Dan & Phil Part 60: Lady Door Tour

Our two favourite full time internet nerds who never go outside!
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Not to get too saccharine but like do you ever just get hit with a realization as to how much these two mean to you and how much you love them?

Like PINOF 9 genuinely turned a really shitty day for me into a good one. Idk. They're good eggs.

Edit: meaningless emo post at the top of the page rip
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Being my first pinof after watching them for almost a year, that was so satisfying and such a different experience to watching the old ones. Like all the references and growth and that’s just them now... their mannerisms change over time and that was just very nearing the end of 2017 Dan and Phil.

Of course there was re-branding mentions and teasing. Phil calling him Dani Snot on Fire or some variation and Dan addressing the “Phil-iel Howell” thing (safer than saying Phil Howell) and an immediate NO! to that and the hair straightening.

I liked the creative use of the bed and angles, Phil being under the covers in one shot and meditating in the next, Dan doing crow pose for his dad and striking many poses in the cheese costume that he actually somehow looked good in with the ripped jeans and the arms... both of their arms... like I don’t think you need to take your shirts off to wear it, but ok. Arm wrestling and tattoos (with soft cat face drawing game music) and a tie tying tie.

There was no singing... was there? I kinda missed that. No cuddle jumper, though I wonder if that will make the blooper cut, or if they just didn’t choose any of those suggestions. Also surprised that “anal” wasn’t saved for that version. I’m expecting more excerpts from Phil’s Ribena butt thing.

Seeing them sat in the gaming room with their whiskers was a bit surreal. I feel like it was strategic to have the closet question done in there. But that’s fair. I liked Phil in Dan’s tunic, though the ripped jeans were too big for his leaner thighs. Liked that look with the whiskers, good contrasts and my son dresses up similarly. We’ve never seen that red Steven Universe button up on Phil have we? I didn’t really like it on Dan, sorry. Dan made a good Jughead though.

I liked the jumpscare element thrown in, and that Phil went all soft and natural with a tech issue to trick Dan. Loved them exposing each other through pics. That was a much more satisfying version of scrolling to a random photo on your own phone. Dan’s vacation pose. Damn. I hope Phil’s answer of “quiff” bodes well for the future. It looked a little silver underneath, but it was probably just the lighting.

The Truth Bombs question was good. Good internal spon. Them trying to convince the mom to come to II was cute, especially as Dan’s voice got more meek at the end. Glad there wasn’t a merch spon on top of the tour. After all Phil’s last video was the calendar.

Overall I thoroughly enjoyed it, I appreciated the editing, they made it work in the room, with one physical challenge taking place on the stairs and I just really love them.
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Their faces were so close throughout all of this. They were so smiley the entire time at each other, they were both having so much fun. It's such a shock to watch old videos, even pinofs, and the way they behaved back then is just so weird compared to now. It seems so faked and contrived. We have it so good, don't let anybody forget that. They both seem so happy and natural now.

This video was amazing. I decided to make timestamps for the first time in a while. If you want to waste some time, here you go:
General Thoughts:
Dan’s jumper material looks really uncomfortable, I doubt it absorbs sweat well. Sweat just gathers on the skin beneath the material and it gets hot and sticky and smells bad.

Dan looks like he’s had a fresh haircut, he’s looking great.

PHIL!!! Break out star! Can he get a BONCAS award just for this video?

Actual Timestamps:
@00.05 the guitar strum as Dan fails to take off the marker lid, then continuing into a little tune here was slick, I was wrong to ever doubt editor!Phil
@01.25 Phil’s hair looks so grey underneath the black lmao maybe he’s going grey and we didn’t realize ~it’s just faded I know and is his brown hair but still~
@01.58 Dan’s face at the gooses vs geeses thing is incredible, why isn’t this a meme already?
@02.06 was it a coincidence that Phil was doing a crab position before the crab question, or is it just not chronological? You decide. I choose psychic!Phil deciding to contort his body to do weird things as he feels to predict the future.
@02.23 I was sort of expecting Dan to hop in beside Phil in the bed by the next shot :philtrash:
@04.45 chest hair
@03.01 Phil serving Exorcist realness
@03.31 chest hair
@03:59 vasegate comes full circle!! Also Phil’s voice
@04:09 while it was technically at the same time, Phil was just a lil bit faster and dropped his hands sooner, just saying
@04:16 this whole sequence is gold for editor!phil the zoom ins, the music, perfect execution particular at 04.22 I lost my shit at Danhead scoffing in that small moment
@04:32 cute boy sitting, staring into space, contemplating life
@05:08 Dan is so cute here wtf being a sassy merman, “hey there, seaman…wannna…inspect my gills is the flirtiest thing I’ve ever seen them do, funny seeing Phil go very anti-phan with the “Nooo….”
@05:30 Do you ever see a man so beautiful you start crying?
@06:33 Dan is so cute here in this pose! The cheese! The ripped jeans! Can someone draw him like this, it just looks so ironic, like a classic painted portrait of some young damsel or something.
@07:28 it’s funny, the jeans are a little loose on Phil
@07:48 Phil doing the leg thing and doing ”Heyyy…” is unreasonably sexual
@08:24 Phil choosing cat face drawing video music to go over this is the most phan shippy thing he’s ever done, and it’s so subtle that I wouldn’t have noticed it until someone pointed it out
@08:50 Dan drawing his own face on Phil’s arm is the most extra thing I’ve ever seen him do, you can tell by his face that he’s being a little brat but jesus lmao
@09:05 Jesus Christ. Phil’s Ass. Did not expect that.

The rest of the video is spon, who cares, lmao I’m done. See you guys next year. I see them mentioning tour dates that weren’t confirmed? So are they being dodgy or is that them confirming them? Who’s even reading this part, whatever.

Bye, for like another two weeks.
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My favourite PINOF by far! I knew it'd be a gem within the first 30 seconds ("did you miss this tickle?"), but I didn't anticipate all of THAT. I actually had to pause a few times to collect myself when things got a bit wild. But besides all that, the true reason I say its my new fav is their chemistry. It was truly out of this world in this video, they were just so damn cozy and happy and teasing and fond. Bye gotta go rewatch ten more times.
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unpopular opinion: i really don't like dan's checkered shirt like everyone complimented it and said how good it looked on phil and I just can't see it?? anyone agree??

dan in the red shirt tho damn.

also i liked the vibe of this pinof, it wasn't as cringey as a couple of them have been. Was i the only one expecting a different room when phil said "answer the next question in.." cause i wanna see more of their place
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casualIDBstalker wrote: Fri Nov 24, 2017 9:22 pm I have to say i laughed a few times but I think PINOF 10 should be the last one - it's more cringy the older they get.
I actually feel the opposite - I think it gets less cringy the older they get. I think this year is one of my favourites - while I find a lot of the old ones pretty cringy, I feel like this one was hilarious and I laughed out loud multiple times. I think it's just their new-ish carefree attitudes, like it's very self-aware (they know it's ridiculous but also great) and they are so themselves (like they've been more and more this past year). I actually find a lot of the older ones kinda immature (I don't mean that negatively, I just probs wouldn't admit to watching them and they aren't my fav videos of deppys), but this year (and last year but not as much), I see it as two guys having a laugh and taking the piss out of themselves (and their audience) while having a great time. But that's just my personal view.
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I fully agree that sharing clothes is really cute, but sharing socks? That's.... weird.
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LtrllySusan wrote: Fri Nov 24, 2017 10:29 pm I fully agree that sharing clothes is really cute, but sharing socks? That's.... weird.
I noticed that too, but I appreciate that they went from "an item from each other's closet" to "let's turn it into an ENTIRE outfit, socks and all"

Also, I was never a big fan of pinof in general, but this one was great. I laughed so many times. The soft 'omelette du fromage' (dexter's lab flashbacks anyone?), the photos, the scaring each other, the random yoga poses. :stan: :stan: There's too much going on to really write a proper post about it (as if I ever do lol) but I really liked this one <3 they really did seem very close and very relaxed and happy
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did a third rewatch immediately and made some time stamps which i have never done before, enjoy:
0:07 Dan can‘t open the cap and it reminded me of last year‘s pinof where phil trolled dan by not being able to put the cap back on. Bless.
0:16 „Philiel Howell“ - „I guess no matter what, you will always be danisnotonfire“
0:24 „did you miss this tickle“ And Dan makes it undoubtedly sexual again. Because. He‘s Dan.
0:24 (again) me, replaying this part to relish in the ease in which Phil rests his hand against Dan‘s cheek. I am a demon phannie, sue me.
0:48 phil: „that‘s good!“ and Dan‘s over exaggerated smile kills me, for some reason
0:52 I love that we had theories that Dan put on Phil’s whiskers with his mouth, because they look so squiggly, and yet he just did it… by hand. Oh Dan. <3
1:10 “nothing get’s me riled like a hard G” - “stop”
1:23 Dan says “crowpose” and I definitely misheard it as “propose” on the first try. I then proceeded to laugh maniacally for about two minutes after I had realized my mistake.
1:30 I fucking love when they are all like “bruh” and “mate” and “lad”
1:39 Dan making himself laugh
1:58 Dan genuinely freaking out about what the plural of goose is, good editing there, 10/10
2:07 Phil planking (?) and then letting himself fall on the bed
2:23 Dan and Phil singing (this has improved a lot since pinof 1, let’s be real)
2:45 they’re so cute I die
3:00 Dan not being able to say no to something Phil suggested (aka Phil crabwalking up the stairs while Dan is concerned in the background)
3:18 Phil uses every chance he gets to troll Dan the hardest. Dan is just so done with him. I feel like this is a common occurrence in the Howell-Lester household.
3:26 “danis snot on fireeee” ^^ see point I made above
3:35 Dan is slime, Phil prods and pushes him. Fanservice
3:46 the tie tying race that ends up in a tie
3:58 #vasegate
4:01 should I find this hot, why is this hot
4:18 Dan seems to be funny only for the little giggles Phil makes in the background
4:36 CapitaLester
4:46 #TrollPhil number 3: throwing cards in Dan’s face
4:48 Dan jumpscaring Phil (I forgot too, I hate you Dan)
5:05 this is not any AU I ever asked for, Dan why did you make it so weirdly sexual, WHY
5:25 Photo exposing – this may be my favorite part
5:30 Phil’s cringey pose. Dan enjoys making fun of him SO much, this is so fond
5:44 Phil finds the glorious sun selfie of Dan. I had to pause for a long time to collect myself. Phil is an evil human that enjoys others having pain
5:55 “oooh, testing [air quotes]… just caught me RESTING my hand” - Phil, you’re absolute savage. I believe Dan now, you’re evil!
6:04 Dan sings “celebrate good times come on”
6:25 Dan has to wear the cheese costume.
6:35 “Phil, G-Note Dan.” and then that evil smirk. Phil Lester, stop that. (also, Dan looks too pretty there for someone in a cheese costume, I don’t want to be attracted to him when he looks like this)
6:41 a natural Dan and Phil moment that I treasure in my heart, before…
6:45 Phil trolls Dan hard and jumpscares him. I squeal in delight, Phil laughs and claps his hands, this is wonderful (and I am attracted to how Dan has his legs resting there. CAN YOU STOP, @ ME)
7:07 Phil Lester saying “anal”. Dan thinking ‘wtf mate’
7:13 them making fun of us for having “lol so random, quirky” questions. Uhm, rude
7:23 Phil in Dan’s outfit
7:37 Dan in Phil’s outfit
7:44 Dan does something sexy in the cheese costume and says something I can’t understand. “omele-do … ???” help pls
7:48 holy shit, why is Phil so sexy here? My heart! The husky “hey”, stop it, Phil
8:05 “Dan will you straighten your hair one last time?” “No.” good
8:08 the bread fight gets too intense. Phil stabs Dan to death with his bread crust. Dan dies dramatically. I love how their minds work together. Please never stop being so playful.
8:18 Dan gets a rat tattoo
8:38 Phil gets a Dan tattoo. Is Dan adamant to show us his love for Phil? His possession? Why does he do this? Is it part of the elaborate plan that ends in no one person on the world being surprised when they finally refer to each other as husbands in Pinof 10? the world may never know.
9:03 Phil twerks a bottle flip with Ribena. Dan loves this more than any kind human should. (so do I)
9:26 #spon, #spon, #spon
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fieldoflovers wrote: Fri Nov 24, 2017 10:23 pm unpopular opinion: i really don't like dan's checkered shirt like everyone complimented it and said how good it looked on phil and I just can't see it?? anyone agree??

dan in the red shirt tho damn.
I agree, I'd like the shirt a lot more if it wasn't such a weird length! I think Dan looks incredible in red, it's such a great colour for both of them!
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This was so cute! I love that they seemed to have fun making it, that's kind of what I want most from a PINOF tbh (the ones that I don't like are the ones it feels like they felt 'forced' into making).

However, I found this vid v confusing emotionally, because there were a lot of moments in which Dan reminded me of my brother (which he always does, they pull similar expressions and have similar voices and senses of humour).

But ALSO specifically when he was doing the crow pose and wearing the cheese costume I found him incredibly attractive?!?!?!? Help I'm having a crisis.

(Did anyone else notice some what-looked-like grey hair on Dan btw? I'm into it)

All in all, this has turned a shitty day round for me and I can go to bed in a somewhat good mood <3 Have loved reading all your thoughts also!
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fieldoflovers wrote: Fri Nov 24, 2017 10:23 pm unpopular opinion: i really don't like dan's checkered shirt like everyone complimented it and said how good it looked on phil and I just can't see it?? anyone agree??
This is such a pointless post (from me) but yeS! I hate that bleeding shirt-dress, it’s so unflattering and gross. I just,,, it is so fugly I might just sick a little in my mouth.. :yuck:
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This was everything that I needed and wanted. Bless. Wonderful.
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I think they must have desensitised me over the past year and a half, because I didn't find the video particularly groundbreaking. That's a good thing though, it means their effort to normalise their more natural interactions has clearly paid off, and I'm at the point where I can watch a video like this and just think 'yeah that was a good video, they're cute' instead of maybe having a more extreme reaction if they'd made this video a year or more ago.

I will say though that I'm not a huge fan of the scenario-based questions (e.g. "phil, you're x, dan you're y, act out this thing") as they often make me cringe a bit, but other than that I really enjoyed it. Weirdly my fav bit was probably the crab-walking upstairs, as Dan's concerned husband reaction was great :') Also appreciated Phil continuing to consciously/deliberately reject the "innocent!Phil" schtick - I also did a double-take at Phil saying anal. And congrats kuensukki on having your question chosen, it truly added to the overall quality of the video :lol:

Overall, I think I preferred last year's by a little bit, mainly because the shift in their behaviour was so new and palpable, but I still enjoyed this one!

(also re: checkered shirt dress - i think it really suits dan and i love that it's something a bit different, but i think dan does pull it off better than phil simply because it's clearly something he likes and feels good in, and that makes a lot of difference to me)
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i only just got home and. oh my god. that was so adorable. i am never going to get over phil saying "anal." i need to immediately rewatch it about seven times to appreciate everything, as has become an annual tradition.
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captainspacecoat wrote: Fri Nov 24, 2017 10:51 pm I think they must have desensitised me over the past year and a half, because I didn't find the video particularly groundbreaking. That's a good thing though, it means their effort to normalise their more natural interactions has clearly paid off, and I'm at the point where I can watch a video like this and just think 'yeah that was a good video, they're cute' instead of maybe having a more extreme reaction if they'd made this video a year or more ago.

I will say though that I'm not a huge fan of the scenario-based questions (e.g. "phil, you're x, dan you're y, act out this thing") as they often make me cringe a bit, but other than that I really enjoyed it. Weirdly my fav bit was probably the crab-walking upstairs, as Dan's concerned husband reaction was great :') Also appreciated Phil continuing to consciously/deliberately reject the "innocent!Phil" schtick - I also did a double-take at Phil saying anal. And congrats kuensukki on having your question chosen, it truly added to the overall quality of the video :lol:

Overall, I think I preferred last year's by a little bit, mainly because the shift in their behaviour was so new and palpable, but I still enjoyed this one!

(also re: checkered shirt dress - i think it really suits dan and i love that it's something a bit different, but i think dan does pull it off better than phil simply because it's clearly something he likes and feels good in, and that makes a lot of difference to me)
Yes! You put it in words! :stan:
I loved the video, every bit of it. Watching it again, I take note of all the individual little moments that make it great, that are natural and at times couple-y, and I appreciate them in full. But it wasn't "particularly groundbreaking", just as you said, and you know what? I expected that!
I didn't think we'd get anything different than what we have been seeing for the past months, and we haven't, but if they posted this exact video three years ago, the phandom would DIE.

I love this, I love what they're doing and it's so clearly working. <3 Personally I like this one just as much if not more than PINOF8, but that one felt more "wow" than this one simply because 2017 has been a blessing so far.
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So the one thing that I keep getting fantastically distracted by is the fact that Phil definitely, definitely does yoga with Dan. Before this I wasn't sureally sure if it was a solidarity "I'll play app games while you do yoga so you feel held accountable" thing or if Phil was actually into it too but based on the few posts he did and his general flexibility level convinced me.

Also, he didn't actually get worked into the video but I'm really proud the Dil head was at least in line of sight, just for fancybum.

Oh, and Lion in the background! Good to know he didn't actually go the way of the rave tree.
captainspacecoat wrote: Fri Nov 24, 2017 10:51 pm I think they must have desensitised me over the past year and a half, because I didn't find the video particularly groundbreaking. That's a good thing though, it means their effort to normalise their more natural interactions has clearly paid off, and I'm at the point where I can watch a video like this and just think 'yeah that was a good video, they're cute' instead of maybe having a more extreme reaction if they'd made this video a year or more ago.
I agree with this, though also while recognizing I'm desensitized to it I also can still see how they're continuing to push boundaries. It's just that now we're used to the little jolt of 'whoa, did he really say that?' since they have boundary pushing moments pretty regularly. Like, Dan with the direct come on to Phil, Phil saying anal, the tattoo part - all still give me momentary pauses. But multiple times in one video sort of just gets you acclimated to it anyway.
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Thanks for the timestamps dia and fondsmiles :tu:
I guess they did sing a bit.

My Tumblr app is being so slow, it’s not worth waiting for gifs to load, so I guess I’m just going to have to go back and watch a third time.

I don’t know if I’ll be able to convince my husband to watch. He hates pinofs, but I do think he would like this one a lot better.
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alittledizzy wrote: Fri Nov 24, 2017 11:02 pm So the one thing that I keep getting fantastically distracted by is the fact that Phil definitely, definitely does yoga with Dan. Before this I wasn't sureally sure if it was a solidarity "I'll play app games while you do yoga so you feel held accountable" thing or if Phil was actually into it too but based on the few posts he did and his general flexibility level convinced me.

Also, he didn't actually get worked into the video but I'm really proud the Dil head was at least in line of sight, just for fancybum.

Oh, and Lion in the background! Good to know he didn't actually go the way of the rave tree.
As if they didn't wear it for the It dance, that would have been perfectly horrifying. smh.
Thanks and have a great day! Oil me
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captainspacecoat wrote: Fri Nov 24, 2017 10:51 pm I think they must have desensitised me over the past year and a half, because I didn't find the video particularly groundbreaking. That's a good thing though, it means their effort to normalise their more natural interactions has clearly paid off, and I'm at the point where I can watch a video like this and just think 'yeah that was a good video, they're cute' instead of maybe having a more extreme reaction if they'd made this video a year or more ago.
That's how i feel too, in the grand scheme of this year, this video was OK, but nothing special.
Yes Phil was daring but he has done more nsfw things in videos all throughout this year, and Dan was a screaming mess. Compare this to how he was in the dog calendar vlog, he didn't seem that natural to me in this one.
But overall they were upbeat and happy and it made for a nice video.
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This is my second live pinof, I came into the phandom shortly after 7 had gone up. I learned my lesson last year and made sure not to get too hyped or expect too much. It worked and I ended up just enjoying myself, laughing loud enough to worry my husband, and being happy that they have such a good friendship that they can casually make jokes and push eachother around and do weird stuff without getting too embarrassed by it. Many long-term relationships I see don't have that quality to them anymore - the playfulness gets lost amongst responsibilities and stress. That is why PINOF is so special imo.

Thank you DnP for another fun year :)

(Yes, I could have done without the sneky spons, but two weren't so bad I guess.
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Thanks Philip for uploading while I was at pt. I really didn't want to explain to my physical therapist why I suddenly needed to stop for ten minutes.

Anyway this was definitely my second favorite PINOF, The original is their origin story and will always be my favorite. I feel like this one didn't feel as forced as others.
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I was at work (having a first job as retail on Black Friday, I feel dead) till five est and I told my girlfriend, "watch them upload an hour before I have to leave". Sure enough they did and that was the one thing that got me though the hour! :thumb: I came home and watched it and at first I was kinda annoyed with dan yelling but after awhile I got into it and I love it. I'll have to watch it again later but right now I'm very tired but I love dan and Phil so much. <3
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Holy - Wow PINOF 9 was everything I wanted it to be and more. Completely agree that the past few users who thought that recent PINOFs (7 especially) seemed kind of awkward but THIS WAS AMAZING!

- "Channel.. Anal?" ... How did your brain get that from "Do the next question...", Phillip :lol: But idc I'm 100% there for natural Phil :tu:
- Phil's adorable clapping after he tried to jump scare Dan :love2:
- Quiff!Phil for 2018 please
- The return of troll Phil ("Hi, my name is [Dan])

Now waiting for Peter the dog to make an appearance in PINOF 10 :lol:

EDIT: Thanks for the new sig, Phil :tu:

I'm not sorry, but I think Phil is :lol:
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phil’s natural voice in the jumpscaring dan bit and then his adorable little clap omg :love2: