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I am losing my voice | Live Show - 9 February 2020

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 1:01 am
by lefthandedism

Re: I am losing my voice | Live Show - 9 February 2020

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 2:07 am
by alittledizzy
1:05 - Phil's losing it. His voice. He has a sore throat, a traveling cold. His nose spray worked but was an uno reverse card on the cold and it attacked his larynx.
2:00 - He talks about the big storm in the UK. Apparently this time, there was an actual storm that hit the whole country some how.
2:40 - He thought he saw a squirrel fly past the window, but it may have been a bird. It may also have been a super-squirrel. Phil is unsure.
3:08 - If your name is Kara, Kira, Kiara, or Kaira, this is your moment to shine. He says them all multiple times.
3:42 - First emphatic "oof!" of the liveshow. Should we keep count? We'll keep count.
4:02 - He has not been outside all day. He didn't want to infect anyone or get blown away. Like the Wizard of Oz. No wait, he didn't get blown away. Like Dorothy. He didn't want to get Dorothied into the sky. Chat approves him and declares it a smart choice.
4:27 - He got a cold because he ventured out into places with germs. He went bowling in Watford and injured his leg. He tried to do a trick slide shot and twisted his leg. He can't fully bend it or the back of his knee hurts. He can walk normally with pain or walk pain-free with a limp, so he's hobbling. If it's not better in a week he'll go to the doctor. (It didn't hurt at the time, but it did the next morning.)
6:00 - He didn't win. That was the true shame. A seven year old beat him. "Bowling skills." He was better at bowling when he was seven.
6:19 - He's not feeling well and they aren't having an Oscar party because one friend's train got canceled and the other has the flu so he may not watch it. "If there's not a party, is there any point in watching it until five in the morning?"
6:45 - His bowling score was 131 for his first game. Second was 93.
7:02 - He had a terrible night's sleep because of the storm. It was like doing an escape room to try and stop the noise. If he closed the window it whistled, if he opened the window all the doors in the house started banging, so he had to do a prop system where he opened the window and opened the door and it wasn't working.
7:25 - Everything slammed and scared him and he had adrenaline.
7:30 - Mini golf was the second birthday excursion and it was a surprise. It was an 18+ mini golf bar. There were nine holes and he came in second. Five or six people were playing.
8:08 - He's had a lot of practice because the Lesters love a mini golf. They do at least two mini golfs every time they are in Florida.
8:22 - He describes the mini golf thing and goes into a tangent about London pop ups that are things he used to like but adding extra stuff.
8:39 - He went to something called Flight Club in Victoria. It's darts but a tv screen does your score and you can order food and get a little booth. He did that with his family and he's rubbish at darts but it didn't matter because it wasn't about the darts it was about the ~communal experience.
8:57 - He's enjoying all the start ups that are just like, lets make a sport and add food. There's always food involved.
9:39 - Phil proposes that they add mini golf into the Olympics.
9:45 - He hopes Parasite or 1917 win the Oscars. He might watch Jojo Rabbit this evening.
10:02 - If he tries to watch the Oscars he'd need a redbull after two hours because his cough medicine makes him drowsy.
10:29 - He declares his birthday tour is over. "I feel like I really milked it this year. I mean... I always milk it." He had four outings.
10:56 - He is like birthday dad from Bojack.
11:18 - He'll be full of a new immune system by Vidcon time.
11:32 - NORMAN CAM! :betta:
12:10 - This commences about two minutes of people declaring love for Norman, proposing marriage to Norman, praising Norman's beauty, offering to change their sexuality for Norman. Phil approves. One person wants to eat Norman. Phil does not approve.
13:22 - Talks about the arcade at the bowling place and the tickets he keeps finding. "Wasted potential." They were collaborating for the seven year old to get a prize. He waves his Old Man Cane at the arcade for the gameplay time vs ticket value.
14:15 - He clarifies he wasn't just hanging out with a seven year old, his friend has a seven year old. "Yeah, I've got friends that have children. That's terrifying! Seven year old children."
14:36 - They got 1100 tickets and let her pick whatever she wanted from the prize selection. She traded all of the tickets for 47 packs of Fizzy Astro Belts. She had over 100 sour laces. "That is such a Phil thing to do."
15:47 - News Story of the Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
16:08 - Brief aside for Phil to test his vocal range.
16:20 - News story: dog called Finley breaks world record for stuffing the most tennis balls in its mouth.
18:44 - All the letters he gets are safely stored in the office in various drawers. There are lots of drawers of letters since he used to have a PO Box and never wanted to get rid of them. [This is the first time he's officially referenced them having an office, right?]
19:30 - He likes for shows to all be out before he watches them. He's not a week to week kind of guy.
19:45 - Room reflection in the glass.
20:41 - He had quite a sick day yesterday because he couldn't speak. He went on a google deep dive and ended up watching clips of Bondi Beach Rescue. [Upon a cursory google, this is not a mystery. Put your dick away, Phil.]
21:36 - Insects are an amazing spiral;
22:19 - Conspiracies are a popular spiral just when you're going to sleep. "What did happen to all those people on that mountain?" [Is he referencing Dyatlov Pass? Because I'm pretty sure Dan has talked about that one before.]
22:23 - Phil makes plans to look at videos of ferrets being taken on walks before he goes to sleep.
23:00 - They showed birthing videos at his school and he thinks it's a good form of making people not want to have kids at sixteen. Phil says it was traumatizing. Then says it is the wonder of life. But very graphic.
24:01 - The last comment mentions the wikipedia game which Phil immediately decides he should play without at all considering that deciding he should play means that he has to play.
24:36 - Phil talks very slowly to distract us while he makes sure we can't see anything but wikipedia on his screen.
25:15 - It is decided that the game will involve trying to get from the wikipedia page for Dogs to the wikipedia page for Phil Lester.
25:31 - Realization that this means he actually has to do this by himself sets in.
26:27 - He decides on a tactic: to try and get to his home town of Rawtenstall in order to get to himself.
28:00 - Redirects to try to get to BBC/Radio 1, and then finds himself.
28:57 - He takes a moment to admire the picture of himself on his wikipedia page.
29:30 - The Lion King is his favorite Disney movie soundtrack.
29:47 - Hint for his next video - he's filming it on Tuesday. It's one of those he's gonna film and then see what happens, so he's not going to give too many hints.
30:28 - He #spons an AP shop sale.
30:58 - He uses his pocket mirror all the time to check for eyelashes, because he's one of those people that gets a million eyelashes in their eyes.
31:04 - He corrects the chat that it's not a spon if it's for himself. It's a promo, not a spon.
31:55 - He tries to help someone with their econ homework and goes entirely blank then throws it to the chat.
31:19 - He got more presents because he saw his brother and Cornelia. Cornelia got him some rainbow bath bombs that release a rainbow into the bath, and his brother got him The Book of Dust.
32:54 - "Everyone is just saying gay bath."
33:07 - His favorite Back to the Future film is the second one.
33:33 - He went to see an Egyptian exhibition. There were a lot of people there for a Wednesday afternoon, but he enjoyed it. The exhibits were on show before they get sent to a museum in Cairo.
34:32 - His week was very social to the point he destroyed his voice.
34:42 - He tried to watch The Irishman last night and fell asleep because he wasn't feeling well. He may finish it after the liveshow.
35:31 - His favorite Ghibli film is Howl's Moving Castle or Spirited Away. He has the box set of all of them but hasn't watched them all yet.
36:45 - He hopes the storm is quieter so he can get some sleep.

Re: I am losing my voice | Live Show - 9 February 2020

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 8:25 am
by itasca00
itasca00 wrote: Mon Feb 10, 2020 8:25 am Here are my highlights from Phil's latest liveshow:
  • Phil talks about bowling recently:
    • [4:31] Phil recently went bowling in Watford, and he tells the story of the tweet below. Basically, he hurt his leg trying to do a trick shot that involved him sliding his leg up into the air. He went with some friends and their seven year-old daughter, and he lost to her.
    • [6:42] In the first game, he scored something like 131. In the second, he scored something like 93.
    • [13:21] At bowling, there was an arcade with games you can play to win tickets you can exchange for a prize. All of the adults gave their tickets to the seven year-old, but Phil has found several sets of tickets that he forgot to give to her. In total, the girl received 1100 tickets, and she exchanged them for 47 packs of fizzy Astro Belts.
  • Phil talks about the Oscars:
    • [6:13] Phil isn’t sure if he’s going to watch the Oscars happening after the liveshow. His and Dan's traditional party has been cancelled because he’s sick and a couple other friends couldn’t make it.
    • [9:43] Phil is hoping for Parasite or 1917 to win Best Picture. Phil hasn’t seen Jojo Rabbit, and he’s under the impression that Little Women, which he also hasn’t seen, has been snubbed (rather than Greta Gerwig for Best Director). :roll:
    • [34:34] Phil tried to watch The Irishman last night, but he fell asleep because he didn’t realize how long it was.
  • [7:02] Phil slept terribly last night because of a storm. If he closed the window, it whistled. If he opened it, all of the doors made noises instead. He tried propping open the window and opening the door, but that didn’t work. And it also caused “everything” to slam, which scared him.
  • [7:28] Phil talks about going mini golfing for his birthday, as previously shown on his Instagram Stories. The location was a surprise to Phil, and it was also a bar. Phil came in second place out of five.
  • [8:36] Phil talks about going to Flight Club Victoria, also as previously shown on his Instagram Stories.
  • [11:32] Phil shows us Norman Cam.
  • [15:47] NEWS STORY OF THE WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK: A new world record was accidentally set. A dog called Finley was able to fit six tennis balls in his mouth. The record doesn’t count officially because there were no Guiness representatives present.
  • [18:41] Phil says that he keeps all the letters he’s ever received tucked away in various drawers in his office. He doesn’t want to get rid of any of them, and he’s thought about digitally archiving them. He gets nervous about the letters (specifically but also his other belongings) being burned up in a fire that he hypothetically accidentally sets.
  • [23:05] Phil was shown videos of human births in school, and he thinks it was an effective way of preventing teenage pregnancy.
  • [24:58] For the gaming segment this week, Phil is trying to find a path from Page A to Page B on Wikipedia. In this case, he’s trying to get from Dog to Phil Lester. He takes the path DogWestern EuropeEuropeKingdom of Great BritainLondonUnited KingdomBBCBBC Radio 1Phil Lester. Phil thinks his Wikipedia picture is alright and not super derpy.
  • [29:26] Phil’s favorite Disney movie soundtrack is that of The Lion King.
  • [29:39] Phil is filming his next video on Tuesday (unless he isn’t better by then), and it’s one of those where he’s just going to film it and see what happens.
  • [30:51] Phil likes his pocket mirror merch. He uses it all the time to check for eyelashes.
  • [32:17] Phil shows some additional gifts he got for his birthday. Cornelia got him some rainbow bath bombs, and Martyn got him The Book of Dust by Philip Pullman.
  • [33:30] Phil talks about going to the Tutankhamun London Exhibition, as previously seen on his Instagram Stories. Apparently, he went on Wednesday afternoon.
  • [35:27] Phil’s favorite Studio Ghibli film is Howl’s Moving Castle, but he also likes Spirited Away.