Phil liveshow - 2 Oct 2016

Dan and Phil liveshows
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alittledizzy wrote: 2 October 2016
Phil just has such a fantastic energy with liveshows since tour ended. I don't know what it is - I thought the good mood would fade.

:51 - October is in his top three months. Favorite month is December. November/January are a tie, likes them both. January is his bday/NY. October he likes because everythign is becoming more autumnal and Halloween. He likes him some spooks.
2:10 - "Give Dan an emoji."
3:16 - He picks emojis from his recently used. Now I'm gonna want to psychoanalyze the emojis he gives people.
3:41 - "I have to give one to Dan because he's complaining." What a put-upon hubbie Phil is.
4:38 - "Perched awkwardly on those stools." Commentary on his comfort level while sitting or self-awareness at how awkward the interviews were.
5:26 - Two PSLs so far, average is 12.
6:32 - "My twitter doesn't even work because I didn't get that reply. Like, my notifications are off the charts-" I think he was going to say he should have gotten that notification (because he has Dan on notifs) and then derailed the sentence.
6:55 - "We had sandelwood [as air refreshener in the toilet] but that ran out and now it is Japanese cherry blossom, which kind of gives me feels for Japan." Nostalgic poops.
7:33 - Fave piece of furniture is the red chair in the office, likes sitting there to look out the window. He looks at the squirrels.
7:55 - Does not like sofa from hell. Only got the sofa/have kept it for so long bc nothing fits up the corridor.
8:36 - "Need to get a new sofa. Or just move out to somewhere with a bigger corridor." Pause, swallow, um.
9:02 - A hawk. Mated. With your eye. That's what you'd go to? That's what you think is a funny story, Phil? Eyefucked by a hawk? Eyefucked? By? A? Hawk? I'm with the doctor, I want to know what you're on.
9:42 - Cheeky little nap.
10:33- This story is why I will never wear contacts.
11:18 - "Are you on illicit drugs?" Phil was so indignant.
11:55 - "I'm not that kind of boy."
12:15 - "Get over it, dude." So Dan-like.
14:15 - "And Dan was saying..." eye patch bit.
15:15 - "The World vs. Dan and Phil's Eyeballs, maybe that could be another book-" stop.
15:29 - "Props box." "Really weird props." dildos, amirite
16:04 - I want his Mario Kart expertise to culmniate in a new gaming video please.
16:40 - Not gonna highlight any individual points of this, but his Alberta story is just fantastic. I'm infatuated with every little exclamation and genuine expression of shock/horror/emotional response.
23:03 - BSG talk. I'm jealous of that box set. Didn't tell anyone he watched it to avoid spoilers (smart) and loved the strong female character (YES).
23:38 - "frakking incredible" nerd
24:26 - "I'm not a big fan of Star Trek." wow I don't even know you Phil why would you hurt me like this, unstan
24:37 "intense military relationships secrets" top five tv shows he's ever seen, yes good as I expected
25:23 - "Had such a good day actually. Watched the three hour Battlestar finale and the Food Wars finale on the same day, and ordered Dominos pizza. In top five days of the year, that's gotta be up there. It was great. It was so good." He's been to multiple countries, performed dozens of stage shows, met countless fans, he's got a movie, a documentary, and a book coming out soon - and the best day of the year so far to him? Watching really good tv shows and eating pizza with Dan. Re-stanning, I'll find a way to look past the Star Trek remark.
28:08 - Specifically addressing why they wouldn't be playing certain games, naming a lot of the games people have brought up.
28:48 - Phil didn't play outlast but he watched Dan's video playing it and was very scared.
29:55 - Photoshoot took about six hours.
31:19 - Undertale Week. They're being noncommittal on the time frame, which is probably smart.
32:10 - Almost followed a goat twitter. These are the Phil updates I show up every week for.
33:03 - He'll get DAPGO on release day, same as we do.
34:34 - No More House Plant Death.
34:42 - Doesn't like glasses bc they weigh his face down. No one cares about your pain, Phil. Succumb to our demanding, entitled whims. Glasses every day. Glasses always.
35:47 - AmazingPhil on the tuber game is not really Phil. Sad womp.
37:12 - Phil how did you shrink your shirts.
37:50 - "We also recorded one in London but Youtube were like hey we want to do it in 4k."
38:26 - Excited for Arrival with Jeremy Renner, and bought The Witch on bluray.
38:58 - "I'm being quite social and hanging out with a few people, and my parents are coming to visit London."
:prideheart: :gayaf: :prideheart:
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