Forum FAQs
Please note that when you register there is a default setting allowing other users to contact you via email. If you do not wish to have this function enabled you will need to disable it by following these steps:
user control panel > board preferences > users can contact me via email > no.
This setting when enabled will not allow other users to see your email address, unless you reply to an email from a user.
How do I embed a YouTube video?
How do I embed an image in my post?
How do I embed a tweet?
How do I embed an Instagram post?
How do I embed a Tumblr post?
How do I insert a url?
How do I embed images from my Google Drive account?
How do I use the spoiler tags? What about spoilers within spoilers?
How do I include trigger warnings?
How do I edit my post? How do I delete my post?
How do I access emoticons that are not on the main "post reply" page?
Can I include normal emojis in my post?
How do I contact a moderator or administrator?
How do I change my username?
How do I delete my account? How do I delete my old posts?
How do I report a post? Can I report a private message?
How do I change the forum theme/style?
Can I use a gif for my avatar?
How does the main thread work? How do I suggest a thread name?
Where can I find more information about Dan and Phil?
What is a "Foe" and how can I add a user to my "Foes" list?
If you have any questions, concerns, or problems you can contact a moderator or post a message in About this Forum to ask for assistance.
user control panel > board preferences > users can contact me via email > no.
This setting when enabled will not allow other users to see your email address, unless you reply to an email from a user.
How do I embed a YouTube video?
How do I embed an image in my post?
How do I embed a tweet?
How do I embed an Instagram post?
How do I embed a Tumblr post?
How do I insert a url?
How do I embed images from my Google Drive account?
How do I use the spoiler tags? What about spoilers within spoilers?
How do I include trigger warnings?
How do I edit my post? How do I delete my post?
How do I access emoticons that are not on the main "post reply" page?
Can I include normal emojis in my post?
How do I contact a moderator or administrator?
How do I change my username?
How do I delete my account? How do I delete my old posts?
How do I report a post? Can I report a private message?
How do I change the forum theme/style?
Can I use a gif for my avatar?
How does the main thread work? How do I suggest a thread name?
Where can I find more information about Dan and Phil?
What is a "Foe" and how can I add a user to my "Foes" list?
If you have any questions, concerns, or problems you can contact a moderator or post a message in About this Forum to ask for assistance.
Last edited by lefthandedism on Sat Apr 13, 2019 8:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

How do I embed a YouTube video?
To embed a YouTube video, you can use either the YouTube button in the panel (for full URLs) or the YT button (for mobile/shortened URLs).
To embed a YouTube video, you can use either the YouTube button in the panel (for full URLs) or the YT button (for mobile/shortened URLs).
- Using the full link
Copy and paste the URL of the video you wish to insert from the address bar. For example,
If there is an ampersand or question mark near the end of the link you'll need to remove that and anything after it. (NOTE: You no longer need to remove the "s" at the end of https. Links can begin with either http OR https.)
Once you have this URL, insert it between the YouTube tags.
example:Code: Select all
Using the shortened link
If you get the address of the video by pressing "Share" on mobile or desktop, it will be a shortened link, such as
NOTE: Links can begin with either http OR https. However, if there is an ampersand or question mark at the end of the link you'll need to remove that and anything after it.
Once you have this URL, insert it between the YT tags.
example:Code: Select all

How do I embed an image in my post?
To embed an image, use the Img button from the panel above the text editor -
You will need a direct link to the image.
If your image is already online, this link can be obtained by right clicking the image (control-click on a Mac) and clicking "copy image address", or opening the image in a new tab and copying the link from the address bar.
If you would like to post an image from your computer, you will need to upload your image to an external image hosting site like imgur.
When you have the direct link to the image {eg.}, you will need to paste the link into the text editor between image tags, like below.
To embed an image, use the Img button from the panel above the text editor -

You will need a direct link to the image.
If your image is already online, this link can be obtained by right clicking the image (control-click on a Mac) and clicking "copy image address", or opening the image in a new tab and copying the link from the address bar.
If you would like to post an image from your computer, you will need to upload your image to an external image hosting site like imgur.
When you have the direct link to the image {eg.}, you will need to paste the link into the text editor between image tags, like below.
Code: Select all
Last edited by lefthandedism on Sat Apr 13, 2019 7:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

How do I embed a tweet?
Use the Twitter button from the panel.
You will need to know the link of the tweet you wish to embed. Links can begin with http OR https.
Note: When you copy the link to the tweet if there is a ? towards the end (mostly on mobile) then you must delete this and any numbers following it for the tweet to show up.
Once you have this, insert it between the twitter tags.
Use the Twitter button from the panel.
You will need to know the link of the tweet you wish to embed. Links can begin with http OR https.
Note: When you copy the link to the tweet if there is a ? towards the end (mostly on mobile) then you must delete this and any numbers following it for the tweet to show up.
Once you have this, insert it between the twitter tags.
Code: Select all

How do I embed an Instagram post?
Use the Instagram button from the panel.
You'll need the http:// details for this which you can get from your browser. The only section you need is the following:

Paste that link between the instagram tags.
Use the Instagram button from the panel.
You'll need the http:// details for this which you can get from your browser. The only section you need is the following:

Paste that link between the instagram tags.
Code: Select all

How do I embed a Tumblr post?
- Go to the “embed” page of the post you wish to embed. This can be found by clicking the embed button in the upper right corner of the page, or by adding /embed to the end of the post’s url.
- Copy the whole code.

- Paste that code between the tags [Tumblr] and [/Tumblr].
- Go to the “embed” page of the post you wish to embed. This can be found by clicking the embed button in the upper right corner of the page, or by adding /embed to the end of the post’s url.
- Copy the whole code.

- Paste that code between the tags [Tumblr] and [/Tumblr].
Code: Select all
[Tumblr]<div class="tumblr-post" data-href="" data-did="88b2f30bd6d0e04627b57c2b4faf421ae5316ea9" ><a href=""></a></div><script async src=""></script>[/Tumblr]
Last edited by lefthandedism on Thu Aug 02, 2018 4:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.

How do I insert a URL?
To insert a URL, click the url button
above the post editor, which will give you:
put an equals sign after the first "url", paste your link right after the equals sign, and type whatever text you'd like between the opening tag and the closing tag:
will give you:
this right here.
To insert a URL, click the url button

Code: Select all
put an equals sign after the first "url", paste your link right after the equals sign, and type whatever text you'd like between the opening tag and the closing tag:
Code: Select all
[url=]this right here[/url]
will give you:
this right here.

How do I use the spoiler tags?
You can hide part of your post under a “spoiler,” which means that it is replaced by a button that users have to click in order to see the content.
If you put spoiler tags around a chunk of text that already contains spoiler tags, it won’t work. To put posts containing spoilers under a spoiler, use the OuterSpoiler button from the panel. This allows you to create two levels of spoilers.
You can hide part of your post under a “spoiler,” which means that it is replaced by a button that users have to click in order to see the content.
- Method 1: "Spoiler" tags
The most basic way to do this is to use the Spoiler button in the panel. The spoiler tags should go around the text/images/etc. that you wish to hide.
example:Code: Select all
[spoiler]oh hello, thank you for reading [/spoiler]
Method 2: "Hide" tags
If you use the "spoiler" tags, the button you press to show the content will read “Show.” If you would like this button to be labeled something else instead, you can use the Hide tags instead. Place the text you wish to hide between the tags [Hide=] and [/Hide], and after the =, write whatever you want the button to be labeled. (Note, however, that the only characters you can use in the label are letters, numbers, spaces, commas, dots, minus, plus, and underscores — if you use other characters, it won’t work.)
example:Code: Select all
[hide=This is some text I am hiding]Phil is psychic.[/hide]
If you put spoiler tags around a chunk of text that already contains spoiler tags, it won’t work. To put posts containing spoilers under a spoiler, use the OuterSpoiler button from the panel. This allows you to create two levels of spoilers.
Code: Select all
[outerspoiler]Hello. (This was hidden by the "outer spoiler" tag)[spoiler]Goodbye. (This was hidden by the regular "spoiler" tag)[/spoiler][/outerspoiler]

How do I include trigger warnings?
If you've got something to post but you think it may be triggering for other people, then please use the TW= button from the panel.
This will both insert a TW note and hide the potentially triggering content. Specify the trigger after the = in the tag, then put the content between the tags.
If you've got something to post but you think it may be triggering for other people, then please use the TW= button from the panel.
This will both insert a TW note and hide the potentially triggering content. Specify the trigger after the = in the tag, then put the content between the tags.
Code: Select all
[TW=you can warn for the potential trigger]content that could be triggering[/TW]

How do I edit my post? How do I delete my post?
You will have 15 minutes from submitting to edit your post.
Click the “edit” button at the top right of your post to make any changes.
If your post has been quoted by another user while they are composing a post, you cannot make any edits to your post until that user has submitted their post.
You will have 5 minutes from submitting to delete your post - after this time, posts cannot be deleted by users or moderators, unless the post contains personal or identifying information. If your post contains information you would like to be removed, please send a private message explaining your situation to any moderator, or use any of our our offsite contact details.
You will have 15 minutes from submitting to edit your post.
Click the “edit” button at the top right of your post to make any changes.
If your post has been quoted by another user while they are composing a post, you cannot make any edits to your post until that user has submitted their post.
You will have 5 minutes from submitting to delete your post - after this time, posts cannot be deleted by users or moderators, unless the post contains personal or identifying information. If your post contains information you would like to be removed, please send a private message explaining your situation to any moderator, or use any of our our offsite contact details.

How do I access emoticons that are not on the main "post reply" page?
Just click "view more smilies." This will open a window with all available smilies.
You can also request new emoticons in the emoticon thread.
Just click "view more smilies." This will open a window with all available smilies.
You can also request new emoticons in the emoticon thread.

How do I contact a moderator or administrator?
If IDB goes down and you want to contact a mod to find out what's happened, are unable to contact us through the forum, or are just looking for another method with which to tell us how you're doing, here are ways in which you can contact us. We recommend following us or bookmarking our accounts in case of forum downtime.
IDB twitter | IDB tumblr | indepthbants at gmail dot com
jesp : twitter | idbjesp at gmail dot com
missemma : twitter | tumblr
Oqua : twitter | oqua12 at gmail dot com
alittledizzy : twitter | tumblr | alittledizzy at gmail dot com
rizzo : twitter | tumblr
lefthandedism: twitter | tumblr
catallena: twitter | tumblr
If IDB goes down and you want to contact a mod to find out what's happened, are unable to contact us through the forum, or are just looking for another method with which to tell us how you're doing, here are ways in which you can contact us. We recommend following us or bookmarking our accounts in case of forum downtime.
IDB twitter | IDB tumblr | indepthbants at gmail dot com
jesp : twitter | idbjesp at gmail dot com
missemma : twitter | tumblr
Oqua : twitter | oqua12 at gmail dot com
alittledizzy : twitter | tumblr | alittledizzy at gmail dot com
rizzo : twitter | tumblr
lefthandedism: twitter | tumblr
catallena: twitter | tumblr
Last edited by mermaid blood on Tue Nov 28, 2017 10:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

How do I change my username?
If you would like to change your username, you can make a request in the request thread or send a private message to any moderator. Do not create a new account to change your username.
Please note, we’ll allow one username change per user, as long as your preferred username does not break a site rule, is not a disallowed username, does not contain profanity, and is not already in use. After this, you will need to offer a compelling reason for a second name change, which will only be given at the discretion of the moderators.
We may refuse any username request for any reason if we believe it is the best course of action.
If you would like to change your username, you can make a request in the request thread or send a private message to any moderator. Do not create a new account to change your username.
Please note, we’ll allow one username change per user, as long as your preferred username does not break a site rule, is not a disallowed username, does not contain profanity, and is not already in use. After this, you will need to offer a compelling reason for a second name change, which will only be given at the discretion of the moderators.
We may refuse any username request for any reason if we believe it is the best course of action.

How do I delete my account? How do I delete my old posts?
We do not delete accounts or posts, except for posts that contain private or identifying information when requested by a user, or when we believe there to be a risk of harassment or loss of privacy.
To discuss your account, please send a private message explaining your situation to any moderator, or use any of our our offsite contact details.
We do not delete accounts or posts, except for posts that contain private or identifying information when requested by a user, or when we believe there to be a risk of harassment or loss of privacy.
To discuss your account, please send a private message explaining your situation to any moderator, or use any of our our offsite contact details.

How do I report a post? Can I report a private message?
Reporting a post is an effective and easy way to bring a post to the attention of the moderators. Reporting posts is not necessarily a bad thing - you can report a post for any reason, if you feel that the post should be brought to the attention of the moderators. Please do not abuse the report function, however.
To report a post, you will need to click the exclamation mark found at the top right of each post, beside the quote button.

You will be taken to a page with a drop down menu and a field for further information about the reason for the report.
Choose the reason for the report from the drop down menu, then fill in any relevant details in the further information field.
The same process applies to private messages. Note that, while moderators cannot normally view private messages, they can be reported by either the recipient or the sender which will allow the moderators to see the reported message. All site rules apply to private messages.
A moderator will deal with the report as soon as possible.
Reporting a post is an effective and easy way to bring a post to the attention of the moderators. Reporting posts is not necessarily a bad thing - you can report a post for any reason, if you feel that the post should be brought to the attention of the moderators. Please do not abuse the report function, however.
To report a post, you will need to click the exclamation mark found at the top right of each post, beside the quote button.

You will be taken to a page with a drop down menu and a field for further information about the reason for the report.
Choose the reason for the report from the drop down menu, then fill in any relevant details in the further information field.
The same process applies to private messages. Note that, while moderators cannot normally view private messages, they can be reported by either the recipient or the sender which will allow the moderators to see the reported message. All site rules apply to private messages.
A moderator will deal with the report as soon as possible.

Can I use a gif for my avatar?
To use a gif as your avatar you will need to host the image offsite.
To do this follow this method:
Upload your image to an outside host (eg. imgur) -> user control panel -> profile -> edit avatar -> copy off-site link -> insert your link in the box -> submit.
The file must not exceed the 200x200 pixel limit.
To use a gif as your avatar you will need to host the image offsite.
To do this follow this method:
Upload your image to an outside host (eg. imgur) -> user control panel -> profile -> edit avatar -> copy off-site link -> insert your link in the box -> submit.
The file must not exceed the 200x200 pixel limit.

How does the main thread work? How do I suggest a thread name?
The main thread is the place for general Dan and Phil discussion, but discussion is not limited to that thread.
Each thread has a title usually based on, but not limited to, recent Dan and Phil or forum events, suggested by and voted on by the users. The thread lasts for 40 pages, although this is based on tradition and is not a rule so some threads may run longer.
To suggest a title, post in this thread. Thread names can be up to 40 characters long, including spaces.
When the main thread is nearing 40 pages, a moderator will make a poll with the suggestions supplied, post the poll in both the current main thread and the suggestions thread, let the poll run for a short time, then create a new thread with the winning title.
The main thread is the place for general Dan and Phil discussion, but discussion is not limited to that thread.
Each thread has a title usually based on, but not limited to, recent Dan and Phil or forum events, suggested by and voted on by the users. The thread lasts for 40 pages, although this is based on tradition and is not a rule so some threads may run longer.
To suggest a title, post in this thread. Thread names can be up to 40 characters long, including spaces.
When the main thread is nearing 40 pages, a moderator will make a poll with the suggestions supplied, post the poll in both the current main thread and the suggestions thread, let the poll run for a short time, then create a new thread with the winning title.

Where can I find more information about Dan and Phil?
If you would like to find out what gifts dan and Phil have bought each other, why people talk about "2012" in hushed whispers, where the word "deppy" came from, or exactly who that person you hear about all the time is, you can find answers to these questions, and many more, over in our Dan and Phil FAQ subforum.
FAQs - danisnotonfire & AmazingPhil
D&P FAQ Introduction
Glossary of terms
If you would like to find out what gifts dan and Phil have bought each other, why people talk about "2012" in hushed whispers, where the word "deppy" came from, or exactly who that person you hear about all the time is, you can find answers to these questions, and many more, over in our Dan and Phil FAQ subforum.
FAQs - danisnotonfire & AmazingPhil
D&P FAQ Introduction
Glossary of terms

How do I embed images from my Google Drive account?
If you would like to embed an image from your Google Drive account, please follow these instructions:
will give you this

Thanks to itasca00 for originally posting this guide here.
If you would like to embed an image from your Google Drive account, please follow these instructions:
- Upload the image to your Google Drive
- Right click on the uploaded image
- Click "Get shareable link"
- Paste the link between "img" tags - see this post for help with the img tags
- Within the link text, change "open?" to "uc?"
Code: Select all
Thanks to itasca00 for originally posting this guide here.

How do I change the forum theme/style?
To change the forum theme you must be logged in.
Once logged in, go to the top left corner, click on your username, and select “User Control Panel”.

Select “Board preferences” from the tabs at the top, locate the dropdown menu “My board style”, select your preferred theme, then click submit at the bottom of the page.

The default theme is Dan & Phil 2020.
To change the forum theme you must be logged in.
Once logged in, go to the top left corner, click on your username, and select “User Control Panel”.

Select “Board preferences” from the tabs at the top, locate the dropdown menu “My board style”, select your preferred theme, then click submit at the bottom of the page.

The default theme is Dan & Phil 2020.

- lefthandedism
- simply stressed bisexual
- Posts: 1672
- Joined: Tue Nov 15, 2016 10:16 pm
- Pronouns: she/her
- Location: New England
What is a "Foe" and how can I add a user to my "Foes" list?
If you would prefer not to see the posts of a particular user when you are logged into the forum, you can add them to your "Foes" list.
Navigate to the "Friends & Foes" tab in the User Control Panel and select "Manage foes". Enter one or more usernames and click "Submit":

You can also add a user to your "Foes" from that user's profile.
If you would prefer not to see the posts of a particular user when you are logged into the forum, you can add them to your "Foes" list.
Navigate to the "Friends & Foes" tab in the User Control Panel and select "Manage foes". Enter one or more usernames and click "Submit":

You can also add a user to your "Foes" from that user's profile.
"If you're left-handed, ask a friend."
"Why am I left-handed?"
"Everybody makes mistakes."