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Excited to be here!

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 4:27 am
by slamminsalmon147
Hi!! So I've known about IDB on Youtube, because I'm always going back to watch old instagram stories. I tried to comment every so often for encouragement because I was always afraid the channel would stop posting when things got dry and I'd have no way of looking back on things. I had no idea there was a forum! This is true dedication, I'm so excited to be a part of it. I've been a member of the phandom since 2012, originally with my iFunny account... it was a different time. I've never stopped being a fan, I just usually do it quietly, but occasionally I get really deep in the phandom. They've just revived the gaming channel, and as a result my obsession has returned. I've never used any kind of forum before so I would really appreciate any tips on how things work, or a lesson on what's cringe and what's not around here.

Thanks so much!
Holly >•<