Phil liveshow - 2 Mar 2017 (Wholesome Howell Says Hi)

Dan and Phil liveshows
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busy being happy~
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actual demon phannie
actual demon phannie
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Before I even start this - Phil watching Chris's liveshow before he went live was such a highlight.

2:58 - Talks about the Oscars party he went to on Sunday night.
3:32 - Phil interrupting himself to laugh at himself. The sound of happiness.
4:12 - Dan creepshotted him while he was sleeping. He deserved it; they're having a creepshot war.
4:25 - Dan looked like a sad pimp - or John Snow from GoT.
4:41 - He didn't think Dan would creepshot him when he was "zonked out."
4:52 - Chatting over stuff with a friend is one of his favorite things. "That's why I love the gaming channel so much. It's just an excuse to commentate on stuff... that's usually weird." This is so much insight into why they choose a lot of the games they choose.
5:39 - Phil forgot to tweet. Manipulates entire audience into mass deception. Phil is not an angel. Phil will tempt you into lies.
6:32 - Phil talking about other youtuber projects even though he seems to barely know what the show is. I expect he'll still bill them accordingly. That Dan and Phil brand #promo don't come cheap.
7:03 - The Oscar party had a lot of snacks (John Green's next book: An Abundance of Snacks.)
7:20 - Oscars opinions. Jimmy Kimmel was average, slick. Didn't like the tourist bit.
8:12 - He woke up for Best Picture bc "everyone started poking me."
8:30 - "We all wanted Moonlight to win." Controversial opinion change from saying he wanted Arrival to win last week. Nice.
8:54 - "I was so happy I was awake to witness that happen. It was so crazy. Dan freaked out. I think he woke up all the neighbors screaming." Phil pulling a Dan move and just assuming that everyone needs to know Dan's thoughts about something as well as his own.
9:45 - Sounds like they went home after the Oscars? He said he went to bed at six and drilling started at eight.
10:29 - Opinions on spring break. "Spring Break!!!" looks like hell to him. "So many people on a beach at the same time." [makes disgusted face] "Stop touching me with your sunscream-y bodies." and "I just looks a bit horrific to me."
11:03 - He would rather go to a beach house and play Zelda if it was spring break, if he had a beach house to go to. Phil is going to buy a beach house, fact.
11:15 - He is still playing FF XIV.
11:32 - Horse Prince talk. Phil is really invested in horse prince story. Not the best game play, but story is good.
12:45 - Pancake day; he didn't know it was pancake day. His third favorite holiday, after Christmas and birthdays. If my birthday involved people taking me really nice places to eat for like five weeks in a row I too would value my birthdays.
13:03 - They had pancakes delivered to their house.
13:55 - He would prefer to make his own pancakes in the future.
14:10 - Phil went mad with power in The Sims. He likes kind of messing up games if it's fun. Makes very sure to clarify only in games. Seems to have forgotten mass coersion of his audience into lying ten minutes ago.
14:47 - Go with the power rush, in most situations. In gaming situations. "Don't let the power go to your head in real life." This is a scheme to make sure no one gets confident enough to challenge him. Supreme evil mastermind Phil rise.
15:04 He thinks babies ruin the game in Sims 2 but Dab is pretty chill.
15:43 - About twenty seconds discussing the shape of his wardrobe. "That's beside the point, and kind of boring." I was into it, Phil. Don't judge me.
16:00 - KEEP or CHARITY game. Keep blue hoodie, toss red penguin shirt, toss domo shirt, keep checked shirt, keep jellyfish shirt, toss pitstain shirt, keep flamingo shirt,
22:35 - His fashion sense is anything animal.
23:06 - Talks about Oscars Hotel shirt he's wearing now. When he is having a comfy day he 'whacks on' his Oscar's Hotel shirt.
23:35 - Dan shows up. Phil makes him sit on the floor. Still unsure as to why.
24:13 - "All your ugly clothes, where are they going?" So they're equally judgemental about each other's wardrobe choices.
24:24 - They watched ET the other day. Phil is educating Dan on 80s movies, after Dan explains for the fiftieth time that no one showed him 80s movies growing up.
25:08 - Dan and Phil have their own conversation about ET, Tyler Oakley, and pee.
25:35 - Dan and Phil remember there is an audience, Dan explains Tuesday's absence.
25:45 - Phil painfully fond as he says, "You look like such a funny creature."
(Editing this in just before I post this, because nihilist-toothepaste made an amazing point here about what Dan says in response to Phil and how Dan is already looking at this situation in past tense based on how people will remember it, even while it's happening.)
26:26 -Phil talking about his next video. Dan was ten out of ten shook when he heard Phil's latest video idea.
26:48 - Dan and Phil filming weekend. (Day says "philming" but no that doesn't make sense that would only be Phil)
27:00 - Advice to shy young teenager.
29:00 - Talking about Horse Prince video. "The sweaty hoof"
29:20 - Dan asks how they'll both film this weekend, repeats "fight me" until Phil pretends to punch him.
29:40 - Phil holds up the chocolate magazine. Dan groans the sound of a man who has endure too many moments of Phil impulse buying gourmet chocolate because he saw it in a magazine.
29:47 - Phil plays the "Say stop and I'll tell you which one you win." game. This is so remniscent of the festive ditl.
29:54 - Phil showing Dan some chocolate. Dan: "Poor it all over my body and I'll roll around on the floor." Phil: "Yeah----- uh, no. I wasn't even listening to you." I could write an essay about this encounter. It's hilarious because I think Phil was very absent mindedly agreeing but I could also see that kind of exchange causing a panic or effecting the tone between them for minutes on in liveshows past, but in this one they just laugh it off and move on. Beautiful.
30:17 - Dan sees himself as a perfect rectangle filled with sugar.
30:35 - Afternoon tea. Too many cakes.
31:29 - Why is them both holding a phone erotic? Also, as I saw someone else point out, there were only two of each types of cake in the picture. My belief they went alone is growing stronger.
31:55 - Sugar dreams: Dan dreamed about Evan Peters and a game show, Phil dreamed about harvesting lemons "but I didn't know the correct way" even Phil's sugar dreams are anxiety dreams.
32:37 - Oh my God Phil is being such a little shit, taunting Dan with the (probably underage teenage) girl who wants to harvest lemons with him.
32:41 - Dan delivers some salt with his lemon innuendo. It's ok, Dan. It's ok.
33:22 - Dan gives wholesome advice before he leaves.
33:40 - He left and stopped hijacking Phil's stream because "this is supposed to be a Phil thing."
34:15 - Chat: "I saw Dan's leg, I wasn't ready." Phil: "What did you think was under there? Just a floating abyss of wholesomeness." Thus Phil sparks a great debate.
34:22 - Someone says "I feel lonely now" and Phil responds. "Oh, thank you." in that sarcastic yet gentle way.
34:48 - Phil once cracked a rib from coughing in university.
35:34 - Pancake topping reviews - no fruit. Blueberries 6/10, no strawberry. Lemon and sugar, yes.
36:00 - Traditional warm crumpet is his favorite British food.
36:54 - He has felt slightly unproductive today. He's done three emails, and walked into town and back.
37:07 - Phil almost bought a goldfish. The goldfish looked at him like "You don't have the time or resposibility to care of me." judgemental. Another statement you could write an essay on - his desire to be caretaker for something dependent on him yet awareness but lack of trust in his current ability to.
37:50 - Again, Phil, no, goldfish can live into their twenties. Frank was a nice old age for a goldfish but not record breaking.
38:17 - He's looking forward to Prometheus 2, Get Out, bluray of The Witch that he hasn't watched yet.
39:05 - Riverdale; he doesn't get it until tomorrow. He's not 'in the fandom' for Riverdale but he's intrigued. Archie is the least interesting to him; he wants Archie involved in crime solving club. He likes Jughead, he's more interesting. Opinions~!
41:00 - He wasn't a big fan of Skins but he watched it while it was on, because it was a cultural phenomena among teens.
41:31 - Someone compliments his eyebrows, he says they're the same eyebrows as ever.
41:57 - Someone gave up coffee for lent which leads Phil to talk about his caffeine addiction; he gets a headache if he doesn't have one in the morning. "I don't know what I'd get up, if I gave things up. I never give things up." ("Saying thicc in videos.") He has a coffee in the morning and then around four.
42:52 - He hates going to the dentist, doesn't like how it hurts when he gets them cleaned.
43:23 - Phil is not good with veins and blood. Makes a grossed out wiggle when someone says they gave 8 vials of blood. Injections are fine, pulling blood out is gross.
44:00 - He's never had braces. His teeth aren't straight, but he doesn't think he needs them. He'd only get braces if they hurt his mouth. Everyone doesn't need perfectly straight teeth. Shows off his teeth.
45:00 - Story about friend with braces.
45:45 - Someone says "Why are you literally the most beautiful?" and Phil gracefully accepts the compliment.
45:55 - He doesn't know how he fell asleep during the Oscars party because he is rubbish at falling asleep in loud situations.
46:25 - He listened to the new Lorde song just before he was getting ready to do the liveshow. Why do I feel like that means Dan was playing it just before Phil got ready to do his liveshow? Listening to a sing immediately after it comes out is a very Dan thing.
47:18 - He wishes Snow were his middle name instead of Michael.
47:35 - Was leaving, got excited about the strawberry picture he retweeted yesterday and shows that off instead.
48:14 - New video this weekend. Dan's gonna film one is well. New gaming videos out. "And life is good." shutthefuckup.
49:13 - Phil howling.
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