Two RATS In The Kitchen - Overcooked 2! (8 August 2018)

Videos posted on the DanAndPhilGAMES channel
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simply stressed bisexual
simply stressed bisexual
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"If you're left-handed, ask a friend."
"Why am I left-handed?"
"Everybody makes mistakes."
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simply stressed bisexual
simply stressed bisexual
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ame wrote: Thu Aug 09, 2018 4:34 am 0:00 - rip phils elbow, but also i love this long ass intro. 10/10 would watch again
0:18 - "phils tickled his funny bone and now its time for me to tickle yours" look at this man trying to do dad jokes
0:33 - this entire weather bit gave me life....i love how phil just casually goes "here, let me do it" but fails (the crickets is me cackling)
1:35 - love how phil checks out his man, alright we get it hes a snacc
2:45 - "so look forward to phil shoving that my ear....into my brain" "where the sun dont shine" for a split second there i thought dan was going to imply phil shoving toys in his ass but go off i guess
2:58 - "i want to play a game. the game is: 'how long can dan and phil talk for before they start playing the game'" what? no, keep talking
3:45 - "phil would just lay himself and be like: butter me bigteezy" "get that toaST INSIDE ME" guys calm down...your food kink is showing
4:34 - "what are they gunna do? be - fricking, putting their willies in dead food" dan what the fuck
4:44 - dan howell slapped phil lester's thigh, no one can change my mind. ive rewatched this part so many times. slapping your own knee/thigh indicates an "aha!" moment or an "oof, that was close!" in terms of body language, so it doesnt make sense in the context that dan would slap his own thigh. him slapping phils tho makes more sense context-wise since dan saying "YOU JUST SPOILED IT!" indicates that its directed at phil. i obviously need help
5:12 - "the game got to a pun before me!" well........technically, dan did right at the start of the video. step up your dad game phil
5:20 - "i am on the top half. phil is the guy on the bottom half, just so you know." "dan is the panda, and i am not the panda" "(awkward giggle)that works" keep it coming boys
7:08 - "just get in my brain and well be ok" further proof that theyre just one person
8:09 - "right how about i give directions on the next one. you can be my panda slave" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) "OOHHH yOu CAn sEE the MOUNTAINS!"
9:27 - "OK DAN YOU TAKE CHARGE IM STRESSED" 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 well that only took you like, uh, a few seconds
9:50 - i cry-laughed when the comic sans "you" started popping up
10:17 -
d: "what would happen if you were -
p: "i would chop my hand off"
d: "-solely inTARGED of our tour"
10:30 - "im just a place hoe. i know my place." "know you PLATES" "plaTO more like plateHOE" then dan proceeds to make more puns, seriously phil, dan had said more puns in this video than you did
10:47 - that cheeky face bonk
11:30 - "i guess you could say its - RATaTWOee! cz theres two of us" dan gets another point
13:35 - the exact moment phil's soul left this realm
14:07 - "just slowly massage me with your words"
16:13 - that felt like a climax of a shounen anime episode
17:14 - "look at what he did" "iM usually tidy" sure phil sure
18:21 - #babuse :')

well, that was a thing
"If you're left-handed, ask a friend."
"Why am I left-handed?"
"Everybody makes mistakes."
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