HORSE BOY LOVE STORY - My Horse Prince #4 (11 May 2017)

Videos posted on the DanAndPhilGAMES channel
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actual demon phannie
actual demon phannie
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actual demon phannie
actual demon phannie
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:52 - "Dress up like a horse." Is that what Phil makes Dan do while they're editing this series?
1:35 - Phil: "Susankun in the City, I'd watch that movie!" Dan gives him a look like he's judging.
2:19 - It sounds like Phil starts to do the theme to The Simpsons.
2:44 - Susan-kun decided to shop all her worries away. Dan says "That's relatable."
3:04 - Old apartment reference.
4:05 - "I read that as he's got a good ass. Um, yeah." Phil likes da butts, is what this tells me. (And Dan's expression confirms.)
4:15 - Dan makes a remark that is kind of grating to me, responding to the in-game narration saying that Susan-kun shouldn't be around a dangerous area. "Uhh, a woman can be around a dangerous area."
4:57 - Phil is into how the horse swings a pick-axe.
6:24 - Dan to Phil: "You have very disturbing voices all the time."
8:25- The millionare who, six months into the year, has already has three vacations (including one beach one) pretends like Susan-kun's fireworks on the beach, festival, and tennis at the resort are #goals.
9:49 - Phil breaks into "Surfin' USA"
10:14 - Phil thinks mountains are a dreamy place to go.
10:26 - Phil uses the sexy voice to ask Dan what he'd take to an island.
10:35 - Phil is affronted to have to spend actual money on the game they will rake in the cash for playing on youtube.
11:09 - Suspicious jump cut after "towel him up."
11:27 - Dan overexaggerates response to bodily contact.
11:39 - "He's all wet. He's dripping out of his... hoof-y arms." Phil claims this is romantic.
14:31 - Yuri on Ice reference.
16:12 - Phil: "What are they gonna be now? What could be better than wet hugging?"
16:29 - Dan: "That's dreamy." Phil: "Meaty."
18:26 - Dan does a super high fangirl voice. Phil: "That is like, piercing, Dan."
20:12 - "Demon horsies." get the fuck out, Dan.
20:22 - Dan: "Oh my god, locking eye contact while singing you a song in front of thousands of people." and jumpcut
20:48 - Dan blowjob mime, Phil just laughs.
21:03 - Dan stumbles a bit over this part, picking his words carefully. "If you're - if anyone out here is like a crazy Justin Bieber fan or crazy Harry Styles fan or anything like that, don't choke anyone if they - if they like, bring a secret girl - horse loving girlfriend to a gig."
21:42 - Shoutout to the Hong Kong Pokemon video.
22:02 - Phil cannot be aggressive. (Dan can.)
22:45 - Dan is affronted by Susankun, the romantic partner, not being in the loop on all of Yuuma's plans.
23:19 - Phil: "Scratch out his throat!" Dan: "Wow, Phil Calm down with the violence."
23:31 - Phil (staring at Dan as he talks): "I think he looks like he's in the throngs of passion." Dan: "Eat my ass."
27:47 - They're training together. They're having bro time.
33:39 - "horse boys love story." Phil says 'like if you want us to play that' and then stares at Dan.
34:45 - Today in 'out of context game summaries: "There was just a backwards hug and a pledge for them to be together forever in a maybe platonic way. "I guess we'll never know." "And there's some kind of gay backstory."
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Blue Girl wrote:
SusanKun: Was he really a race horse? All I had seen was training having nothing to do with racing...Was he just a good-looking horse?
Dan: As if that isn't a career.
Phil: Asking the real questions.

SusanKun: Your kicks are weak.
Yuuma: You're really strict...But I'll take your advice on board.
Dan: OK...He doesn't have a problem with...being talked to [looks at Phil] that.
(This made me I don't know why. Did anyone else catch it?)

Phil: This is better than TATINOF!
Dan: Pffft!

SusanKun: Yuuma is singing his heart out...for me. I feel sorry for his fans.
THIS look.

SusanKun: Yuuma, what are you doing here again?
Yuuma: My old workmates threw me a party for winning the race.
Dan: He just has a non-stop social calendar. And for the girl that he loves, why are we not kept in the loop for any of this??

I like Dan's nose crinkle when he channels Ryouma. it reminds me of this vid:

from Dan and Phil part 45 page 28
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