Videos posted on the DanAndPhilGAMES channel
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tol bean
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0:35 weh weh by dan
There is no intro of saying welcome dan and phil etc
2:28 hold my hand dad
2:47 lobbyist for the oil industry
3:41 in sync right
3:54 come on howell
4:30 slide up these stairs like a greased bandicoot
why is dan screaming yas at 5:07
5:16 phil's back on the prowl. im gonna be the opposite of a slinky
5:24 floppy ding dong and phil's breathless laughter wow me
6:54 this is the crash bandicoot equivalent of the impossible quiz
7:00 we are the crystal gems JUMp JUMP
7:10 master of gravity, danny dont mind me
7:25 respect wildlife. not
7:54 woof. also i found my flow i got my period
8:07 phil's cute laugh huhe
9:03 in. jump. in. slide. in. taste it
9:19 weird dan dance
10:00 im gonna picture my mum giving birth to me as a bandicoot as i emerge and i take my first jump onto a platform
10:40 zoonee
10:52 we murdered each other twice
11:00 harkens
11:52 fuck you on the fuck fuck. language daniel. for some reason dan really looks young in this scene
12:17 hehe phil swears. also "like a bandicoot frozen in the headlights of a australian police person
12:47 nostril. tonsils
12:53 fucking ballsack
13:00 i just made myself lightheaded bc i screamed so much same dan
13:11 sorry headphone users we just necrophiled all over them. phil" necrophiled?? (in the softeset voice)
13:23 lizards are my favourite slimy staircases
13:38 u got a while before she pops open. that's what she said
14:04 dan laugh huehe
14:54 did i just punched ur hand
15:11 oh for fuk seeeek
15:51 gibberish dan. what do we dooo
16:04 he (dan) bite. phil's fucking fond face
16: 15 soft babbys frustrated at a game also phil's neck
16:30 phil tongue also he growly omg so deep
16:47 dan's tirade about mum i love smiley phil
17:44 loreal ur worth this
18:15 more frustrated babs also patreons for our euthanasia
18:31 diedo? what ref is this
18:35 u did it! phil thumping dan and dan is on the verge of death by game
18:41- 18:55 bickering about pelicans lol they just birds
19:19 flippy flapjack
19:23 i know how to play it, alan
19: 32 snek
19:38 im going to the right just to shake things up (in sync) u mad lad
20:10 how now brown cow
20:15 i tasted it i tasted it
20:35 you've taken years off my life. you nearly got a life if you've taken that fruit. dan angrily smacks the controller against phil's palm
20:46 im a calm intelligent youtuber that makes relaxing sophisticated videos. no raging in this video. content. weird jumpcut?
20:55 sing irreplaceable properly dan
21:00 slow the heck down mister. more bickering about speed
21:19 touched it the tip of your snout. that little tippy
21:27 listen to your own advice. huehue dan's miserable face
21:35-53 bicker. blame your mum. our mum
22:05-12 thesis. snark from phil
22:13 do u want me to do this bit. fuck u. ok
22:28 dan is making a weird face
22:42 mm just call me danny, master of life space time and erotic massages
22:52 dan singing the scales?? it sounds like arpeggios lol that's the only thing i rmr from band
23:18-23 dan cursing. as normal. and phil's disappointed oh my gosh
23:53 dan's stop and phil's high pitched distressed voice
23:59-24:18 stress. STRESS them jumping on the pelicans
24:29 im gonna pull my own eyeballs out
24:42-49 phil saying that dan broke the sound barrier again.
25:00 come on phil dan
25:02 omg i paused here and their fucking faces also the subsequent um. orgasm from dan
25:12 dan despair phil anxious and nervous about the final jump and dan being a shit joking about failing the jump come on im stressed out
25:33 high five
25:14 in sync beautiful also dan calling themselves old nerds lol
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