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Forum Maintenance 27 May 2019

Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 1:14 pm
by jesp
We've been informed by our host that they will be performing maintenance on the 28th of May and that IDB will be offline for approximately 12 hours on that day. We'll update this thread with any further info we receive.

Below is the message we received from our host.
During this time, all services will be offline while we migrate our server from Chicago to Kansas City. This migration required as our upstream provider is closing their facility. We have been working with this and other providers diligently to have the smallest window of downtime, and the best option was to relocate our services to Kansas City. The choice to relocate to Kansas City was one that was made carefully and with the interest of our customers in mind. This was the best decision for long-term stability and to avoid an increase in our costs which would require price increases. Due to the datacenter, we are moving to, we are fortunate that no price increases will be introduced to our clients.

Our new datacenter features 24/7/365 staff should physical interaction with the server be required in the event of a power or hardware failure and should also allow for quick resolution of any issues in the datacenter. The new datacenter will have tremendously improved network performance including dramatically lowered latency and virtually no packet loss to destinations that could be hard to reach, for example, Asia or Australia. You will also notice better single-thread network performance, which occurs when downloading or uploading files to the server and rendering large files on sites. Additionally, our current network provider carries out routine network maintenance which would result in periodic downtimes every several months, this will no longer be an issue as traffic will be rerouted should maintenance need to be had.

While we understand downtime of any kind, at any time, is unfavourable, I can assure you we have done our best to work with both our upstream provider and the new datacenter to have this process handled swiftly. The travel from Chicago to Kansas City is approximately 8 hours and the unracking and re-racking of the server has 4 hours scheduled. We anticipate, at absolute maximum, should everything go as planned, downtime of no more than 12 hours. Each site will be verified to be back in service when the server relocation is completed. During this time, you will be unable to access the Envesko Core and emails handled by our server will not be delivered until the server returns to service. You will be able to keep in touch with us through Social Media on Facebook and Twitter, and emails to my personal address will still be delivered. You will be sent a reminder 2 days before migration. Please be sure your users are aware of this migration and downtime, and we are truly sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Re: Forum Maintenance 27 May 2019

Posted: Sun May 26, 2019 2:31 pm
by alittledizzy
Update: the maintenance is now scheduled for 27 May 2019.