Phil liveshow - 2 Feb 2017 (TRYING GUMMY CANDY SUSHI!)

Dan and Phil liveshows
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dollicious wrote:Phil's YouNow liveshow - 2 February 2017 :
1:19 - “i went for a jog today.” good for him i hope he sticks with jogging & exercising with his new gym membership.
3:13-11:37 - talks about the birthday presents he got.
3:13 - new grey vans from martyn.
5:51 - ‘rewined' candle.
7:05 - “snazzy” glitter beetle jumper from his parents.
7:36 - sushi gummy set from dan with “the same case that we order sushi delivers in, which is hilarious.” :D/ reminded him of the tour when he last got it.
8:51 - phil’s grandma used to call licorice ‘spanish’ and he does a cute impersonation of her.
9:08 - “i’ve been really trying to learn since we went to japan and i was a total flop.” improved using chopsticks for next japhan trip .
9:40 - book about the history of socks.
10.16 - firefly on blueray.
10:32 - terrarium from his friends “like the one dan smashed everywhere.”
11:05 - lava lamp from dan.
12:45 - “i went up north(..) everyday was a good day for going outside, going for a walk, hanging out by the beach, looking at the seaside.” so nice that they spent the time relaxing, going on family walks, and eating good food .
13:50 - “my mom made me a cake.” this cake was cute as hell, mrs. lester is amazing .
17:20 - shows hatched emu egg.
20:36 - “CHAT: thoughts on the beauty and the beast trailer?” “p: i’m not sure, does it need to be made again? is that a controversial opinion?”
21:05 - “CHAT: it looks amazing, i’m excited.” “p: okay, i’ll be excited.” i know this is just something about a movie but i think it kind of shows how he does deal with “controversial opinions.” he shared his opinion that the movie isn’t really necessary and when people in the chat disagreed he says he’ll be excited/kind of takes back his opinion .
22:40 - dan falling was “a mixture of hilarious and genuine concern-ity.”
26:30 - “though, dil has baby dab so that’s enough children for me to look at at the moment.”
29:16 - “CHAT: will you ever get a dog?” “yes!(..)there is a dog on the horizon.” my favorite part of the liveshow !! i did think it was strange he wanted to prove the “yes” by showing the camera but didn’t with any other answer.
31:55- 35:00 - story about being too scared to walk on the path with holes. “didn’t know i’d be afraid of heights - i was(..) just that specific situation freaked me out.”
38:11 - “she knew that i’d asked for a red velvet cake so she bought me red velvet cookies.” aww once again mrs. lester is amazing .
38:38 - talks about celebrating friend birthday.
39:07 - “i’ve still got that childhood fear [of a restaurant singing to you for your birthday].”
39:39 - “my parents would take me to this place and we pretend it was my birthday like three times a year.” this is so funny.
42:26 - beach walk/ dead pigeon story.
45:25 - “CHAT: what do you prefer birthdays or christmas?” “p: i prefer christmas because i feel like birthdays is a lot about me while christmas is about everyone."
:prideheart: :gayaf: :prideheart:
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alittledizzy wrote:Phil's liveshow - 2 February 2017

1:21 - Phil went for a jog today. He references having gotten healthier before the tour as a motivation.
2:00 - Phil sprinting would look like a giraffe on an ice rink.
2:35 - "Check in next week and see if I've done any more. Probably not."
3:00 - Birthday haul starts with a musical interlude.
3:10 - Showing off his new vans from Martyn, with turquoise laces. "What a good brother!"
4:09 - Phil does not know how to lace shoes.
4:24 - His mum worked in a shoe shop when she was sixteen.
4:54 - Phil's shoelaces come undone an average of three to four times a day.
5:20 - He seems genuinely bashful about being called out for not knowing how to tie shoelaces here. It's the same expression/tone he had in a previous liveshow when people were teasing him for his selfie face.
5:32 - Phil is shoe-commitment phobic, doesn't like double knots.
5:44 - "I'm a sock guy." Phil actually taking a moment in his liveshow to specifically antagonize jesp, good job.
5:50 - Candle; does not say who it is from. Cornelia maybe?
6:52 - Phil's Candle Review Goes Dark: "Cut me open and turn me into wax. My blood. That's what my insides probably smell like after all the sweets I've been eating."
7:04 - Snazzy beetle jumper from parents.
7:30 - "One thing" Dan got him was a sushi gummy set. It made him think of tour; he was obsessed with it. Also the case the place they order sushi from delivers in.
8:47 - Covers his mouth while chewing.
8:54 - His grandmother used to call licorice 'spanish.'
9:07 - His chopsticking has improved since Japan.
9:40 - Book about socks; does not say who it is from. Suspect it was included just to further antagonize jesp.
10:17 - Firefly on Bluray. (This seems like a Dan present, given that it's self-serving and he can watch too.)
10:30 - Terrarium from 'friends' - Bryony and Wirrow?
11:00 - Lava lamp. He had one ages ago and it broke, and he missed it. "He thought it would match the color of my room, so I could maybe have it in the background of videos." They relax Phil; he can watch them for 20 minutes without getting bored. This is the first time we've seen the calming present theme extent to Phil.
12:45 - Talks about the weather up north. "Every day was a good day for going outside, going for a walk, hanging out by the beach."
13:17 - Afternoon tea.
13:55 - His mum made him a cake.
14:50 - He mentions weird sugar dreams.
15:00 - Italian meal
15:12 - He watched a lot of movies over his bithday, and recommends Hunt for the Wilder People. (Lester fam + Dan and Cornelia movie bonding time, yes. Good.)
16:15 - Emu egg update. I'm taking a coffe break, this is boring.
19:10 - Australian accent that I am told by an actual Australian is still quite offensively bad.
20:10 - "These are not hands made for fiddly things."
20:39 - 'Controversial opinion' on the Beauty and the Beast remake.
21:00 - He thinks Beauty and the Beast is a good story. *cough*furry*cough*
22:30 - Phil's comments on Dan's fall: "It was a mixture of hilarious and genuine cocern...ity. "It was quite an epic fall, that's all all I'll say." "Yeah, he hurt his knee and his hand, I think." "He's quite a tall guy so when you fall to the ground it's quite a long way to fall."
23:35 - There should always be Sharknados. (Correct opinion.)
24:28 - New video talk. "Mainly pregnancy, is what it sounds like. So I might be pregnant. I felt a few kicks, but that was probably all the Italian food."
25:17 - Phil predicted Beyonce's twins; he is channeling Beyonce.
27:21 - Phil apparently has a lot of thoughts on The Quickening and I'm intrigued.
27:30 - During his 8-ball answering bit, Phil's dismissal of people with questions about school and graduation made me laugh. That seemed like a genuine moment of realness.
28:05 - "Does my crush like me back?" Phil the matchmaker.
28:22 - Phil starts talking about doing things for someone for Valentines Day and seems to rethink that line of thought real fast.
29:19 - "Will you ever get a dog?" "Yes! It just says yes."
31:01 - Firefly sounds like Cowboy Bebop.
31:56 - Start of the cliff walk story. "Meant to be exciting for me but it turned out to have the opposite effect."
32:56 - "The path was muddy and slippery, and Dan had already slipped over once."
33:22 - "All of my family and Cornelia were just like, yeah, whatever, I'll do it. I just stood behind the wall and watched everyone because I was too scared. I felt silly and I don't usually have that reaction to things that are high, but I freaked out. My brain was just like nope nope nope, time to go." Still fascinated by Phil talking about something that was scary to him.
35:14 - More DITL videos; he'll vlog it if he does anything interesting.
35:50 - More talking about jogging. He was listening to music but stopped because he was afraid he'd be hit.
36:30 - They had fish and chips for dinner the night before.
38:15 - His mum bought him red velvet cookies since he didn't get red velvet cake.
38:42 - They got the seasonal tasting menu at the sushi place for his friend birthday celebration. Phil has restaurant birthday singing anxiety; same.
39:40 - Free cake. Wow, Lesters, why so cheap.
40:50 - Promoting the Whose Your Daddy gaming video.
41:25 - Phil, for some strange reason, begins imagining how he'd need to baby proof their house.
42:09 - He played Mario Kart this morning.
42:32 - Dead pigeon story.
43:51 - He is still watching The original The Killing and Homeland.
45:07 - Also, Steven Universe.
45:28 - He prefers Christmas because it's about everyone and not just him.
45:50 - He's going to try and make the sushi last all week, but is aware that he has no self-control.
46:10 - Gives actually decent advice about how to handle a job trial.
:prideheart: :gayaf: :prideheart:
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