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He's just fucking desperate for views now. He should just stop being a douche and act like his age for once.
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malday wrote:he called jk rowling a cunt. guess since his video views seem to be dropping he wants to make the news again.
so... did he pass off this one as a joke too or he genuinely used the word cunt as an insult and didn't give a fuck? don't wanna give him even an adblocked view to check lol.
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papierklemmen wrote:
malday wrote:he called jk rowling a cunt. guess since his video views seem to be dropping he wants to make the news again.
so... did he pass off this one as a joke too or he genuinely used the word cunt as an insult and didn't give a fuck? don't wanna give him even an adblocked view to check lol.
he did a video thanking his fans for support, saying he doesn't want controversy and ended the video with :
"also, btw, JK Rowling is still a cun"(video cuts off there).
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This probably doesn't matter anymore bc this shit happened a month ago already. But I was scrolling through Tomska's twitter because I was curious on what he thought on the issue and can this be counted as pewds shade?? cos omg The tweet from @timsplosion is a reply to his tweet "Been pretty quiet on Twitter lately because I'm just itching for a fight. Ain't nothin' but negativity coming from me at the moment." for some context.
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i hope this youtube code works but. uh. thoughts on the video?

i personally do think he seems happier doing and making the videos he wants to make. i just want felix to do what he feels is right, and i don't want him to push himself too hard or anything. yeah.
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Wondering what Felix is up to, did his desperation go away? well he seems to be guzzling some red-pills lately, and turning his channel into a dramaalert-leafy 2.0 he dropped this little gem:

With a little special message at 11:27 and 13:37 for all you females out there, let Felix drop a truth bomb on your little brains. He knows what's up he is a wemen, he even changed his brofist into a sisterfist he knows what he's saying!!

If you are wondering who that guy in the video is who pewds is defending that "he didn't actually say wemen should earn less!!1!!"
Here are some lovely quotes from him:

Of course, pewds wouldn't be doing this to stir up controvercy or anything, nope not pewds!
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How does Marzia...?

So disgusted. My 9 year old niece watches a lot of YT (unfortunately unsupervised for the most part) and has actually come to his defense in conversations about his racist comments etc. "He's only joking, he doesn't actually mean that".

He has a huge reach and it's a real shame.
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My very long thoughts on pewdiepie's video and the wage gap below the spoiler
In my opinion, in the USA the wage gap is not as much of a problem as it is made out to be. Sometimes it seems as though people look at the study that shows that women overall make 77 cents for every dollar a man makes, and take it too literally. From what I have seen, that study does not reflect what women make compared to men for the same work. There are many things that have to be taken into account regarding the wage gap specifically women deciding to work less and women choosing lower paying jobs. I’ve seen people get a bit upset over that second one, maybe it comes off as sexist, but from what I have seen it is true. Women are not as likely as men to go into technology and math related careers such as engineering and computer science. According to “Women receive far fewer in the computer sciences (17.9%), engineering (19.3%), physical sciences (39%) and mathematics (43.1%).” Since in the last century these jobs have become so necessary for society, it’s no wonder that they would have high pay rates. I can’t pinpoint to exactly why women have generally chosen not to pursue careers in these fields, here are some reasons I have heard of and thought of:

Society causes women feel inadequate to men therefore they don’t feel as though they can succeed in male dominated industries. - I have heard this one a lot especially when I take part of programs dedicated to persuading girls to choose a STEM related major. It actually seems very likely since I have often heard that although girls show interest in science and math in middle school they often become discouraged as they reach high school and don’t pursue the interest further. One issue I have with this is the phrase‘society causes…” it makes me uncomfortable since I see it used almost everywhere it can feel a bit overused and unfounded. Also although this doesn’t directly blame men, it sort of ignores the possibility that men and women can generally have different preferences.

Men and women just tend to like different things. -Although I showed preference to this idea above, it ignores the concept that women are showing interest in STEM but not generally pursuing it as a career. That could be however because of general differences between men and women. I have seen studies of the difference between male and female brains, men tend to focus on a single tasks and women tend to have the ability to multitask. This could overlap into the way that women and men choose careers, perhaps long term, women will choose careers that require the use of several different parts of the brain combined with human connection, while men might be more likely to stick to a career that needs only one entity. (there are several flaws in this reasoning, since I can’t prove it especially since I haven’t studied what career’s people of different sexes choose based on how many different abilities are involved in them)

Women are just not as smart as men. -I’m gonna have to outright disagree with this, even though as a woman I am a bit biased :p as I did state above the brain’s women and men work differently but even if women and men tend to have different inborn desires on the way they want to live their life, that wouldn’t really reflect on their intelligence.

There are probably many more possible reasons for why women don’t choose to go into technology jobs that pay more but I don’t want to get too far off topic. I mentioned above that since women tend to choose to work less than men, the wage gap which compares the overall salaries of men and women, is larger. This would probably have a lot to do with women often taking on the role of a housewife or the primary homemaker, meaning they would work less in favor of taking care of their homes and families. I’m pretty sure this makes a lot of people upset, and I can see why it would if that’s what was expected from women but I don’t think it is a problem if a woman chooses to work less and spend more time taking care of her family. Although as more time passes since the to the mid 1900s women seem to be less likely to choose this role, and will opt for a more modern approach where both people in a relationship will take on equal duties.

I have been part of several programs geared toward women and girls working to convince and show them how rewarding a career in STEM fields could be. These programs are all over the country and are often funded by large corporations who worry that as more and more STEM jobs are opened there might be a shortage of skilled workers if a significant part of the population remain uninterested. Because of this, and because of the quickly changing role of women in society, I personally think that the wage gap will slowly disappear over the next several decades.

I would like to clarify that everything I have mentioned has been specifically in regard to the United States and may also apply to some other countries. However I feel the need to acknowledge that there are many countries, even first world countries, where a wage gap exists between males and females in the same industry. There are many places were there are no strict laws against unequal pay, and not all countries give people getting unfair wages a way to defend themselves.

Now that I have clarified my opinions on the wage gap, I’ll move on to pewdiepie’s video and some thoughts I have had on it. Firstly I don’t think like the idea of him getting into politics, since I think it is in a way irresponsible. Felix has 55 million subscribers, it is inevitable that there will be a variety of opinions and wide rang of experiences and nationality among that many people. He might not have thought this through, since based on his recent videos he claims to not want to put too much effort in his videos anymore.

In response to Malday: In the video, Felix was only responding to what was said in the video he was reacting to, in the video the Polish man was clearly trying to make himself look better by saying “I never said women should earn less”. Felix was responding specifically to that and obviously didn’t do any other research on the guy in the video, and didn’t know of his previous sexist remarks.

Either way the video didn’t really make too much sense. The man in the video was insinuating that the wage gap does exist, and it is possible that it does in Poland. But the excuses (aside for the intelligence one since it seems pretty unfounded) the man used of women being shorter and weaker than men, would only work for a wage gap in very specific occupation, such as one in construction, so this man’s idea seems pretty invalid. The thing is, it almost seems as though Felix is nodding along with this guy at the end of the video. He explains that the wage gap is just the result of an average, that results from women choosing lower paying jobs. which is a concept I mentioned and agreed with above. However it seems pretty contradictory of him to be practically agreeing with this guy and then go on to disagree. Basically Felix is sort of contradicting himself, as well as ignoring the fact that laws and wages vary among different countries.

I do agree with Felix that the interviewers here were not really being fair since they weren’t giving the guy a chance to speak,but since they had probably seen and known of the mans previous blatantly sexist behavior they may not have wanted him to cover up and pretend to change his stances to make himself look better. It ends up looking bad on them and not him, maybe they should’ve begun with those clips which would be hard for him to defend himself against.

Maybe it’s because I don’t have very high expectations, especially when it comes to Pewdiepie, but I am definitely not as angry I’ve seen people here and on Tumbr are. I really don’t think that Dan and Phil need to cut all ties to Felix, I have seen a few people hoping that they would. I guess I just generally separate who he is as a person from what he has said and done. Even though he has done some things I disagree with, I don’t think I will expect his deppy to end their friendship with him unless it seems as though he is crossing the line from making dumb jokes and being generally ignorant, to being actually serious and making videos to try to convince his audience of discriminatory ideas.

I'm sorry if I may have not been very articulate in expressing my opinions or very clear as to which where I stand, I find it a bit hard to vehemently take a stance.I really want to see what other people have to say about this, so if you don’t want to post feel free to PM me.
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Afunnyworld wrote: In my opinion, in the USA the wage gap is not as much of a problem as it is made out to be. Sometimes it seems as though people look at the study that shows that women overall make 77 cents for every dollar a man makes, and take it too literally. From what I have seen, that study does not reflect what women make compared to men for the same work. There are many things that have to be taken into account regarding the wage gap specifically women deciding to work less and women choosing lower paying jobs. I’ve seen people get a bit upset over that second one, maybe it comes off as sexist, but from what I have seen it is true. Women are not as likely as men to go into technology and math related careers such as engineering and computer science. According to “Women receive far fewer in the computer sciences (17.9%), engineering (19.3%), physical sciences (39%) and mathematics (43.1%).” Since in the last century these jobs have become so necessary for society, it’s no wonder that they would have high pay rates. I can’t pinpoint to exactly why women have generally chosen not to pursue careers in these fields, here are some reasons I have heard of and thought of:
Thanks for your thoughtful post! I liked a lot of your analysis.

My brief thoughts on the bit I highlighted:

First, should someone [male or female] choose a career/job simply based on how much money it pays? (My answer, as a "middle-aged" person, is a resounding "no", but that's my own value system.)

Second, what does it say about society that writing (often crappy) code for (often trivial) apps pays much much better than educating children?

With these two points in mind (which I obviously feel strongly about lol), I think the conversation is usually looking through the wrong end of the telescope--that is, asking the wrong questions. (Especially when the way the questions are framed implicity faults/blames women.)
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I find it hilarious that people think women choose lower paying jobs, rather than think about the fact that jobs which are dominated by woman are constantly devalued, both in terms of the financial aspect, and the amount of respect given by society.

And, if we're talking about working with computers, that actually was a field dominated by women, and was not paid very well, or even respected. As soon as men started to work on computers, it suddenly became a very lucrative job. But, I'm sure that's a coincidence too
Just trying to spread the Dangirl agenda
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jhamba wrote:I find it hilarious that people think women choose lower paying jobs, rather than think about the fact that jobs which are dominated by woman are constantly devalued, both in terms of the financial aspect, and the amount of respect given by society.

And, if we're talking about working with computers, that actually was a field dominated by women, and was not paid very well, or even respected. As soon as men started to work on computers, it suddenly became a very lucrative job. But, I'm sure that's a coincidence too
Yup, this!!!!

There is a lack of women in high paying jobs because:

a) traditionally women have not been encouraged to enter high-paying, highly valued careers, instead dominating nurturing jobs such as nursing and teaching which, as you mentioned, are devalued despite being vital to the functioning of society. Nursing and teaching are severely underpaid, and are not seen as worthy of high pay due to men's inability/refusal to acknowledge the time, effort and skill required to carry out a job when that job is dominated by women.

b) in most societies, childcare services are abysmal, meaning many women have no choice but to stay home and take care of their children themselves as childcare is so expensive that it would defeat the purpose of working. There still remains an expectation that women should sacrifice their careers, not their husbands, and while that is starting to change it is still rare for men to stay home/work part time in order to care for children.

c) all of this is ignoring racial/class barriers; the fact that historically women - especially poor women and women of colour - have been denied the sorts of opportunities that have always been available for middle and upper-class white men. These barriers to education and high-paying jobs are even greater for poor women/women of colour, and surely contribute to the wage gap that exists today. It will take decades or even centuries to rectify a history of oppression, and it is ridiculous to ignore the many advantages white men have had in terms of accessing high-paying careers.

d) if anyone's interested here is a really interesting side-by-side comparison of men's and women's wages in Australia which demonstrates that even in the highest paid fields women still earn significantly less than men: ... 26290.html

Basically, Felix's video was poorly researched and very shallow in focus, and like lefthandedism and jhamba have said it fails to investigate why it is that women are earning less than men/why it is that men dominate high-earning fields. It's not because women are lazy or stupid or simply uninterested in those careers, it's the result of centuries of oppression and discrimination which ensured that women were discouraged or denied access to education, as well as the continued devaluation of female-dominated careers.
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i don't even know what to say about this, other then i'm not surprised but it's still weird as hell.
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Afunnyworld You're being very generous towards him by calling what he displays in this video a "persona".
There was no persona here, no guttural over the top voice he does for his persona, just his smug asshole self that gets his education on topics from anti-feminist videos, and caters heavily to that demographic, while pretending he doesn't. Just his good old self who still uses "gay" as an insult from time to time.

It's a bit naive to argue that he did this video without knowing all the facts about the Polish guy, even if he did would the video have any point other than starting controversy and getting more views?
He's very sure of himself and his opinions when he starts shit, like when he did that video slandering the toy review kid's family.

He's being controversial on purpose while saying he doesn't want to be controversial and people who were born yesterday still fall for it and worry about the "poor guy he's so stressed i'm so glad he's taking a break and doing what he wants".
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Very interesting discussion! I feel like Afunnyworld's post, together with all the following ones pointing out the ifs and buts of it, do a very good job at illustrating the complexity of the issue in a surprisingly short and easy to understand way. Felix should read it. ;)
jhamba wrote:I find it hilarious that people think women choose lower paying jobs, rather than think about the fact that jobs which are dominated by woman are constantly devalued, both in terms of the financial aspect, and the amount of respect given by society.

And, if we're talking about working with computers, that actually was a field dominated by women, and was not paid very well, or even respected. As soon as men started to work on computers, it suddenly became a very lucrative job. But, I'm sure that's a coincidence too
Same with teaching in my country, but the other way around. When my grandfather became a teacher it was a male-dominated, high status job with a good salary. Now my mum's a teacher but the job's become female-dominated, underpaid and low status. Funny how that works.

It's also funny how women are so often seen as the losing side for staying home with their children and earning less, while men are somehow seen as the winning side for having more money but no relationship with their own children. Ask my grandfather and he'll tell you that the one thing he regrets most in life was never taking a day off to spend with his only daughter... But on the other hand, ask my grandmother and she'll tell you she regrets not working more because now her pension is crap and she'd never survive on her own. Perhaps if they had cooperated better??? It's a good thing we can learn from previous generations' mistakes.

I wonder what Felix and Marzia's thoughts are on children and childcare. Felix comes from the same country as I do, after all, and we are both part of a generation that's seen a real shift of priorities when it comes to parenthood. It's now seen as perfectly natural for (white, educated, middle class) men like Felix to share equal responsibility over their children, make sacrifices at work in order to build a proper relationship with them, etc. It pleases me immensely to know that those kids will grow up and hopefully carry on that tradition and expand on it, and in the long run make everything better for everyone.

Anyway, I digress, what I really came here to post was this:
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Pewds respects wamen that's all that matters.
sorry if I come off a bit wanky

... but I'm probably right you know
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Y'all seen his video "I guess this needed to be said." which is not clickbait for once! He addressed the issues with the Nazi's and Charlottesville and said he would stop making Nazi jokes, and that he obviously isn't affiliated with them.

Good on him, imo.
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saffarinda wrote:Y'all seen his video "I guess this needed to be said." which is not clickbait for once! He addressed the issues with the Nazi's and Charlottesville and said he would stop making Nazi jokes, and that he obviously isn't affiliated with them.

Good on him, imo.
He said he didn't really think there are actual nazis out there?
Goes to show how he's living in a bubble and not thinking of the consequences. Too bad it took a real life event to put things into perspective for him.
At least, it's a start.
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malday wrote:
saffarinda wrote:Y'all seen his video "I guess this needed to be said." which is not clickbait for once! He addressed the issues with the Nazi's and Charlottesville and said he would stop making Nazi jokes, and that he obviously isn't affiliated with them.

Good on him, imo.
He said he didn't really think there are actual nazis out there?
Goes to show how he's living in a bubble and not thinking of the consequences. Too bad it took a real life event to put things into perspective for him.
At least, it's a start.
He's dumb as hell if so. As a European he should know that this is not new. I've known about neo nazi groups existing and basically being tolerated in European countries since I was a child. My age didn't even reach double digits yet when I first heard about 'Lonsdale youth' and the banning of the brand at schools due to it being popular with teenagers who had 'far right' ideas. No idea if that particular controversy spread to the more Northern parts of Europe much (I remember it being a big thing tho) but it's just one example how neo nazis have always been present here and they haven't exactly always been lurking in the shadows either. Was he so sheltered that he really didn't know or did he think all those kids proudly wearing their Lonsdale gear grew up to be adults who weren't pieces of shit?

We'll see if he starts doing better. I sincerely hope so.
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The Lonsdale thing wasn't really a thing in Scandinavia but there are a lot of neo-nazi groups around, take the NRM for example, and it's not like people don't know about them. So if Felix really didn't know about them, he must've been very sheltered, yes. I kind of don't buy this excuse though. I do think he finally realised what he did was wrong (better late than never) but I think he decided to say he didn't know there were still nazis around because it sounds a lot better than "I underestimated these people severely and might have accidentally broadcasted their ideologies to my millions of viewers". But I'm glad he finally snapped out of it, I hope he means what he said.
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Catallena wrote:He's dumb as hell if so. As a European he should know that this is not new. I've known about neo nazi groups existing and basically being tolerated in European countries since I was a child. My age didn't even reach double digits yet when I first heard about 'Lonsdale youth' and the banning of the brand at schools due to it being popular with teenagers who had 'far right' ideas. No idea if that particular controversy spread to the more Northern parts of Europe much (I remember it being a big thing tho) but it's just one example how neo nazis have always been present here and they haven't exactly always been lurking in the shadows either. Was he so sheltered that he really didn't know or did he think all those kids proudly wearing their Lonsdale gear grew up to be adults who weren't pieces of shit?
It really depends on which part of Sweden he grew up in and how sheltered he was. I can see Felix not having had any particular contact with nazis growing up in a nice family in Gothenburg - back then you pretty much had to be working class to run across nazis in Sweden. Where I grew up (middle class) it felt like they only existed in history textbooks, parody videos, and as the occasional nutjob on the news.

Granted, I don't see how you could possibly miss the growth and legitimisation of nazism in current day Europe. But I can see how you'd underestimate it, and I think that's the gist of "didn't know it was a thing". Charlottesville really did drive home the point that nazism is indeed a Thing™ in a very, very real sense. I knew it was, and I was still shocked. Felix's reaction to Charlottesville in the video: "Oh! Oh... ok. I see." That's exactly the feeling. White sheltered kid realising they've been hella naïve.
Katka wrote:I think he decided to say he didn't know there were still nazis around because it sounds a lot better than "I underestimated these people severely and might have accidentally broadcasted their ideologies to my millions of viewers".
Haha yes, something along those lines, that's very spot on. :lol: :?
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Catallena wrote: Wed Aug 16, 2017 8:16 pm We'll see if he starts doing better. I sincerely hope so.
This is why I should just stick with my shady smartass branding and none of this nice and hopeful shit because

With a hard 'r' and everything. And that 'apology' that he obviously only gave because it was a stream. I bet he says it all the time in private.

Felix is racist. Gasp shock horror surprise.

Can't wait to see how the YouTube community defends him this time. :thumb:
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I honestly thought he had learned from his mistakes, but the way it rolled so easily from his tongue confirms he's used to say it in his everyday life. I wonder if he's going to say anything about it and if he does what his excuse is going to be no matter what it is I won't go back to him again. It's a shame cause I used to like him we can't have nice things.
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NarrysCanary wrote: Sun Sep 10, 2017 7:03 pm I honestly thought he had learned from his mistakes, but the way it rolled so easily from his tongue confirms he's used to say it in his everyday life. I wonder if he's going to say anything about it and if he does what his excuse is going to be no matter what it is I won't go back to him again. It's a shame cause I used to like him we can't have nice things.
Agree with how easily it rolled off his tongue. I didn't watch the full livestream but apparently at some point later on he said "sometimes I forget I'm livestreaming." If that's true, then his excuse is basically "I only say racial slurs when no one can hear me"
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The controversy earlier this year was stupid but oh my god what is wrong with him? There's literally no excuse for that.
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I want to give disappointed parent face to Marzia. I don't know anything about her, but I still want to say she can do better than this.

(Though realistically the money is probably good incentive to stay if she's build her career around his career.)
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