Dan & Phil Part 29: Horton hears two b*tch ass liars

Our two favourite full time internet nerds who never go outside!
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fancybum wrote:
anathema wrote:
I get what you said, but ignoring it would be the best way to go and I would assume Dan knows that. There's a certain group of the phandom that loves to do things "ironically". Like the whole thing about people ruining the comments on videos with saying "Dan should play this for Phil!!!1". As soon as Dan said that, what happened? People started to leave comments on videos saying that because they thought it was super funny. This is the same type of thing. They know Dan is gonna say no, but they still spam the chat with "#getphil" because they're being funny/relatable/ironic/whatever they call it (which I roll my eyes at, but that's for a different post). And every time Dan mentions it, that just motivates them to do it again next week. But the think is, I'm sure Dan is aware of this. So I don't understand why he just keeps mentioning it, if he really wants it to stop (which I assume he does, but?).
I don't know, but I can speculate. Oh boy can I speculate. I think he doesn't care so much anymore about modifying his words and behaviour to attempt to control reactions of the phandom. Ever since tab/tinof kicked off, they've eased more and more into the 'merging of their brands'. It's not even really that notable anymore how much Dan brings up Phil unprompted (he literally answers questions directed solely at him with info on Phil every. liveshow.). He doesn't avoid mentioning how they watch literally every television show together (even ones he's not that interested in). This all spurs on the shipping and the 'omg so married' comments, which he wouldn't have been so comfortable with a few years ago. But he doesn't edit himself so much these days. I have lots of theories on why that might be, but that's a whole other bag of lovely worms. Let me just say that I don't think it's ONLY FANSERVICE JESUS (not directed at you, I just have a lot pent up anger lol). It's just being more honest, more open.

So to be more honest in the other direction, by essentially saying 'guys this is my liveshow, you can see Phil on Sunday, fuck off about him thanks', would only make sense. They do these liveshows because it's part of their job. They're working. So as much as Dan won't shut up about Phil, he's also not going to give into annoying viewer demands that go beyond what he himself wants to share in any given moment. That earlier comment said they're not intimate details, so what's the big deal? Well intimacy is in the details. Phil (wherever he is, whatever he's doing) is not in Work Mode on Tuesday nights, his life and the details of it are his own. In my rambling and maybe nonsensical opinion, those details are intimate. Phil cooking them dinner, actual Phil Lester and not AmazingPhil, is part of their private life. Dan doesn't tell us that Phil is in the kitchen clanging pots around making them dinner because that's offscreen and just for them. Phil doesn't tell us on Sundays what actual Dan Howell is doing because Sundays at 7pm Phil is working and Dan's not. Every little detail of their offscreen lives, however mundane, is for them unless they want and choose to share. Some things they choose not to share and some of those things "don't matter" from the outside looking in. Doesn't mean they're not important or not worth protecting from D&P's perspective.

And especially now, with the overabundance of sharing they've become comfortable with, I can see how asking for even more could rankle them, specifically Dan. And since he doesn't care so much about attempting to micromanage a giant mob mostly out of his control (and lbr inevitably failing to do so anyway), he may as well just say if something is annoying him and let the cards fall where they may. I don't know if this made proper sense, I'll probably roll my eyes at it in the morning, let me live, but I tried.

Alternative and possibly more likely explanation who knows: he had low blood sugar and didn't think to self-censor. We all make short-sighted decisions when we need a snack.
My face after reading this: :shock: :shock:. I've honestly never thought of it in this way but it makes total sense
"The saltiness reminds me of my tears."
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eevee wrote:By the way I'm disappointed in y'all for voting for bitch ass liars, because dan and phil have always been bitch ass liars, nothing new here
As Donny Boy Trump would say - it was rigged! Consider:

"We literally invented symbiosis"


Two very similar (title) candidates split the vote.
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fancybum wrote:
anathema wrote: I get what you said, but ignoring it would be the best way to go and I would assume Dan knows that. There's a certain group of the phandom that loves to do things "ironically". Like the whole thing about people ruining the comments on videos with saying "Dan should play this for Phil!!!1". As soon as Dan said that, what happened? People started to leave comments on videos saying that because they thought it was super funny. This is the same type of thing. They know Dan is gonna say no, but they still spam the chat with "#getphil" because they're being funny/relatable/ironic/whatever they call it (which I roll my eyes at, but that's for a different post). And every time Dan mentions it, that just motivates them to do it again next week. But the think is, I'm sure Dan is aware of this. So I don't understand why he just keeps mentioning it, if he really wants it to stop (which I assume he does, but?).
I don't know, but I can speculate. Oh boy can I speculate. I think he doesn't care so much anymore about modifying his words and behaviour to attempt to control reactions of the phandom. Ever since tab/tinof kicked off, they've eased more and more into the 'merging of their brands'. It's not even really that notable anymore how much Dan brings up Phil unprompted (he literally answers questions directed solely at him with info on Phil every. liveshow.). He doesn't avoid mentioning how they watch literally every television show together (even ones he's not that interested in). This all spurs on the shipping and the 'omg so married' comments, which he wouldn't have been so comfortable with a few years ago. But he doesn't edit himself so much these days. I have lots of theories on why that might be, but that's a whole other bag of lovely worms. Let me just say that I don't think it's ONLY FANSERVICE JESUS (not directed at you, I just have a lot pent up anger lol). It's just being more honest, more open.

So to be more honest in the other direction, by essentially saying 'guys this is my liveshow, you can see Phil on Sunday, fuck off about him thanks', would only make sense. They do these liveshows because it's part of their job. They're working. So as much as Dan won't shut up about Phil, he's also not going to give into annoying viewer demands that go beyond what he himself wants to share in any given moment. That earlier comment said they're not intimate details, so what's the big deal? Well intimacy is in the details. Phil (wherever he is, whatever he's doing) is not in Work Mode on Tuesday nights, his life and the details of it are his own. In my rambling and maybe nonsensical opinion, those details are intimate. Phil cooking them dinner, actual Phil Lester and not AmazingPhil, is part of their private life. Dan doesn't tell us that Phil is in the kitchen clanging pots around making them dinner because that's offscreen and just for them. Phil doesn't tell us on Sundays what actual Dan Howell is doing because Sundays at 7pm Phil is working and Dan's not. Every little detail of their offscreen lives, however mundane, is for them unless they want and choose to share. Some things they choose not to share and some of those things "don't matter" from the outside looking in. Doesn't mean they're not important or not worth protecting from D&P's perspective.

And especially now, with the overabundance of sharing they've become comfortable with, I can see how asking for even more could rankle them, specifically Dan. And since he doesn't care so much about attempting to micromanage a giant mob mostly out of his control (and lbr inevitably failing to do so anyway), he may as well just say if something is annoying him and let the cards fall where they may. I don't know if this made proper sense, I'll probably roll my eyes at it in the morning, let me live, but I tried.

Alternative and possibly more likely explanation who knows: he had low blood sugar and didn't think to self-censor. We all make short-sighted decisions when we need a snack.
Right on. I think this is a mighty fine reason.

I don't blame Dan for wanting to keep private stuff private. We all have seen YT "relationships" go haywire and who wants to feed into that frenzy? Also, why would he give any of us information we could use against him later/blow out of proportion/use to write Dead!Phil fic?

Danisnotonfire is separate from Dan Howell. I see two different personas. When he's "on" he's "on". He knows when the cameras are rolling. It's the same for Phil...Phil Lester does not come across as the smol bean who must always be protected, but that's his AmazingPhil persona.

Their personas are what they give us. Their personas are what entertain us. Danisnotonfire makes me laugh. Dan Howell, in my mind, needs chocolate, a nap, and to be forced to listen to Louder than Bombs by The Smiths over and over again until he sorts himself out.

I totally get being sensitive, but it's something we don't need to see because all it does it make some folks gang up on him, and we already know he can't cope. Besides, he's got free time on his hands and he's coming down off of a loong trip in the spotlight. That's gotta be a downer, so he could probably do with a little space, too. A break from the LS might do him a bit of good, but I like a salty, sassy Diva!Dan.

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dans left hand wrote::lol:

Thank you for putting my mind at rest about phil possibly moving out.

I come up with the weirdest most stupidest shiz sometimes
Phil ain't going anywhere, those two have proven to us over the years they can't cope without one another, bless their hearts. Yet, I can't help but add my two cents of sarcasm tho...to add to the evolving story line :lol:

Phil leaving is nothing new: there was some agreement after TATINOF was over (or near over) because #busgate was the last straw in their relationship. Phil doesn't want to keep Daisy in the closet any more, so he decided to draw a hard line in the sand about his relationship with Dan. PLATONIC.

So, as Dan cries himself to sleep in a sea of dirty laundry, shrimp carcasses and empty Ribena bottles, Phil is preparing for his new life with Daisy!
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Some thoughts on Dan’s live show.
- Phil was ready for Dil and Tab babies, but Dan isn’t yet. Interesting.
- You tell them Dan, I agree that people should stop moaning about you putting tatinof related things on your channel. I’m more tired of people whining about it then I am of actual tatinof.
- His trapeze fic. :lol:
- Enjoyed his gay anime talk.
- Dan’s idea of what a spoiler is, is not the same as mine.

Also really wanted symbiosis to win for the new thread name. :(
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First of all, congratulations to Europeans especially hollyphan for finally get the chance to see them live.

Now, to business. Is it a given that as an Asian who won't have Deppy anywhere near me anytime soon, I am allowed to be salty? Because I am.
For some people TATINOF might be them being nostalgic and reliving the memory of a lifetime watching them performing this amazing stageshow that 'you have to be there to feel it!'. For some, this is the hype they are waiting for, finally the chance to see them live and be able to feel what others said they felt during the show. For Dan and Phil, TATINOF is an adventure, new day, new theatre, new fans, nervousness, adrenaline rush, sweat and happiness and that stuff. For me, it is just sadness of not being able to meet them. Sadness that I bought the UK tour ticket as early as March but have to left the country as soon as summer, knowing that this is the best decision for me and my mental health. For me, it is staring at said tickets on 12th of October wondering if I hold on just for another term I might be able to see them. For me, it is the anger that despite everything, TATINOF is not available on google play movies in my country for whatever reason. I will appreciate it if dnp pay attention to this kind of minor stuff and write some angry complaints to google tbh. Reliving all this breaks my heart again and again and you've got to understand why I just want to get this over with now.
I understand that Dan is proud of TATINOF because honestly, it is his baby that he deserved to be proud of. I am happy for him to be able to pull it, and I love TATINOF too. It is well made and it is perfect with it's imperfection.

I agree with Kuensukki that Dan has to understand that fans like me, who won't be involved in any way with TATINOF live gonna be angry or salty because we got nothing to entertain ourselves with. We feel less involved, unappreciated and forgotten in the corner of the dumspter that is the phandom. But the thing is, it is curable, if only you feed us with some content while other fans are having their fun with tatinof, that's all we ask for. Just upload te goddamn pirate cake scene, and I will feel more involved than now, honestly :sideeye:

He can upload a video of him making a cup of tea for all I care and I will lap that up like the trained fan I am and will be less mad about the drought from USA tour.

And yeah, thank God we have the gaming channel in which spooky week gonna start soon and I will soon forget I ever said any of this and continue stanning them because at the end of the day, I am a fan afterall.

Fan: I fully accepted that I am a fan but I agree with eevee about where Dan might have got the idea of calling the fan fan might offend the said fan. I mean, if say... Jack Howard call me a fan, I'm gonna flip my shit too lol

About Phil : agree with fancybum, I don't understand why people keep spamming either liveshow with #GetDan or #GetPhil because they gave the same response every week. Is it just to rouse reaction from them because that is not funny. And they will talk about each other eventhough nobody ask so there is absolutely no need for the spam.
Last edited by swofro on Wed Oct 26, 2016 8:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Im gonna give the liveshow another watch later on as I must have missed the bit that has made people angry about what he says, tbh after he said about eurotatinof i stopped watching as wanted to chat to some friends about it. I'll come back with my opinions about it.

I know he keeps talking about the train incident and how he's going to record it as a side channel video blah blah blah. If anyone doesn't know about this, basically he was on the train home in December 2015, after spending Christmas at his parents home. A fan saw him on the train, got a selfie with him and then he tried to escape get into the first class carriage and couldn't work out how. Not that exciting really, I'm not sure why he keeps bringing it up seeing as it's almost been a year since it happened.

The girl who met him tweeted about it;
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I watched the liveshow after reading here and honestly I am not sure we saw the same.

I didn't think that Dan was particularly sassy or rude. Like yeah he is not living in the teletubbies world, has emotions and dares show them. How rude.

He thinks the chat is annoying with #getPhil, honestly go grandma fuckyeah people are annoying. I don't need him to tell me "Phil is right this minute cooking sautéed brocolis with chicken parmigiano because we live together lol also he hates younow and won't come".

he doesn't wanna post the cake video bc he is butthurt about something, i don't care, I saw it already from someone posting it here(?) or on twitter, it is not that interesting anyways

he doesn't wanna call us fans because he still sees (or pretends to) youtube as a community like those old pretentious first youtubers, well then don't. I come to this forum like once a day, follow updates accounts about them on twitter and care about him more than some irl people. Damn well I am a fan and I don't care. Being a fan is not a bad thing.

He is annoyed we are criticizing him for putting so much Tatinof on his channel. Well why not? He has all the right to be annoyed and show it. Still I am over tatinof craps and want dinof videos, sorry Dan.

Whatever he does or say or however he behaves, Dan is gonna be picked appart and criticized to hell and back, so he just might as well be honest about how he feels. I appreciate it personally. I think it's refreshing and that's what makes me care about him in the 1st place.

I won't go to tatinof europe bc I checked plane tickets for berlin and the cheapest one was a 13h journey through TURKEY for 400 euros ahahahahahhahahahahah
If you’re attracted to somebody, you’ll want them to sniff you eventually - Dan
*Phil is turned on by Dan's brilliance* *they kiss* *they have sex in the microwave* - Oqua (actually Phil)
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fancybum wrote:
anathema wrote: I get what you said, but ignoring it would be the best way to go and I would assume Dan knows that. There's a certain group of the phandom that loves to do things "ironically". Like the whole thing about people ruining the comments on videos with saying "Dan should play this for Phil!!!1". As soon as Dan said that, what happened? People started to leave comments on videos saying that because they thought it was super funny. This is the same type of thing. They know Dan is gonna say no, but they still spam the chat with "#getphil" because they're being funny/relatable/ironic/whatever they call it (which I roll my eyes at, but that's for a different post). And every time Dan mentions it, that just motivates them to do it again next week. But the think is, I'm sure Dan is aware of this. So I don't understand why he just keeps mentioning it, if he really wants it to stop (which I assume he does, but?).
I don't know, but I can speculate. Oh boy can I speculate. I think he doesn't care so much anymore about modifying his words and behaviour to attempt to control reactions of the phandom. Ever since tab/tinof kicked off, they've eased more and more into the 'merging of their brands'. It's not even really that notable anymore how much Dan brings up Phil unprompted (he literally answers questions directed solely at him with info on Phil every. liveshow.). He doesn't avoid mentioning how they watch literally every television show together (even ones he's not that interested in). This all spurs on the shipping and the 'omg so married' comments, which he wouldn't have been so comfortable with a few years ago. But he doesn't edit himself so much these days. I have lots of theories on why that might be, but that's a whole other bag of lovely worms. Let me just say that I don't think it's ONLY FANSERVICE JESUS (not directed at you, I just have a lot pent up anger lol). It's just being more honest, more open.

So to be more honest in the other direction, by essentially saying 'guys this is my liveshow, you can see Phil on Sunday, fuck off about him thanks', would only make sense. They do these liveshows because it's part of their job. They're working. So as much as Dan won't shut up about Phil, he's also not going to give into annoying viewer demands that go beyond what he himself wants to share in any given moment. That earlier comment said they're not intimate details, so what's the big deal? Well intimacy is in the details. Phil (wherever he is, whatever he's doing) is not in Work Mode on Tuesday nights, his life and the details of it are his own. In my rambling and maybe nonsensical opinion, those details are intimate. Phil cooking them dinner, actual Phil Lester and not AmazingPhil, is part of their private life. Dan doesn't tell us that Phil is in the kitchen clanging pots around making them dinner because that's offscreen and just for them. Phil doesn't tell us on Sundays what actual Dan Howell is doing because Sundays at 7pm Phil is working and Dan's not. Every little detail of their offscreen lives, however mundane, is for them unless they want and choose to share. Some things they choose not to share and some of those things "don't matter" from the outside looking in. Doesn't mean they're not important or not worth protecting from D&P's perspective.

And especially now, with the overabundance of sharing they've become comfortable with, I can see how asking for even more could rankle them, specifically Dan. And since he doesn't care so much about attempting to micromanage a giant mob mostly out of his control (and lbr inevitably failing to do so anyway), he may as well just say if something is annoying him and let the cards fall where they may. I don't know if this made proper sense, I'll probably roll my eyes at it in the morning, let me live, but I tried.

Alternative and possibly more likely explanation who knows: he had low blood sugar and didn't think to self-censor. We all make short-sighted decisions when we need a snack.
to all this, I can't even add anything else because I feel you said it all. (But at the same time I agree with this opinion also:)
tylerrjoseph wrote:re: we don't deserve the cake scene

okay. this is gonna come off offensive, probably. i'm in a bad mood,,

to be completely honest, i'm so fucking tired of dan teasing the shit out of everything. they know what we want but they refuse to give it to us. it was funny once or twice, but they've pushed it a bit too far for me now. do they understand that a good amount of us are getting annoyed now? if they don't want to post it, then that's what they should say. it'd be a hell of a lot easier than hyping us all up for nothing and then complaining when we get disappointed.
on the same topic- something about dan saying we don't deserve things or 'phil doesnt want to talk to you why should he waste his time' upsets me quite a bit. i know he probably thinks he's being funny, but it feels more like he's talking down to us than anything. just irks me a bit to hear that he thinks we 'don't deserve it' when really without us they'd be nowhere.

whew. like i said. i'm not in a good mood today. apologies.

So idk what I'm feeling anymore, I'm kinda upset but I get it also, I have really mixed feelings.

Anyway just wanted to say I'm legit cracking up on all this "phil's wife daisy and poor lonely Dan eating his pain away" bless u all
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JoeAverage wrote:
fancybum wrote:
anathema wrote: I get what you said, but ignoring it would be the best way to go and I would assume Dan knows that. There's a certain group of the phandom that loves to do things "ironically". Like the whole thing about people ruining the comments on videos with saying "Dan should play this for Phil!!!1". As soon as Dan said that, what happened? People started to leave comments on videos saying that because they thought it was super funny. This is the same type of thing. They know Dan is gonna say no, but they still spam the chat with "#getphil" because they're being funny/relatable/ironic/whatever they call it (which I roll my eyes at, but that's for a different post). And every time Dan mentions it, that just motivates them to do it again next week. But the think is, I'm sure Dan is aware of this. So I don't understand why he just keeps mentioning it, if he really wants it to stop (which I assume he does, but?).
I don't know, but I can speculate. Oh boy can I speculate. I think he doesn't care so much anymore about modifying his words and behaviour to attempt to control reactions of the phandom. Ever since tab/tinof kicked off, they've eased more and more into the 'merging of their brands'. It's not even really that notable anymore how much Dan brings up Phil unprompted (he literally answers questions directed solely at him with info on Phil every. liveshow.). He doesn't avoid mentioning how they watch literally every television show together (even ones he's not that interested in). This all spurs on the shipping and the 'omg so married' comments, which he wouldn't have been so comfortable with a few years ago. But he doesn't edit himself so much these days. I have lots of theories on why that might be, but that's a whole other bag of lovely worms. Let me just say that I don't think it's ONLY FANSERVICE JESUS (not directed at you, I just have a lot pent up anger lol). It's just being more honest, more open.

So to be more honest in the other direction, by essentially saying 'guys this is my liveshow, you can see Phil on Sunday, fuck off about him thanks', would only make sense. They do these liveshows because it's part of their job. They're working. So as much as Dan won't shut up about Phil, he's also not going to give into annoying viewer demands that go beyond what he himself wants to share in any given moment. That earlier comment said they're not intimate details, so what's the big deal? Well intimacy is in the details. Phil (wherever he is, whatever he's doing) is not in Work Mode on Tuesday nights, his life and the details of it are his own. In my rambling and maybe nonsensical opinion, those details are intimate. Phil cooking them dinner, actual Phil Lester and not AmazingPhil, is part of their private life. Dan doesn't tell us that Phil is in the kitchen clanging pots around making them dinner because that's offscreen and just for them. Phil doesn't tell us on Sundays what actual Dan Howell is doing because Sundays at 7pm Phil is working and Dan's not. Every little detail of their offscreen lives, however mundane, is for them unless they want and choose to share. Some things they choose not to share and some of those things "don't matter" from the outside looking in. Doesn't mean they're not important or not worth protecting from D&P's perspective.

And especially now, with the overabundance of sharing they've become comfortable with, I can see how asking for even more could rankle them, specifically Dan. And since he doesn't care so much about attempting to micromanage a giant mob mostly out of his control (and lbr inevitably failing to do so anyway), he may as well just say if something is annoying him and let the cards fall where they may. I don't know if this made proper sense, I'll probably roll my eyes at it in the morning, let me live, but I tried.

Alternative and possibly more likely explanation who knows: he had low blood sugar and didn't think to self-censor. We all make short-sighted decisions when we need a snack.
to all this, I can't even add anything else because I feel you said it all. (But at the same time I agree with this opinion also:)
tylerrjoseph wrote:re: we don't deserve the cake scene

okay. this is gonna come off offensive, probably. i'm in a bad mood,,

to be completely honest, i'm so fucking tired of dan teasing the shit out of everything. they know what we want but they refuse to give it to us. it was funny once or twice, but they've pushed it a bit too far for me now. do they understand that a good amount of us are getting annoyed now? if they don't want to post it, then that's what they should say. it'd be a hell of a lot easier than hyping us all up for nothing and then complaining when we get disappointed.
on the same topic- something about dan saying we don't deserve things or 'phil doesnt want to talk to you why should he waste his time' upsets me quite a bit. i know he probably thinks he's being funny, but it feels more like he's talking down to us than anything. just irks me a bit to hear that he thinks we 'don't deserve it' when really without us they'd be nowhere.

whew. like i said. i'm not in a good mood today. apologies.

So idk what I'm feeling anymore, I'm kinda upset but I get it also, I have really mixed feelings.

Anyway just wanted to say I'm legit cracking up on all this "phil's wife daisy and poor lonely Dan eating his pain away" bless u all
Then let us continue on with the story of Daisy! :help:

Well, Daisy is a no-nonsense type of girl. She thinks Dan needs to sort himself out and not cling to Phil. She was once heard saying to Phil, "I married you, not your dimpled side-kick who thinks he's a music expert and that Kanye is under-estimated. That, right there, is a huge red-flag, Mr. Lester."

Phil thought it was a rather rude and simplistic thing for her to say but he understood where she was coming from. Besides, she liked scented three-wick candles so he could forgive her.

Dan, in the meantime, decided to get back at Phil. He fed and watered the plants.

(I should be working on my Early Modern Literature and Culture but procrastination is my game )
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I agree with pearshaped34. I really get why #getdan/#getphil would be really annoying to them, but I do find it weird that big things are announced in Dan's live show without Phil, such as DAPGO and TATINOF Europe. That is odd to me.
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re dan ranting about how people don't want tatinof, what he said aside, the fact he chose to passionately rant to his audiences instead of, idk, Phil? or his other youtube friends? or even his manager? is just unrealistically hilarious. Keep it to yourself Danny, ain't nobody's interested in your imaginary negative comments.

Also, can he really blame us tho? He's a youtuber, his audiences are use to seeing new shits every erm... month, at least, we have a short attention span, this ain't the sherlock fandom, there are only so many doopy meme that can keep us occupied through a drought.

But to be fair, i don't blame his, poor dear, he worked so hard on this.
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In all with all topics, for example, people being done with TATINOF, calling us fans, TATINOF Europe, heck even Phan itself, you aren't always going to be able to please everyone. Someone will always complain about what deppy do, regardless of what it is. I see it as part of the scrutiny they go under as "celebrities" (term used very loosely). As well as that, people always find something to complain about, regardless of how small the issue is.

On a spookier note, much hype for spooky week. Definitely hoping they play Five NIghts At Freddies: Sister Location and/or the Outlast 2 demo
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i don't particularly care about his rants, add me to the list of confused people who are curious where he gets his criticism from. maybe it's that very case of "your hate's imaginary"? i doubt he reads idb cause then i assume he'd have more problems with us than our whining about tatinof.

but he can be annoying when he makes it sound like he's under some contract to do or not do certain things when it comes to his own content (YTR paid content aside). "boo hoo we can't play that game, no one will watch it. boo hoo i wish we'd stopped making pinof but we now have to do it till the rest of time, woe is me. boo hoo i wish i could stop with the llamas. boo hoo here's your internet support group". like, dude, you're on youtube. it's the perfect platform to do whatever. your fanbase will eat it up. people will complain, but they do all the time. you wanna talk and post stuff about tatinof, do that. you wanna rebrand, do that. you don't wanna rebrand? don't do that. you want to take a break from youtube and go crabstickz on us? ehhh we'd be sad, but if you need it - do it. like he obviously doesn't care about GP that much since posting once a month is not the way you invest in entertaining casual viewers.

(the thing with tatinof is that it's an hour show that consists entirely of #branding and #memes and little bit of good old fanservice. the doc is a short sprint through the making of, HALF OF WHICH IS SCRIPTED. it's been almost a month since they've been released to the public, there's only so long we can talk about it. not even #busgate can stay relevant that long).
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On a spookier note, much hype for spooky week. Definitely hoping they play Five NIghts At Freddies: Sister Location and/or the Outlast 2 demo
same!! and maybe the new resident evil demo. that shit was tense.
been binge watching the last spooky week videos so im ready (also spent yesterday buying essentials for my costume for halloween - im going with my friend as the twins from the shining)

spook me up guys
:biflag: :blackheart:
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papierklemmen wrote:"boo hoo i wish we'd stopped making pinof but we now have to do it till the rest of time, woe is me."
Just want to point out that Dan DIDN'T say in his ls that he wished they'd only ever made one pinof! He said that he wished they'd made one a year instead of several so quickly in the first few years. However, the comment made me frown, because there has only ever been one pinof a year, even if they haven't always been at the same time of year (Oct 2009, May 2010, Nov 2011, Sept 2012, Nov 2013, Nov 2014, Nov 2015). Maybe he wishes they made pinof2 later in the year, or he got the pinofs mixed up with the AmazingDan videos (May 2010, Dec 2010).
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Re: live show
They actually Tried Manila, i'm so salty right now, I will go to every theater in that damn city and shoot up some people.
How happy is the blameless vestal's lot! The world forgetting, by the world forgot Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind! Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd.
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fancybum wrote: So to be more honest in the other direction, by essentially saying 'guys this is my liveshow, you can see Phil on Sunday, fuck off about him thanks', would only make sense. They do these liveshows because it's part of their job. They're working. So as much as Dan won't shut up about Phil, he's also not going to give into annoying viewer demands that go beyond what he himself wants to share in any given moment. That earlier comment said they're not intimate details, so what's the big deal? Well intimacy is in the details. Phil (wherever he is, whatever he's doing) is not in Work Mode on Tuesday nights, his life and the details of it are his own. In my rambling and maybe nonsensical opinion, those details are intimate. Phil cooking them dinner, actual Phil Lester and not AmazingPhil, is part of their private life. Dan doesn't tell us that Phil is in the kitchen clanging pots around making them dinner because that's offscreen and just for them. Phil doesn't tell us on Sundays what actual Dan Howell is doing because Sundays at 7pm Phil is working and Dan's not. Every little detail of their offscreen lives, however mundane, is for them unless they want and choose to share. Some things they choose not to share and some of those things "don't matter" from the outside looking in. Doesn't mean they're not important or not worth protecting from D&P's perspective.

And especially now, with the overabundance of sharing they've become comfortable with, I can see how asking for even more could rankle them, specifically Dan. And since he doesn't care so much about attempting to micromanage a giant mob mostly out of his control (and lbr inevitably failing to do so anyway), he may as well just say if something is annoying him and let the cards fall where they may. I don't know if this made proper sense, I'll probably roll my eyes at it in the morning, let me live, but I tried.
so i really agree with you here, ive always been a really big 'dan and phil' arent the same as their 'personas' person, so i really understand what you mean. and i realise now that i was being a little harsh in respects to the 'im not ever getting phil, phil is never going to get me' convo. i guess i still feel annoyed because it feels like he's feeding the trolls? like yeah i roll my eyes every time i see it and i want it to stop too, but they've consistently drawn attention to it the past few weeks and it's just made it worse? like i understand its obnoxious but just ignore it till it goes away cause saying something is feeding them because they like the attention? like obviously i can kind of see now why he was seemingly being really stern/harsh about it if he's just trying to make it stop, but i really think it's just feeding the trolls more than anything. and i guess added onto that i still find it really odd that he's announced things (i.e. the euro tour/ some other various dan and phil related stuff the past few weeks) on his liveshow without phil there? like phil came into his liveshow just to announce their vacation to japan a little over a year ago, but now he's not coming in to announce that they're literally adding a leg to the tour? like obviously that's a decision they've discussed and made privately, and i respect it and dont mind, i just find it strange in general

on a happier note im so pumped for spooky week the gaming channel is my happy place and we get so much content this week this is why i love october
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papierklemmen wrote:i don't particularly care about his rants, add me to the list of confused people who are curious where he gets his criticism from. maybe it's that very case of "your hate's imaginary"? i doubt he reads idb cause then i assume he'd have more problems with us than our whining about tatinof.

but he can be annoying when he makes it sound like he's under some contract to do or not do certain things when it comes to his own content (YTR paid content aside). "boo hoo we can't play that game, no one will watch it. boo hoo i wish we'd stopped making pinof but we now have to do it till the rest of time, woe is me. boo hoo i wish i could stop with the llamas. boo hoo here's your internet support group". like, dude, you're on youtube. it's the perfect platform to do whatever. your fanbase will eat it up. people will complain, but they do all the time. you wanna talk and post stuff about tatinof, do that. you wanna rebrand, do that. you don't wanna rebrand? don't do that. you want to take a break from youtube and go crabstickz on us? ehhh we'd be sad, but if you need it - do it. like he obviously doesn't care about GP that much since posting once a month is not the way you invest in entertaining casual viewers.

(the thing with tatinof is that it's an hour show that consists entirely of #branding and #memes and little bit of good old fanservice. the doc is a short sprint through the making of, HALF OF WHICH IS SCRIPTED. it's been almost a month since they've been released to the public, there's only so long we can talk about it. not even #busgate can stay relevant that long).
Hear hear, the sound of truth!

Phandom is literally the most supportive fandom ever, he lied, broke his promises and let us down for how many times? i lose count, we've been through worse. And he thinks one more tatinof video would drive his fans away? Pfff bitch you trippin'.
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Re: Deppy not being in each other's liveshows anymore

I dunno, I just think that a part of the reason might very well be contractual. They might have specific clauses in their contracts with younow in regards to "screen time" and views etc. I mean they DO have obligations towards younow it seems, like reading enough premiums and mentioning the box folk. I feel like those "look at the premiums" and "look at the top fans" comments come mainly from younow. So who knows maybe they can't do a joint liveshow just whenever they like without clearing it with younow first?
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uglyamerican wrote:
eevee wrote:By the way I'm disappointed in y'all for voting for bitch ass liars, because dan and phil have always been bitch ass liars, nothing new here
As Donny Boy Trump would say - it was rigged! Consider:

"We literally invented symbiosis"


Two very similar (title) candidates split the vote.
yep … we need electoral reform around here ;)
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Skeletorsrighthand wrote:Re: live show
They actually Tried Manila, i'm so salty right now, I will go to every theater in that damn city and shoot up some people.
I'm also pissed to the point that I ranted on my personal FB. Really salty cause it's not like we don't have Youtube events and Youtube isn't a thing here. (We also have YT celebs here though I don't follow them). Also, Nigahiga, Caspar and Joe (and a bunch of other YTers I don't know) were able to have shows here so I don't really understand why Deppy were rejected. (Also, we have internet no matter how crappy it is and these theater people could have just searched who Deppy are). I'm just so salty and frustrated at my country atm. Yet, with Deppy, I feel so fond and I'm super touched that no matter what Deppy does or says this week I will be complete for them. I thought that we weren't even on their radar but apparently we were and that kinda softens the blow of not having TATINOF.
P: What are you doing?

D: I'm feeding it to you.

P: Why is it so slow?
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akui wrote:
papierklemmen wrote:i don't particularly care about his rants, add me to the list of confused people who are curious where he gets his criticism from. maybe it's that very case of "your hate's imaginary"? i doubt he reads idb cause then i assume he'd have more problems with us than our whining about tatinof.

but he can be annoying when he makes it sound like he's under some contract to do or not do certain things when it comes to his own content (YTR paid content aside). "boo hoo we can't play that game, no one will watch it. boo hoo i wish we'd stopped making pinof but we now have to do it till the rest of time, woe is me. boo hoo i wish i could stop with the llamas. boo hoo here's your internet support group". like, dude, you're on youtube. it's the perfect platform to do whatever. your fanbase will eat it up. people will complain, but they do all the time. you wanna talk and post stuff about tatinof, do that. you wanna rebrand, do that. you don't wanna rebrand? don't do that. you want to take a break from youtube and go crabstickz on us? ehhh we'd be sad, but if you need it - do it. like he obviously doesn't care about GP that much since posting once a month is not the way you invest in entertaining casual viewers.

(the thing with tatinof is that it's an hour show that consists entirely of #branding and #memes and little bit of good old fanservice. the doc is a short sprint through the making of, HALF OF WHICH IS SCRIPTED. it's been almost a month since they've been released to the public, there's only so long we can talk about it. not even #busgate can stay relevant that long).
Hear hear, the sound of truth!

Phandom is literally the most supportive fandom ever, he lied, broke his promises and let us down for how many times? i lose count, we've been through worse. And he thinks one more tatinof video would drive his fans away? Pfff bitch you trippin'.
I want to add to the part I bolded with 'boo hoo I wanted to play Undertale by myself but I have gaming channel' because that still makes me roll my eyes. I'M SORRY YOU MADE A GAMING CHANNEL THAT YOU HAVE TO UPLOAD VIDEOS ON DAN, IT'S NOT LIKE YOU GET MONEY OUT OF IT OR SOMETHING. Like don't play Undertale then, play something else. :roll: The people who wanted you to play it would get over it soon enough, and Undertale's treatment on DAPG was pretty tragic in the end.

Anyway, YES @ both of you.

He has no idea how lucky both him and Phil are with the phandom, plenty of his peers would kill for an audience as dedicated as us. Yes there will be grumbling but he can do whatever the fuck he wants and not lose many hardcore fans over it. People wanted to shoot them when TABINOF/TATINOF was first announced, but most warmed up to it real damn quick. So whenever he gets like this I just majorly side eye him. The phandom can be a bit much sometimes, but I don't think he's complaining for the right reasons. Another TATINOF thing wouldn't mean the end of DINOF, and he could just whack it on his second channel if he really doesn't feel comfortable with it but still wants his fans (Im sorry not fans) to see it. :sideeye:
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Hi guys,

Re: going to Asian countries I don't really get why deppy can't do that too - Manila has a youtube fanfest so I'm not sure why they can't get a theatre there although it is a shame. Singapore has a YT fanfest too - Tyler and Troye have even been for it a few years back.

Re: liveshows Can I ask what's the experience of people who watch their Younows live? Phil broadcasts around 2am in my area and since I was awake doing uni essays then I thought I'd give it a try. The chat moves so quickly though and he never seems to see the chat messages (only the premium ones), so it felt a bit pointless. Also I don't understand all the #getdan or #getphil tags - it's almost forcing them to acknowledge it and it gets tiresome if it happens all the time.

With regards to TATINOF, if enough annoyed fans are vocal about it (and I mean people who do like them and have appreciated their work, but possibly just have had enough of TATINOF), then there must be something wrong (or something they should take note of in good faith) and in my opinion anyway, Dan should take it as honest feedback, since YT is all about the audience and keeping them interested afterall. Which is why I also don't understand why they do not capitalise on things that they know the viewers will want ie. the cake video from TATINOF, the baking videos, Undertale etc. Youtube is so wide afterall and it's easy to become irrelevant or for view counts to drop drastically when people lose interest, so all the teasing and baiting concerning videos people want to see is a bit silly on their part?

Someone else mentioned the Sherlock fandom and I totally agree! This isn't the Sherlock fandom that can wait ages for things to happen - I just feel that deppy should capitalise on things they're good at and people enjoy and will bring in the views. TATINOF has been great - I saw it on YTR and I didn't have many opinions beyond the fact that it's cute and a nice summary of what they've been doing, and it definitely is their pet project, but it is also over and people have lost interest in it so they should also see that it's time to move on.

Just my two cents! I haven't actually seen Dan's LS - maybe I'll have more thoughts after that! :lol:
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You know, I love Dan, I'm impressed by how much he's changed since he started and by how much work both of them do themselves (like booking venues for the show), so I felt for him during the TATINOF rant even if I have my own problems with that show (and I'm starting to get really disappointed about the documentary, too, cause we could've got much more mature technical talk instead of a bloody bus tour, why deppy). But every time I'm reminded of how far he still has to go. Like, wtf was "what's illegal is a pretty good line", you know, it's legal to put people who are seen as having mental health problems in hospitals without their consent pretty much everywhere in the world, doesn't make it ok, or in my country of origin, for example, it's illegal to talk to minors about homosexuality, check your privilege, mate (sorry, I work on changing laws and policies a lot, so I can't let it slide)

All in all, loved the ls, he seemed to me somehow more relaxed? idk. Re: #getPhil, I honestly find it rather funny, especially since they both started using the same "he's doing his things in his life" phrase. Apart from that, basically, what fancybum said.

Re: fans, I don't have an opinion really, but I rewatch Amazing Dan quite often where they both use the word "fans", so I find it funny how he didn't mind using this word in 2010 when he was just starting, but not now
Dan wants to be understood. Phil just wants to make the viewer smile and sell some backpacks (c) fancybum