onto the platform at one point just made my heart melt, not to mention when he sat on the edge of the piano.
  • Afterwards, my friend’s mom who was picking us up asked why everyone kept talking about chlamydia
    I screamed myself raw and will not be able to talk for a week, but it was so worth it.
Overall, I really, really loved the show, and in a way the tone felt like a slightly more mature, more relaxed version of TATINOF (with lots of other differences of course) and I think it really captured how both the audience and Dan and Phil have grown. They did a fantastic job of connecting with us, and it truly felt like a genuine effort and like they cared, and not something shallow. I can’t possibly explain the feeling of being in a space with so, so many people who are all incredibly excited about the same thing you are, all sharing so much joy. The environment was truly so incredibly positive, and I could give one compliment and get three back, and that says a lot about the audience, I think. Seriously, at least nine people told me they liked my Thor shirt that says “let’s go lesbians”, including one person taking a picture so they could buy it later, which again probably says something about the audience. It was just such a magical experience and I am so thankful to these two men who put in so much effort and time just to do something wonderful for us, and I can never be thankful enough.
Interactive Introverts St. Louis

- Dan was EMPHATIC when saying his opening line of ‘Giving the people what they want, Phil!’ Like he was waving his arms to add the extra oomph and everything

- Diss track + piano playing was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen

- I told my dad earlier in the day that I bet they would make a joke about the St. Louis weather being like England. LO AND BEHOLD one of the first things they said on stage was that the weather made them feel at home because it was just like British weather (bonus: Dan said it mirrored the inside of his soul)

- We were called Monica

- Dan was on the wheel, got hit only once, and was inordinately angry about it

- At one point Dan yelled 'Do you people have security cameras in my room?’ I responded with yes and he said something like 'who just yelled yes?!’ I’m not sure if he was actually responding to me but until I die I choose to believe that he was

- I didn’t hear about half the disstrack because the bass was bo o m i n g but Phil was very emphatic and looked very intense so it was still Good

- Dan had a couple of mini emotional breakdowns on stage and I got to witness the (what do we call it? The goblin laugh?) when he’s laughing so hard that it comes out like WHA-HA-HAT? I got to witness that. #BLESSED

- Seeing Dan so excited about statistics was a Pure Moment (even if he did dab)

- I talked to three different people in line, which is pretty much the only socialization I’ve had this year

- Hey if any of those people are reading this PLEASE message or follow me, I’d love to talk to you!

- The merch line was SO LONG it went throughout the entire lobby, doubled back multiple times, and then all the way into the theater, up to the stage!

- I got yelled at for standing on a chair to take a selfie with the stage afterwards oops

- This sounds so stupid but,,, they’re REAL. Like they really exist, and they’re BEAUTIFUL

- Before the 'personal’ part of the show, Dan said something like 'as much as we’d like to have eight hour conversations with all of you, that sadly isn’t possible’ and like?? That boy just said that he and Phil would love to have deep conversation with all of us?? How sweet is that

- And they were so sweet and thanked us all at the end in the song like 'we love you just as much as you seem to love us’ and they thanked us right before they went off stage

- I have massive fear of crowds/people and the theater was the most crowded place I’ve ever occupied, but I felt so much peace there

- Shoutout to the people I crossed the street with, one of whom was surprised to find that I’d seen her meet and greet photo from two years ago

- Shoutout to the curly haired girl next to me in line who was panicking and joking about dying with me (along with being amazed that my friend had driven sixteen hours to be here)

- Final shoutout to the two girls in the merch line with me during intermission, who were suprised to find out that I was 20 (and laughed at my stupid joke about how looking like I’m 14 is 'unfortunate’ ty ly bbs)

- Seriously though if any of y'all are reading this p l e a s e contact me!

- The ladydoor references were kept to a minimum which as an asexual I Appreciated

- I was promised that The Internet Is Here was on the preshow playlist, I never heard it, and frankly I’m offended since that was the only song on the whole playlist that I know the lyrics to

- That being said, hearing the entire theater singing Welcome to the Black Parade gave me feelings I didn’t know I had for a time I didn’t experience

- There is more and I will probably write about it at a later date but for now it’s 3:30 am and a girl who loves sleep more than life itself (me) is still awake because she had to drive five hours home from seeing Dan and Phil

- (i hope you two feel special)

#interactive introverts #interactive introverts st louis #someone made this #Dan and Phil
Highlights of ii St Louis
  • The theatre reminded them of Arabian nights so Dan started singing a whole new world
  • Phil’s balls dropped on stage
  • We’re all evil people who cheered for Satan and death
  • Dan got stuck whilst stripping
  • Everyone was singing ladydoor
  • Dan was V Disappointed ™️ in the audience the whole night while Phil was getting a kick out of it
  • Phil joked about Dan sleeping through a car crashing into the bus
  • We had the highest percentage of audience participation so far
  • Phil was literally two inches from hitting Dan in the dick again
  • Dan had to prove why burning down an orphanage was good
  • Phil had to prove why heaven was bad
  • There were definitely some tears from someone (cough my friend sitting next to me) during the song
  • I’m not sure if I can think of anymore at the moment I’m a bit exhausted so I’ll update it if I think of any more
Interactive Introverts
Words cannot describe how amazing of a time I had last night at II!! It was such an maazing experience and I’m still so happy from it! It was the first time I’ve ever been in even the same building as Dan and Phil so I was stoked from just that but overall the show blew my expectations out of the water!

- That setlist tho 👀👌

- I was so damn close! Seat D4!

- Dan tried to start the show by singing A Whole New World but Phil shut it down

- The merch line was CRAZY long! I waited there for an hour (next to some awesome people) and by the time I reached the front, got my stuff, and made it back to my seat, there were literally mere seconds before it started

- Our audience was called Monica

- Dan dabbed for statistics

- Lady Door, Phan, Wholesome Howell, Satan, Scrape me daddy, rubber up for Dan, Sim dads, Danny Boy, Dan Is Not On Fire, Shrek and Donkey pole dancing. Were all things mentioned

- Phil dropped his balls on stage


- Phil liked the look of the Fox and said every building should look like it

- Poor baby Phil couldn’t read anything! He read several people’s names wrong and he read a 5 as a 9

- They didn’t know how to pronounce the city name 😂

- That Q&A was so chill and nice??!

The whole vibe of everyone there was just so pleasant. I’ve never been to a show by myself before and I was super nervous but as soon as I got there it melted away. Everyone there was so kind and loving and accepting. It’s the first place I’ve felt home in a long time ❤

Thank you @danielhowell and @amazingphil for such an amazing experience. We’d love to have you back again sometime!
Ok y’all fasten your seatbelts it’s time for my St. Louis #iispoilers thread

-it was rainy as heck
-they picked my mom to be a “bored parent” (she was Susan lol) which is funny cause she’s a stannie
-when it was my turn to meet them I was hugging Phil before I even got the change to look at him lmao

-I forgot everything I wanted to say so I just said “your so tall,” to which dan goes “I’m sorry.”
-I literally don’t think phil said anything lmao
-my mom said more to them than I did which was fun
-dan said thank you again to me after my mom

-the merch line moves fast as fuck so you really don’t need to be worried about that
-the audience was so calm until a few select songs came on
-everybody got their phone flashlights out during black parade and I almost cried

-dan said the weather was very British
-Phil’s cheekbones can cut a bitch
-dan’s dimples and cheesy ass smile are the cutest thing I’ve ever seen
-Phil’s genuine smile literally filled my soul wHY DOESNT HE SMILE WITH TEETH IN PHOTOS

-I’m giving up on chronological order again lmao
-at one point dan said “that’s the tea” and Phil laughed really hard
-dan went on a long tangent about eating chips in the sofa crease and doing that thing where you lick them out of the bowl

-dan had to make burning down an orphanage good and Phil was DYING he’s so precious
-dan said the orphans were canibalistic serial killers
-phil had to make heaven bad. It has no WiFi.

-dan phil or a rat used some of the same photos those fucking liars
-they had to say an iconic vine at the same time. Dan said “i smell like beef” and Phil said “guacamole”
-phil said “your mum smells like beef” which made dan laugh

-phil misread the name “Myka” as “maya” and dan mocked him
-phil then misread their scent “shook no. 5” as “shook no. 9”
-the slingshot got nowhere even close to the wheel. phil redid it.
-then in the q&a phil messed up reading a bunch again

-Something to be aware of if you have vip: there probably isn’t time for dinner between the m&g and show so either eat before or after
-the ushers were really confused
-I got a piece of the paper from dan’s box. The letter d. I got the d.

-they spent “pounds AND dollars”
-after the m&g when people came out crying the people waiting in line clapped for them idk
-everybody in vip was really fucking pretty I’m gay
-people made friends during intermission but I was too awkward lol

-I didn’t get the ball but if I did I was gonna say “nick Jonas” cause he made a reference to #dick in Milwaukee
-the people that said hi to my mom after the show restore my faith in humanity
-once again nobody was straight

-dan made a hand heart at the end
-their eyes were shining in the lights
-the joke about dropping ice on us still wasn’t funny lmao
-less furry jokes than Milwaukee
-phil said he would upload his soul to the sims

-the bow and arrow was sticking out of the trunk but dan didn’t notice and SLAMMED the trunk shut and I’m surprised the bow didn’t break
-dan gave some actually good advice about why regrets are a good thing
-phil likes winter, dan likes fall

-the theater served alcohol so everybody who was old enough got beer which was kinda weird
-dan dabbed a lot
-phil looked so confident up there I’m a proud mum
-you can literally see straight through dan’s shirt

-phil had to make flower crowns bad so he said they attract bees which will go up your nose and sting your brain lmao
-I feel like the boys were a lot more genuine in St. Louis than Milwaukee idk it could be because I was closer

-dan said he used to just do what vids got views but now he looks in the mirror and goes “hOw CaN I bEsT eXpReSs MySeLf”
-when they come on and off the stage they’re on a slidey platform looking straight down

-while they were moving the trunk onstage phil made eye contact with dan and laughed about something it was so cute
-the staring contest bit literally lasted 0.001 seconds. Dan lost but he had his eyes open for less time than ppl take to blink

Ok that’s all I just love them so fuckin much

#iispoilers sike i thought of more
-dan had to make the dentist good. “a little bit of pain isn’t always a bad think, you know what i’m saying? *wink*”
-phil would give dan his clothes if dan didn’t have any even if phil would do a show in the cheese suit
highlights of #interactiveintroverts st louis !!
- flap
- phil called dan danny and danny boy
- “ thats the dan i know “
- literally started with them singing “ a whole new world “
- a debate of how to say st. louis
- #rubberupfordan

- everyone started cheering when dan started taking off the suit and phil said “ youre very distracting right now dan “ then proceeded to stare intently as dan undressed
- phil also called dan curly boi
- the return of “ phil trash #1 “

- dan yelled at phil and said he almost lost his penis
- “ okok im shaming ALL of you right now. especially you recording on your iphone right there “
- dan was hella giggly and kept lauging loud
- dan: “ phils balls just dropped “
- both dip and pip were pouty n cute bastards

- phils laugh >>>
- phil almost tripped hes so fucking cute
- they called us monica
- siri “ sam louise “
- satan >>
- “ scrape me daddy “
- dans dentist kink
- fifty shades of grey
- rawr xD = dans regret

- “ a little pain is good sometimes “
- a LOT of suggestive eye contact
- phil wanted us to get deeper in monica
- dan got deep
- dan also burnt down an orphanage
- phil kept stroking things

- dan also said he felt like home bc it was so rainy and similar to english weather
- dan said “ i’d do anything for you phil “ and EVERYONE AWED AND THEY GOT SO SMILEY
- “ i honestly feel so at home right now “ then they blamed the weather on dans soul

- dan was going off about how he looks good in lipstick
- phil kept saying “ yeah “ in a rlly deep, sensual voice and everyone including dan freaked out and got flustered

Video of Dan saying "a little bit of pain can be a good thing" and "Scrape me, Daddy," referenced in the highlights above.
During the "Wholesome Howell and X-Rated Lester" segment, Dan had to convince us that dentists are good. He started off by asking the audience who didn't like or was afraid of the dentist. Then, I think he pretty much went into what's included in the video.
D: ...and a little bit of pain can be a good thing. You know what I'm saying? [audience screams] And so... And so, the next time you're there, you need to think less "Ouch" and more like, "Scrape me, Daddy."
P: Stop!
D: You know what I'm saying? [Last sentence inaudible due to audience screams. Maybe, "It could hurt."]
P: No! No, that is not a good thing.
Video of Dan calling someone out for filming, as referenced in the highlights above. In fact, this video was taken by the person he shamed.
D: I'm shaming all of you now, especially you holding the iPhone.
Last edited by lefthandedism on Thu Aug 02, 2018 3:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: fixed tumblr embeds
You're being beamed up by aggressive aliens and they're plugging in the anal probe
"Oh, God. Okay. I say: *shrug* [...] I'd be like, 'I don't know how this works. Put a condom on that thing. *shrug*'"
Dan Howell, 5/10/18 Try new things..?
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And now for my own recollections and opinions! I'm just listing the parts of the show where I have something to say, so this isn't meant to be comprehensive. I went to the Rosemont show before this one, and I have to say that I enjoyed this one way more. As you can see from the highlights above, this show was pretty spicy. I thought the Rosemont show was pretty mild, and I was honestly a little underwhelmed. I'm glad I had the opportunity to go to this show to change my mind!

Intro Banter
Part of the intro banter was about the weather. It was rainy and gray, and they said it reminded them of home. They blamed the weather on Dan's soul.

They said they asked Siri how to say St. Louis, and she said "San Loo-ee." (They were saying it correctly throughout the intro bants and the rest of the show, by my recollection.)

They also talked about how cool the theatre was. It had a sort of Arabian theme, which Dan said made them think of Aladdin. Dan sang the line "a whole new world" in his falsetto as Jasmine. Phil said something like no one wanted to see that and that they should move on.

Truth Bombs
Dan's Question: What job would they have if YouTube didn’t exist?
Dan said he picked the winner (tootsie roll factory winner) because it was so specific.

Phil's Question: What imaginary sport would they get a medal in?
Dan made a joke about how Phil doesn't do sports.
When the winner (speed hamster breeding) was read, Phil acted out hamsters jumping over obstacles with his hands, saying somehow this was involved. Dan imitated him incredulously (including banging his hands together to indicate sex, which Phil hadn't done), but he said that Phil was the expert.

Joint Dan and Phil Question: If they released a fragrance what would it be called?
The first answer was Eua de Dil (melons and apples). The second answer was "Salty Tears." Dan made a joke about just having to squeeze their faces into a bottle. The third answer was "Shook No. 5," which Phil read as "Shook No. 9." As noted in other posts, this was one of many times that Phil had trouble reading that night. Twice during the show Dan brought up Phil's reading issues out of the blue and made a joke about it. I thought it was really funny!

Much to my chagrin, the audience chose the endings where Phil goes to hell and Dan dies. :roll:

What’s your favourite video series?
For the best series, it was basically a five-way tie, but DanAndPhilCRAFTS won.
As you can see in the video in the post above, Dan said he was judging all of us for DanAndPhilCRAFTS winning, and then he called out someone who was filming the show and pointed at them. Where I was sitting, there were audible gasps, and I thought to myself, "Damn[, Daniel]!"

What should Dan and Phil give the people?
More people said Dan and Phil should give the people what they wanted, which was disappointing to me.

Who's on the wheel?
Dan was on the wheel. The slingshot shot missed the wheel entirely, so Phil took a second shot and hit the wheel but missed Dan. The shot from the bow and arrow hit Dan on his leg near his crotch. Dan made a joke about them maybe not being friends anymore if the shot had hit him six inches to the left. The shot from the gun hit the wheel but missed Dan. After he got off the wheel, Dan made a joke about how he almost lost his penis.

Wholesome Howell and X-Rated Lester
Dan had to say why burning down an orphanage would be a good thing. He went with something like it would be a good thing if all the babies would've turned out to be bad people. The whole time he was talking, Phil looked horrified, and he kept trying to interrupt, saying "No!" While Dan was talking, I kept thinking, "I can't believe he's actually saying this!"

Friendship Test
Dan, Phil, or a Rat
For one of the photos, it was zoomed in on a really light portion of the image. They said that it was probably too light to be Phil, but then it turned out to be Phil's forehead in some bright sunlight. Something was said about Phil needing vitamin D. Dan sort of giggled to himself and said that he had decided not to make a joke about this being the D Phil craves.

Dan and Phil Dilemmas
Phil's Dilemma: Dan has to perform the next show naked unless Phil gives Dan clothes to wear while Phil had to wear the cheese costumer.
Phil agreed to wear the cheese costume because he said the other option is illegal.

Dan's Dilemma: Kinky kidnappers took Phil, but Dan had to tweet his browsing history.
Dan started off by saying that they needed to establish how kinky these kidnappers were.
Phil said he didn't want his feet to be tickled.
Dan said releasing his browsing history would ruin his life, so he refused to save Phil.

Dan lost the friendship test and was shocked. The overall count of who won the friendship tests at each show was then tied. Dan said this was exciting for Phil because he'd been trailing for a long time.

Grand Finale
I loved Phil's diss track, but in no way does it compare to Dan playing the piano and them singing a duet. I love touchy-feely things most, and that song is perfect. This was by far my favorite part of both shows I saw, and I want them to post a music video, lol.
You're being beamed up by aggressive aliens and they're plugging in the anal probe
"Oh, God. Okay. I say: *shrug* [...] I'd be like, 'I don't know how this works. Put a condom on that thing. *shrug*'"
Dan Howell, 5/10/18 Try new things..?
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Wow, @itasca00, these posts are amazing! :stan: Thanks for all the work you put into them--I almost feel as though I was there. :ribena:

I only wish we had such extensive documentation for every show! :wink:
"If you're left-handed, ask a friend."
"Why am I left-handed?"
"Everybody makes mistakes."
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More details on another fun moment that was referenced in the highlights above.
KatjaZoe wrote: Sat Aug 04, 2018 9:14 pm
alittledizzy wrote: Sat Aug 04, 2018 6:32 pm
ratlad wrote: Sat Aug 04, 2018 6:28 pm just checked the transcripts page, someone got the audio for the Milwaukee show?? it's coming soon????? my day just got better, heard a lot of good stuff about it.
was it the sims dad one? i hope so,,,
Yup Milwaukee is coming! Someone sent me audio a few days ago. I’m on my way to see II again today so I’m out of commission for transcriptions til Monday but I’ve got a couple people helping me out (true heroes, including you autumn!) so the backlog of transcripts I’ve got piled up will start going up soon!

Actually not sure if the sims dad moment was Milwaukee or St Louis though. No one sent audio for St Louis.
Sims dad was st louis. i wish i would have known that no one would be recording the audio bc i definitely would have done it :(

but if it helps that comment was made at the beginning of the simulation section (the part where the audience chooses different options with satan for phil and furries for dan) and dan said something about how much easier/better (? something along those lines its been like a week) his life would be if he and phil could just live in the sims universe and be dils dads.
You're being beamed up by aggressive aliens and they're plugging in the anal probe
"Oh, God. Okay. I say: *shrug* [...] I'd be like, 'I don't know how this works. Put a condom on that thing. *shrug*'"
Dan Howell, 5/10/18 Try new things..?
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@itasca00 omg bless you for putting this together!! i hadn't checked back here since no one recorded the audio but i'm glad i'll have a way to look back and reminisce now <3 :ribena:
itasca00 wrote: Thu Aug 02, 2018 10:13 am Video of Dan saying "a little bit of pain can be a good thing" and "Scrape me, Daddy," referenced in the highlights above.
During the "Wholesome Howell and X-Rated Lester" segment, Dan had to convince us that dentists are good. He started off by asking the audience who didn't like or was afraid of the dentist. Then, I think he pretty much went into what's included in the video.
D: ...and a little bit of pain can be a good thing. You know what I'm saying? [audience screams] And so... And so, the next time you're there, you need to think less "Ouch" and more like, "Scrape me, Daddy."
P: Stop!
D: You know what I'm saying? [Last sentence inaudible due to audience screams. Maybe, "It could hurt."]
P: No! No, that is not a good thing.
omg this was one of my favorite parts of the show. i was so shook by the way dan says "a little bit of pain can be a good thing, ya know what i'm sayin" and i'm so happy there's video of it!!! :tu:
"He's the guy with his flesh on show. What a hoe.
That's. Our. Dan."
:dogue: :dogue: :dogue:
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@lefthandedism @KatjaZoe I'm happy I could be of service. :D

@KatjaZoe I was also super surprised and pleased by the existence and availability of both videos! Two highlights of the show, for sure!
You're being beamed up by aggressive aliens and they're plugging in the anal probe
"Oh, God. Okay. I say: *shrug* [...] I'd be like, 'I don't know how this works. Put a condom on that thing. *shrug*'"
Dan Howell, 5/10/18 Try new things..?
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Idk if this is the correct place to put this, but this was the show I attended and hoped to receive a reply or pm here for my best friend and I attended both II and Tatinof...and we were considering making a little 3-part youtube.."series" on my goofy little newbie yt channel to compare the two shows and kind of share our experiences/feelings about them; is there a specific page to post things like that or should I share a link back here or should we just not make it and instead do a giant essay on tumblr?

Alternatively, if this is a garbage comment, feel free to just delete it? And then pm me on the proper steps to take. I have done a terrible job of keeping up with idb after changing jobs two years ago.
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Neon_Apple wrote: Mon Aug 06, 2018 1:26 pm Idk if this is the correct place to put this, but this was the show I attended and hoped to receive a reply or pm here for my best friend and I attended both II and Tatinof...and we were considering making a little 3-part youtube.."series" on my goofy little newbie yt channel to compare the two shows and kind of share our experiences/feelings about them; is there a specific page to post things like that or should I share a link back here or should we just not make it and instead do a giant essay on tumblr?

Alternatively, if this is a garbage comment, feel free to just delete it? And then pm me on the proper steps to take. I have done a terrible job of keeping up with idb after changing jobs two years ago.
Oh wow, that sounds really cool! You can share it in this thread for sure, but you're also welcome to put it in the main thread! Or both tbh, you can put it both places - these threads are good for archiving but most conversation takes place in the main thread.
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Thank you sooooooo much for your posts, @itasca00!
Absolutely fantastic!!!
:stan: :tu: :respekt2:
smol bean
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Sweet, I will keep this in mind and hopefully have something within a month or so!

I will note that my friend and I often share the same opinions as many on this site where we may be a bit critical of the boys, but we definitely appreciate the content they give us.

It will not be just a bitchfest or 100% praise. Hopefully some good roasts will work thwir way in too 😜
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