IDB Phandom Watch Fest #2 - Video Discussion

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pastel persona
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:blowingleaves: Hey everyone! This is our second IDB Watch Fest! :blowingleaves:
Here is the thread with more information about this project: viewtopic.php?f=52&t=1531
1. We gather here on the forum on the hour listed below OR join in whenever!
2. Watch both the videos one after another (feel free to make notes/timestamps as you're watching!)
3. Come and discuss on the forum
Upon request, we're limiting ourselves to one "gathering time" today. We will all start the video at 1:10 PM UTC/2:10 PM BST, leaving people time to get here.
The time doesn't suit you? Watch the videos today and come chat at any hour!

Discuss the differences, make timestamps or notes, list what you like or don't like - just chat! :)
Watch them one after another - you don't need to wait!
- First video: MONKEYING AROUND - Dan and Phil Play: Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze aka first ever DAPG (late 2014)
- Second video: 'Stormy Ascent' - THE HARDEST CRASH BANDICOOT LEVEL EVER (late 2017)

:money: IMPORTANT! :money:
Make sure you turn off Adblock and watch all the ads!

If you want to tweet while watching, use the hashtag #phandomwatch! Tweeting is welcome for #spon reasons, but please mostly discuss here!
Don't be shy, we don't bite! <3

This time, after a few hours, new questions will be released - come back and keep on chatting!
Last edited by Ablissa on Sun Oct 14, 2018 10:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Some questions to get us all started – more will be coming in a few hours!
1. Was there a single difference between the videos that stood out the most to you?
2. What did you like better about the older video in comparison to the newer one?
3. In your opinion, which video was better?
4. How often do you re-watch their older DAPG videos? What makes you go back to them, and if you don't, what stops you?
Feel free to ask your own questions – let's get some in depth discussion going here! :thumb:
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Okay, if you're here, start the first video now!
We're watching the second video right after, so here's the link for that too:
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1st dnpgame:
That hair is so bad, bless 2018. I like how they started the channel as wanting to sort of review games and I kind of wish they still did that. I love the bants we get now but why can't we have bants with gameplay. The innuendos were barely there and if they did say something that had a double meaning they would make a face. I still love this video so much because they are so funny and entertaining. I love all the videos in the donkey kong series. Phil also seems so quiet in this video but maybe that's because dan's voice projects so much and he moves a lot more so he has more of a presence. Also Phil's voice seems to be more natural and not as much as his high pitched as his voice usually is. You can see how much more confident and comfortable they have gotten.

Crash bandicoot:
I want to preface this with this is my favorite dnpgames video. I like how proud they are at their joint accomplishment of completing this game together. Like this game is for one player but dnp pride themselves for completing it as a unit. Also please give me more half hour dnp videos.
Some of my fave quotes/moments from it:
-"come on howell impress us"
-Dan immediately failing after mocking phil
-Phil failing and then freaking out and failing even harder
-Phil jumps too soon twice and dan is so upset
-"japed" the theme of this game apparently
-"Weren't expecting that were we" always a unit
-So much yelling
-dan is so happy when he got that checkpoint
-"i'm going to picture my mom giving birth to me as a bandicoot"
-the multi-track drifting comment; I knew it was coming but I love it so much; Phil using things that dan says and just inserting randomly into conversations :love1:
-Phil just stealing another go and then dying immediately
-still hate phil for making fun of dan when he was about to reminisce about their first crash bandicoot
-Phil cusses, like the first video, and makes a big deal about having to beep it out; oh how far we have come
-THE BONUS LEVEL IS THE BEST FUCKING CONTENT THERE EVER WAS; like them working together to figure everything out and phil is so fucking encouraging of dan
-As this video goes on Phil's voice becomes more natural
-Phil being unable to solve the level and immediately giving it to dan
-"I know how to play the game Allen" the sass jumped out
-Phil says tasty a lot and I remember that was like a ~thing~ in mid-2017 that he said a lot
-"Everything's a speed race" Phil just mocking dan for telling him to slow
-"Our mom"
-Phil continually trying to calm dan down so he can focus on the game
-A master of erotic massages, I mean it's pretty tame compared to the stuff we get told now
I'll answer the questions when I get back from work!
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I watched both videos, funnily enough I had just watched the Stormy Ascent video yesterday so I didn't rewatch it today, I hope that doesn't matter. I'll just start off by saying I love it when they play platform games.

1. Was there a single difference between the videos that stood out the most to you?
Yes, I mean bar them looking like actual fetuses in the first video, their personalities were so different too. In my opinion Dan comes across as being much more genuine in the second video, in the first, he comes across as being quite forced. There were times when I physically wanted to cringe when he was talking, whereas in the second I didn't feel like that at all. I definitely laughed a lot more during the second one as well.
The main single difference is that Phil swears in the first one, even though they bleeped out the word "shitting", whereas in the second it is Dan (obviously haha).

2. What did you like better about the older video in comparison to the newer one?
Just they way they play together was better and their bants were a lot more natural.

3. In your opinion, which video was better?
I love it when they play any platform game as they're my favourite kind of games to play irl, and although the bants in both are good, A Stormy Ascent is much more better just because of the above really, less forced.

4. How often do you re-watch their older DAPG videos? What makes you go back to them, and if you don't, what stops you?
Hmm, I don't rewatch that many tbh, I'll be more interested in the ones where the game play is good because I don't watch soley for their connection but mainly for the game play itself.
:prideheart: :gayaf: :prideheart:
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monkeying around :
- it's a a little bit painful to watch£ i really love the newest videos hihi
- phil : i can do what i want this is my channel... half channel
- mum joke followed by the terrible dog joke
- also i hate dan's "duuuuude" (it's just because i hate the word haha)
- phil : "you've mounted me"
- Phil with his animal facts :happytears:
- i love phil saying "do you reckon anyone died / gave birth while watching this video" because i'm always wondering about stuff like that too!!

1. Was there a single difference between the videos that stood out the most to you?
2. What did you like better about the older video in comparison to the newer one?
their inexperience in making gaming videos is quite cute tbh.
3. In your opinion, which video was better?
stormy ascent! i would probably any newest vid was the best but stormy ascent is really in my top 5 of snog games videos so... i just love it so much
4. How often do you re-watch their older DAPG videos? What makes you go back to them, and if you don't, what stops you?
i prefer not to rewatch them too much because i'm so used to how comfortable they are now that it's weird for me to watch older videos :(

stormy ascent

10:44 i love this, i love when we have insight on their ""arguments"" (even though gaming arguments are different)
15:56 : so cute
18:11 : always cracks me up
20:09 to 20:35 : i love dan freaking out
24:51 : i indulged myself and screamed too

i have almost no notes for the second one
because i was too in it! but yeah they're both so funny, gorgeous. cute and all in this vid
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Oh boy. I think that was even more of an experience than our previous watch fest, because three years in the dnp world is A LOT, especially the last 3-4 years.
I'm going to post my thoughts while they're fresh, and then go back to read yours & respond to them a bit later <3 Remember there'll be more discussion points in a couple hours, and remember you can still join us, the thread will go on for the whole day! Don't be shy to post your thoughts! :love2:

Donkey Kong
I've seen this video probably like 20+ times and it still makes me giggle, but compared to the stuff we get now, they seemed a lot more... rehearsed? Their voices are different, THE HAIR, the way they look at each other less, talk more about the game than bants, and they make faces when there are innuendos. They still make faces now, those faces are much different tho.
Watching these back to back is really eye opening and shows the changes in them v v v clearly.
0:01 oh my god it's hello internet. I forgot Dan even had his own greeting
0:42 they look so young and those fringes omg. 2018 is a blessing
0:55 "shitting through the clouds"
1:04 "no excuse for sucking"
1:36 Dan is appalled by Phil thinking the characters are dating and then they get up to some weird disturbing shit
2:10 Dan is playing as Willow Smith
2:27 they don't look at each other near as often as they do now, especially Phil. just putting it out there
2:45 the water levels suck in like every game I agree
~3:00 I like how they didn't even explain the purpose of the channel at the beginning of this vid and just started playing right away <3
3:46 "get off my bananas… I didn't think I'd be saying that today"
4:02 their voices are different somehow? like they're clearly more focused on speaking to the audience? is it just me?
4:15 "suck… that… banana…?"
5:09 "noobo" aw Dan
5:35 "eat my face… that's what I say to everyone that I kill" ok Phil
5:40-ish Dan looks at Phil when Phil makes a joke, but Phil keeps on staring at the screen. I remember this a lot
5:45 Phil opens up about his "traumatic childhood" and it's followed by cute lil giggles.
6:10 "easy like your mum", says Dan. "Easy like your dog", says Phil. "My dog's dead! DUDE!" "Sorry… it was kind of an easy dog though" lskdhashdah phil you horrible person lmao
6:53 Dan mounts Phil and the channel is off to a good start
7:05 Phil destroys our kinky ideas of mounting by talking about throwing feces
7:52 "I think you're great" Phil gets complimented. Dan should massage his ego more. another your mum joke is there too
8:25 talk about mounting again. Dan can't handle it anymore
8:55 the pigs are busy spitroasting each other. Phil why aren't you laughing. are you too traumatized
9:15 look at each other boys!! omg is it just me that notices this??
9:40 failed highfive
9:45 "do you wanna mount me again" I mean Phil I'm sure that'd get you a lot of views :money:
10:40 lol this is actually quite funny even if a bit forced imo? high ten attempt to kill everyone. good start boys, good start!!
10:55 Phil asks you to comment if you're watching this while giving birth. I propose that if you have any pregnant friends you should suggest this to them. :D
11:50~Dan screams but it's nowhere near as bad as it is these days
12:35 Dan's little chuckle is cute. It does make me wonder if he's a
12:43 "that was a tough time in our friendship"
13:10 Phil is trying to convince us to subscribe. I'm tempted to unsubscribe out of spite
13:29 cute lil waves. aww babies <3
Crash Bandicoot
We picked a good pair of games to watch, these two videos have a v similar energy! It's dnp that have a much different energy these days though. They're far more relaxed, there are a lot of bants, they look better, there are a lot of anecdotes, bickering, and cute little interactions. We're blessed these days tbh.
One big difference is DAN. SCREAMING. A. LOT. MORE. THAN. IN. 2014.
I'm getting a pizza ad and I'm hungry now. it's not Domino's though
0:10 this is more like the dnp we know today. they start the video with banter and googling a bandicoot
0:20 I never knew a bandicoot looked like that
0:55 "show me that bandicussy" oh no
1:03 they already completed the game. fail.
1:44 they sound different. they look different. BUT THE FRINGE IS WORSE ON PHIL! PHIL BABY I LOVE YOUR QUIFF SO MUCH! (when did I become a phillie I wonder)
2:27 "hold my hand dad"
2:38 Dan goes on a tangent about the character trying to kill them and continues narrating while Phil plays and ignores him.
3:09 Dan is stressing you out NOW Phil? just wait for overcooked lmao
3:24 They switch the controller when one of them dies and I'm soft :')
3:48 Phil insists he didn't mess up. OF COURSE YOU DIDN'T PHIL MY BABY YOU'RE PERF
4:01 cutest Phil giggle everrrrrrrrr murder me Phil
4:11 "fucking fuck on a fuck", inspirational quotes by Dan #349857297. oh and he screams again
4:35 Dan is trying to teach Phil some patience, but we all know it's not going to work.
5:15 "watch out lads, Phil is back on the prowl" hahahaha
5:20~ "floppy ding dong" I feel like I've heard it loads of times before, but they still remark on it
6:05 "he just wants to be touched, and who are we to deny him"
6:17 Phil wants to name the enemy, Dan is in the middle of telling him what to do, but still humors Phil and names the enemy Herbert
6:57 they both burst into song and I want more.
7:33 it feels like there's more banting in this one OH AND MORE SCREAMING DAN WHY ARE YOU SHOUTING MY EARS HURT BUT I LOVE YOU ANYWAY
7:58 "I've got my period" um Dan….dsfasdsa
8:16 Phil should sue Dan for hearing damages. it must be even worse for him
8:30 ish – plenty of space, but Phil is leaning in as close as he can anyway. Compared to the previous video it's even more noticeable. Dan stop screaming while I'm typing this note goddammit
9ish – I got a one minute long skincare commercial. I hope you're enjoying that :money: dnp
10:00 Phil is picturing his mum giving birth to him as a bandicoot and I am crying. If I were Phil's mum I would disown him
10:13 "multi-track drifting". Dan looks fondly done. "Phil just picks up things that I say and then repeats them, that makes no sense"
10:40 Dan claims they never argued while playing these
10:55 they admit they stopped speaking and hated each other
11:22 one thing that is very much similar now and in 2014 – LOTS OF YOUR MUM JOKES
11:55 "language Daniel, there's babies watching this"
12:18 Philly bby why did you die
12:21 Phil swore and they edited it out. I'm not salty at all. at all. promise.
12:48 Phil is trying to get Dan to chill (it fails) by talking about nostrils and tonsils
13:21 Phil makes Dan stop talking about necrophilia and I appreciate him more than ever
14:50 I love when they're truly into the game and it makes me wish they played more games they love and play a lot because I'm happy just watching them play
15:28 strategizing together <3
15:50 Dan is blabbering nonsense and Phil immediately joins in. These dorks.
16:07 Dan is biting the controller, Phil gently says "come on, come on, don't bite it" and I'm melting
16:33 Phil is growling… ok……… I mean… yeah… I'm… I'm ok
16:57 Super fond look from Phil while Dan is ranting about his mum telling him to turn off a game when he gets angry
17:38 Dan is excited and I am excited and Phil is saying "you're worth this" which makes Dan giggle fondly
18:17 "patreon for our euthanasia" wow Dan
18:37 cute shoulder punch thingy that we see every now and again and it always makes us melt
19:02 "No patience". I told you Dan, it's a lost cause
19:17 "FUCK! I mean… flip." I like how they censored Phil but not Dan lol
20:13 I am so into this video I actually gasped when Phil got it right
20:39 "You're taking years off my life"
20:48 "I'm a calm intelligent youtuber that makes relaxing content" lmao yes of course Dan
21:20 Dan says "touched it with the tip…" and my mind immediately goes somewhere else than the "snout" he finishes it with
21:45 "my mum has nothing to do with the filming of this video," says Dan. "plot twist, she's behind the camera. ""plot twist, our mum films… OUR MUM?" reminds me of that ls where they're asked if they're brothers lol
22:00 screamsssssssss are real
22:155 a very offhanded "fuck you" from Dan that made me snort
22:45 "just call me danny, master of life, space time and erotic massages" goes unnoticed by Phil and I am offended on Dan's behalf
23:15 lots of "fuck" that gets bleeped, unfortunately
24:39 god I really love when they're so into a game
24:40ish sound barrier talk. Dan looks so fondly done when saying they've been over this and almost touching Phil's shoulder. Phil doesn't give a fuck, sound barrier works differently for him
25:30 honestly they should be hugging but I'm happy with a highfive
25:45 Phil has been on a journey and so have I
26:30 they definitely earned a like for this video, it was hilarious
Overall I definitely prefer the deppy of today, but I loved both the videos. Will respond to my own questions a bit later to not make this even longer.
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00.00 - "hello internet i'm dan" "and i'm phil" NOOOO THAT'S SO WRONG ON SO MANY LEVELS I HATE IT
00.55 - Phil saying a bad word in the first gaming vid? ICONIC
01.32 - they're talking about the relationship between the characters and dan sounds like a phanti
05.57 - ' i can do what i want, this is my channel.. half channel'
06.11 - 'easy like your dog' 'my dog's dead' asjioasmakddms :rofl:
08.28 - 'stop saying the word mount okay?' hm i feel like if they had played this now they would have said that word every 2 minutes and put it in the title
09.45 - 'are you gonna mount me again?' i'm sorry but why did people refer to phil as a smol innocent bean when he said things like that even back in 2014? That guy is pure FILTH. HE'S PHILTH. :backawayslowly:


00.54 - 'show me that bandicussy' #no
01.10 - the fact that they played this game together when it's not a co-op one is immensely cute
02.04 - 'good luck, you're gonna need it' should be a warning sign before every dapg video
03.08 ' you're stressing me out' dan and phil in a nutshell
05.25 - dan says 'complete floppy ding dong' and phil is amused and what can i say, so am i
09.19 - dan's reaction i just can't :lol:
10.16 - phil repeats things that he heard dan say and it's adorable
10.27 - phil always gets his way
10.42 - they explain how they almost murdered each other playing crash bandicoot and i'd pay to see the footage
11.01 - dan starts talking about when they played this back in the day but phil interrupts him and i want to strangle him for it
11.56 - 'language daniel, there's babies watching this'
12.18 - phil swears
12.45 - dan freaks out, phil tells him to breathe and dan immediately shuts up. wow.
13. 29 - phil: 'nobody speak to me'. dan: *says things* phil: 'nobody look at me' dan: *looks at phil* pfff
13.56 - 'do you have a brain? solve this' followed by the instant death
14.54 - dan punches phil's hand and asks him if he's okay
16.04 - dan loses it and phil tells him not to bite the controller in the fondest voice ever :love2:
16.34 - phil gets angry :onfire:
17.09 - 'now what do i do' 'you jump up, spin and go back' 'you do it' :love2:
18.30 - 'don't die don't die don't die dido' makes me laugh every time i'm sorry
20.20 - dan tells phil to slow down and i'm convinced phil kept going fast just to mess with him
21.47 - 'our mom' dnp are brothers #confirmed
22.14 - 'do you want me to do this bit, i feel like i'm better' 'fuck you' :rofl:
22.45 - 'just call me danny, master of life, space, time and erotic massages' ??? i am still confused by this and i need explanations

1. Was there a single difference between the videos that stood out the most to you?
Well, the way they acted on camera in 2014 was way different, that's part of the reason why i don't rewatch old videos that much. They were both heavily leaning on their personas so much more back then, to be point that it takes away the enjoyment from the vid. And it's so much obvious especially in Dan - there were bits in the video that i could just tell he wasn't being genuine and it frustrated me.

2. What did you like better about the older video in comparison to the newer one?
Uuuuh can i say nothing? :lol:

3. In your opinion, which video was better?
Stormy Ascent, definitely. And it's also one of the best videos they've ever made imo.

4. How often do you re-watch their older DAPG videos? What makes you go back to them, and if you don't, what stops you?
As i said in the first question, my big problem with rewatching their older dapg videos is that their dynamic was so different that it's hard to go back to how it was knowing how they are these days. So i don't rewatch them a lot, 'cause I'll be honest - i don't really care about the games they play, I'm just here for their banter and their connection, and their more recent videos tend to be definitely more enjoyable than their older ones.

I love the gaming channel because it's where their progress has been more evident through the years. And you know what - even though Stormy Ascent is only one year old, I feel like the way they were just in 2017 was different from the way they are now.
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Donkey Kong

Oh radio voices!
I really like that Dan shirt and that’s a fine point in time in their hair history, Phil’s is a good length
Lost references
So Dixie is the girlfriend of DK’s nephew Diddy, not really related, but still creepy (yes I looked that up)
‘Shine a light’
‘My dog’s dead!’ But is still easy? Why Phil, why?
‘Oh you’ve mounted me!’ - Phil
They have to delete the channel already? Darn.
Phil was good at karate in school? Have we heard more about this?
‘Your mum’- Phil
‘Stop saying the word mount’- Dan
Dan can’t resist a spit roasting joke
Dan says floor for ground too
Phil wants women to watch their videos during labor
Glad Dan knows what a cervix is
‘That was a tough time in our friendship’
Phil should be a QVC person, definitely.

Going to do the second one separately.
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Crash Bandicoot

I remember watching this on vacation and making sure all the kids were in another part of the house. I feel like I let my son watch it since though... oops

Now that’s bad Phil hair.
They’re so colorful in their shirts
They are so proud of their gems
The domesticity and support is so much stronger three years later but still try to psych each other out

Floppy ding dong, appendage
We got a ‘we are the crystal gems’ duet before pinof 9
‘Redic’ and ‘taste it’ from Phil
More birth imagery from Phil
Harkens :love1: still bummed that thought got cut off
‘Language Daniel, they’re babies watching this’ (they’ve probably just been born in hospital)
Cruel bleep, where’s the equality?
Necrophiled is still not a verb
‘Oh for fook’s sake!’ love northern Dan
‘You don’t know what fun is Mum!’
I still don’t like euthanasia jokes :/
‘I know how to play Alan’
‘Our mum’ plot twist
A lot of good stuff after this but it all came so quickly
I guess what I liked better about the first was their hair, their clothes and the old gaming room. (I’m not saying I prefer their old looks better than their new in general, on the contrary, I prefer curls and quiff, but in this case yeah.) Everything else about the second was better.

This video just makes me want them to record their casual gaming in their actual lounge. I know they won’t, because they think it wouldn’t be entertaining, and even if they did, it wouldn’t be genuine because they would be conscious of the fact they are being recorded. There is no winning. But I feel like their reactions towards the end got more and more genuine as the stress mounted. And it also brought them physically closer together. So I guess there is winning. A parallel I just noticed is that in both vids they mentioned playing those game together off camera and how it was a strain on their friendship. Maybe I don’t actually want to see that.

So sorry for the double post, I thought there would have been more in the last half an hour.
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First thought: aw Phil didn’t call us something weird to start off the video
Second: wow the hair. but I don’t hate either one of their hairstyles? There’s a Lot going on, but it just makes me nostalgic. Also loved Phil’s hair being longer/shaggier -- LOVE the quiff, but when emo fringe was what we were working with: longer was better. SIMPLER TIMES. Also Dan wearing those earrings <3 Somebody just needs to stab me in the heart right now because it’s only like 20 seconds in and I can’t take it.
ALSO ALSO I miss the old gaming room oh no.

0:55 Phil swearing with little self-consciousness. Hello. I love you.
1:40 Dan doesn’t ship donkcest, valid

Dan’s voice sounds weird to me and I don’t know why.

3:25 Phil: It’s got glasses, it must know things
Dan: It’s got glasses, it’s smart, believe it
(me when Phil wears glasses)
4:05 Dan is the first one to die on dapg
5:34 Phil: Eat my face. That’s what I say to everyone that I kill.
(I’d watch that slasher movie tbh)
6:30 I feel like Dan is trying too hard and I’m uncomfortable lol
11:05 Look who has no problem saying cervix in the year 2014
12:00 Phil: who needs [full points]? That means we can play the level again
-while Dan freaks out, unsatisfied at not getting 100%. Aw. Some things don’t change.

Stormy Ascent: I have to go to work soon, so I will be skipping through parts (but also I’ve rewatched this one several times since they posted it, so it’s fine)
First thought: Dan’s hair: cute, Phil’s hair: meh.
Dan’s voice sounds better. Compared to the last one, it’s like he’s using his full voice? What does that even mean? Couldn’t tell you. Ask my ears.
Okay, 5 mins in, it’s like, he’s more comfortable being loud, or he’s being loud because that’s how he’s genuinely reacting, not because he’s trying to be a loud gamer and entertain on his new gaming channel. I mean obviously he’s still trying to be entertaining, but he’s less.. aware/conscious of it? Because he’s more confident. Confidence! That’s the difference.

10:00 Phil: I’m gonna picture my mum giving birth to me as bandicoot
12:20 Phil swearing. Hello. I love you. Self-conscious about it, though. Go home.
15:59 Phil’s look at the camera is great. The following section of dual frustration and collaborative effort for success at 18:35 is the Greatest

I skipped so much closer to the end but in summary: I love every second of this video. I love watching them be frustrated and die over and over again but having fun together doing it :happytears:

1. Was there a single difference between the videos that stood out the most to you?
Dan's confidence, his commitment to and the sincerity of his LOUDNESS
2. What did you like better about the older video in comparison to the newer one?
Phil's hair, sorry.
3. In your opinion, which video was better?
Hands down the 2017 one. That's one of their best videos, period :love2:
4. How often do you re-watch their older DAPG videos? What makes you go back to them, and if you don't, what stops you?
I'm going to be late for work, but I rewatch old dapg videos semi-often?? I mainly stick to the ones I know I like (bishi bashis, 'scary' ones, challenge ones), there's so much good stuff in the oldies.
Thanks and have a great day! Oil me
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Okay, this took me a long time because I was trying to do nice timestamps like you guys because I really enjoy them but turns out it would take me too many hours because I'm really slow so here's my really messy commentary:

Donkey Kong:
The fringes don't look bad but I'm oh-so-happy they ler go of them
I felt this awkwardness coming from them here? I guess that's expected for a first video in a new format but that highlights how much more comfortable they are nowadays
also so much more staring at the camera?
the comment Phil said about hiding and crying from bullies, oh my god, I want to hug him.
dan makes accurate monkey noises. yep, that's the comment.
Crash Bandicoot:
the warning for swearing is so funny
I know people get annoyed by dan's screaming but I think it's so funny and watching these videos back to back made it more evident for me how much funnier they make things imo
"i got my period" :lol:
"stop saying things fil"
"I just punched your hand" - "that hurt but I'm so excited" :lol:
"our mom" dun dun DUNNN
poor phil he almost did it
dan biting the controller, I bet he caught that habit somewhere
"patreon for our euthanasia" omg i never noticed this joke before and it had me laughing way too much
near the end dan is wayyy too amused at teasing phil that he is going to slip in the last jump to victory
something I noticed overall is also how dan gets progressively stressed out and less patient to wait and what what he's doing as opposite to phil that is like wild card since the beggining but he still insists that phil needs to be slower and really look whats going on before just going :lol:
1. Was there a single difference between the videos that stood out the most to you?
Yes, I really could feel like they were getting used to this new thing that was gaming videos and a new channel, much more awkwardness compared to the new one, I didn't get it at the time, I remember just being so excited we would get more Dan and Phil content and I barely knew anything about youtube gaming. They grew up a lot, didn't they?

2. What did you like better about the older video in comparison to the newer one?
hmmm better in the older video? idk, they had some great things but the newer beats everything

3. In your opinion, which video was better?
I have a fondness for the older one because of it's status as first one, and how much happiness it brought me at the time but hands down I enjoy the newer stuff so much more because of how their personalities on camera shifted and how much more genuine they come across, also I like how long it is.

4. How often do you re-watch their older DAPG videos? What makes you go back to them, and if you don't, what stops you?
I used to rewatch a lot more back then, not so much nowadays, a lot of it because the 2018 change of their behavior feels so much better it's always kinda sad to watch older stuff, a part of it also has to do with me having less time but I've wanted to re-start rewatching stuff but never had the motivation to do so and that's why I LOVE this idea of group rewatching :D

I still want to do timestamps because my commentary was a mess (sorry!) but I'll probably only have time much later today
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I love all of your timestamps (I was laughing as I read them) and thoughts <3 Thank you for answering my questions as well!!!
I will post the next round of questions in about an hour, in the meantime, please do keep posting what you think!

I pulled out some quotes from your posts, but this post is enormous, so I'm putting them under a spoiler for the sake of space.
hello9217 wrote: Sun Oct 14, 2018 1:47 pm 1st dnpgame:
The innuendos were barely there and if they did say something that had a double meaning they would make a face.
I basically agree with your whole paragraph, but this stood out to me so much while watching. How did I manage to forget that they once winced at every innuendo? I love how much they changed, seriously.
missemma wrote: Sun Oct 14, 2018 1:55 pm Yes, I mean bar them looking like actual fetuses in the first video, their personalities were so different too. In my opinion Dan comes across as being much more genuine in the second video, in the first, he comes across as being quite forced.
YES! I think I touched on this in my timestamps. Dan's voice is very... professional? in this video, and their jokes feel rehearsed, it all feels kind of forced. And Phil with his insistent staring at the screen.
Ataraxia25 wrote: Sun Oct 14, 2018 2:03 pm - i love phil saying "do you reckon anyone died / gave birth while watching this video" because i'm always wondering about stuff like that too!!
Oh thank god, so it's not just me lol :lol: I always get thoughts like that. Also love how you said their inexperience was cute, it really was! They seemed nervous.
glitterintheair wrote: Sun Oct 14, 2018 2:28 pm I love the gaming channel because it's where their progress has been more evident through the years. And you know what - even though Stormy Ascent is only one year old, I feel like the way they were just in 2017 was different from the way they are now.
I love your timestamps!! And this is so good too. I feel like we've always had the more "unscripted" deppy experience on the gaming channel, but since 2016, it's been a constant escalation - in a good way.
I also agree they are already different now than they were in 2017, even if it's more of a subtle change than the punch in the face some old videos evoke (2012-2014 era)
autumnhearth wrote: Sun Oct 14, 2018 3:16 pm ‘Language Daniel, they’re babies watching this’ (they’ve probably just been born in hospital)
Thank you for making me laugh out loud :lol:
I agree with you about wishing they'd record in their lounge, more casual gaming, playing games they play just for fun. I don't really believe it puts a real strain on their friendship though, they probably just scream at each other and laugh it off.
fancybum wrote: Sun Oct 14, 2018 3:26 pm Second: wow the hair. but I don’t hate either one of their hairstyles? There’s a Lot going on, but it just makes me nostalgic. Also loved Phil’s hair being longer/shaggier -- LOVE the quiff, but when emo fringe was what we were working with: longer was better. SIMPLER TIMES. Also Dan wearing those earrings <3 Somebody just needs to stab me in the heart right now because it’s only like 20 seconds in and I can’t take it.
ALSO ALSO I miss the old gaming room oh no.
I definitely agree here, Phil's 2014 hairstyle was so much better than 2016-2017. I seriously wondered what the hell their hairdresser was up to with Phil. Dan's hair lacked volume quite often too, but in this video we already have the curls.
Also, your timestamps were amazing as always. <3
LurkingTrash wrote: Sun Oct 14, 2018 4:55 pm I felt this awkwardness coming from them here? I guess that's expected for a first video in a new format but that highlights how much more comfortable they are nowadays
also so much more staring at the camera?
I'm really glad it's not just me that thought the video felt awkward now. Which is funny, because when it first came out, I was all over it like the rest of us, but wow. And the camera staring was so weird compared to the cute looks we get all the damn time now. I remember now why we always freaked out whenever they had 0.1 sec of eye contact.
Also, your commentary was not messy at all! I loved it!
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Do you guys think that since they were very professional and rehearsed in their fist dapg vid, they had intented for the channel to become more of a serious channel? Like, a proper gaming one?
If so, I'm glad they gave up on trying, because I definitely enjoy the mess we're getting nowadays.
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monkeys monkeying around

one thing i noticed right off the bat is that their atmosphere is A LOT different. dan is still putting on his dinof persona to 80% and phil is still holding down his "innuendos" which makes him appear really harmless. but for the most part, it felt like they forgot about the camera every now and then and are just two bros playing games on a saturday night. theyd talk in their low, quiet voices only to be brought back to the audience with a signature dan look or a dan scream. comparing it with their newer videos tho, it certainly feels more....err....cleaner? i mean, theres less editing pizzaz that you get from their newer videos.
0:46 - for some reason this reminds me of that one time phil offered him two mugs, dan shot him a look like "why are you making me choose, you know which i want" and phil quietly gave him the hello kitty mug. idk but i think dan likes pink.
0:50 - love that concerned phil casually swearing
4:15 - "suck that....banana" i almost choked on my food, thanks
6:13 - i totally forgot colin came to their lives after and i had a mini-heartattack thinking every insta and tweet about this good dog has been lies...but now im just watching the past
7:45 - ahhh.....the start of all the #mounting content
8:47 - love phils little teasing
8:57 - dan stop
bandicoots having some BANTSicoot

aahhh yes, the screaming INTENSIFIES. i love how they spent so much time at the bonus game. i also love how you can see their philosophies(cant think of a better word) for gaming are. dan, with his experience in strategy games, is more cautious and methodical. he likes to wait and make up a plan before proceeding. meanwhile phil gets better through trial and error. he tends to just jump right in and face the problems/puzzles head first as they arrive.
6:00 - "he just wants to be touched"
7:55 - "i found my flow, phil. ive got my period" i dont remember this
8:57 - same
10:16 - this is so cute and married as fuck
11:50 - the dad reprimanding his son but then 25 seconds later phil also cant help but swear so it balances out
20:44 - Image
21:40 - dan and phil are siblings #confirmed
22:46 - "erotic massages" ok dan, wheres your certificate and license to work?????????????
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double-posting but hello

1. Was there a single difference between the videos that stood out the most to you?
i think for me its the editing. definitely its a lot "messier" now, but its a good kind of mess that emits such a high chaotic gay vibe.

2. What did you like better about the older video in comparison to the newer one?
and on that note, i do prefer their newer style of editing. i mean, it makes sense since in the older videos they are still doing a trial and error; now they definitely know their formula.

3. In your opinion, which video was better?
im gunna be that sucker at say, both are good - in their own ways. the monkey madness is like a premature baby that was so eager to come out into the world and is now learning to crawl for the first time. meanwhile, bandicoot is that 2 year old toddler thats so excited to learn new things and makes such a mess or gets in trouble everytime but we still love them anyway. :platonic:

4. How often do you re-watch their older DAPG videos? What makes you go back to them, and if you don't, what stops you?
honestly, i dont. so this was quite an experience. idk why but with their gaming videos, i tend to watch it then thats it. unless its something really good, then id watch it two or three times max. i guess thats just how i am with gaming videos in general though. i used to watch a lot more gaming videos a few years back and most of the time they are playing the same games across different people, so perhaps ive unconsciously adapted to watching only one person for a specific game? i havent been watching any gaming videos religiously lately so idk man


also! im loving everyones commentary! im laughing at the phil hair comments. tbh, im just happy with the quiff....even though the fringe was definitely a lot easier to draw.....................................................................................cough :happytears: but yeah, the swearing is also interesting cz even though dan gets to swear so much, phil still insists to bleep out his own swears? in the same video? it interesting.
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glitterintheair wrote: Sun Oct 14, 2018 6:22 pm Do you guys think that since they were very professional and rehearsed in their fist dapg vid, they had intented for the channel to become more of a serious channel? Like, a proper gaming one?
If so, I'm glad they gave up on trying, because I definitely enjoy the mess we're getting nowadays.
This is a good question. Back when they started the channel, gaming channels were really big on youtube, that decline didn't start until recently. So I mean, maybe? But if they did, I feel like they gave up on that rather quickly. If they wanted to be serious bigshot gamers, they would have approached the channel differently, putting out series, maybe starting a twitch channel?

Here are some new points for us to discuss if anyone wishes to participate!
Remember you can still jump in and watch the videos now!
1. Who do you think changed more over the years on DAPG - Dan or Phil? Why?
2. Based on these two videos, what do you think of their dynamic as a team? Do you think they hold back a lot from their natural behavior when gaming?
3. Imagine we do this again three years from now, do you think the difference will be as huge as it is now (between 2014-2017)?
Lastly, please vote to tell us which format worked better for you (one showing vs two):
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Ablissa wrote: Sun Oct 14, 2018 8:05 pm
glitterintheair wrote: Sun Oct 14, 2018 6:22 pm Do you guys think that since they were very professional and rehearsed in their fist dapg vid, they had intented for the channel to become more of a serious channel? Like, a proper gaming one?
If so, I'm glad they gave up on trying, because I definitely enjoy the mess we're getting nowadays.
This is a good question. Back when they started the channel, gaming channels were really big on youtube, that decline didn't start until recently. So I mean, maybe? But if they did, I feel like they gave up on that rather quickly. If they wanted to be serious bigshot gamers, they would have approached the channel differently, putting out series, maybe starting a twitch channel?
If you look at the description of dnpgames it says they wanted to review games. So I think the channel was supposed to be a combination of playing competitive, fun, and new games (so that they could review them). I do think dnp were just like gamings popular and we like to game why not start a channel but it probably wasn't intended to contain a large majority of flash games, that it does now, and be slightly more serious.

1. Who do you think changed more over the years on DAPG - Dan or Phil? Why?

Probably Phil. He stared at the camera a lot, was pretty quiet, and was very persona heavy, i.e. innocent branding and such. Dan's changed as well and seems to be more comfortable on camera but yeah Phil has changed the most. It wasn't even recently with the quiff. If I had to pin down an exact time when it became more apparent I would say gamingmas 2017. That really solidified the Phil that we get know on the gaming channel.

2. Based on these two videos, what do you think of their dynamic as a team? Do you think they hold back a lot from their natural behavior when gaming?

I love seeing them work as a team. Something I mentioned in my first post was that crash bandicoot was not a team game but they still played it as one. They have a good system and are encouraging of one another as they play. I still think they 100% hold back their natural behavior when gaming. I think a "real" dnp gaming experience would have a lot more yelling and insults coming from both of them. Dan constantly says "oh you should see Phil in [insert scenario here]" because Phil acts differently when its just him and dan than when he's on camera. I don't think it's a bad thing because I still find them entertaining but I would kill to see what they are actually like.

3. Imagine we do this again three years from now, do you think the difference will be as huge as it is now (between 2014-2017)?
I mean look at just a little over a year difference between the last gaming video and the one from 2017, there is such a difference. However I'd like to think that they have reached a level of comfort with the audience where they are at a point where they feel most comfortable. I don't really have any idea how much more different they could get.
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hello9217 wrote: Sun Oct 14, 2018 9:04 pm
Ablissa wrote: Sun Oct 14, 2018 8:05 pm
glitterintheair wrote: Sun Oct 14, 2018 6:22 pm Do you guys think that since they were very professional and rehearsed in their fist dapg vid, they had intented for the channel to become more of a serious channel? Like, a proper gaming one?
If so, I'm glad they gave up on trying, because I definitely enjoy the mess we're getting nowadays.
This is a good question. Back when they started the channel, gaming channels were really big on youtube, that decline didn't start until recently. So I mean, maybe? But if they did, I feel like they gave up on that rather quickly. If they wanted to be serious bigshot gamers, they would have approached the channel differently, putting out series, maybe starting a twitch channel?
If you look at the description of dnpgames it says they wanted to review games. So I think the channel was supposed to be a combination of playing competitive, fun, and new games (so that they could review them). I do think dnp were just like gamings popular and we like to game why not start a channel but it probably wasn't intended to contain a large majority of flash games, that it does now, and be slightly more serious.
i want to jump on this and say, yeah i dont think they were really aiming to do a legit gaming channel. they want to make one thats more relaxed and it felt more of an excuse to do "easier" content on days they dont have anything for their main channels. the large amount of flash games is a testament for this. not that its bad, its just their way of saying "hey, i know you guys want more content but sorry were a bit busy/burnt out so heres a small thing instead!" but on some cases, it turned into some good gems that we all know and love today (like the impossible quiz series for example). they also have a penchant for side projects, not to mention its fun for them! and they do genuinely love games, so this seemed to be a perfect investment for them.
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Random thoughts:
They really are so different now! They are so more relaxed now. Like how they began singing in the Crash video (and they do in so many videos too) and just talking. The beginning in the Crash one too, how they just start discussing if a bandicoot is a marsupial. They were a lot more formal and serious in the first video!

I like when they actually play a game, from the beginning to the end. So I like the first video because of that (even though there are some mysterious jump cuts, of course, so not really the whole level). But I like how they played the crash one better. It feels like they are actually having fun when playing Crash Bandicoot.

One thing that I thought about was how they were sat on the sofa. Why? Was it a reason why they changed to sitting in chairs?
And if they sat on the sofa now, would they just lay on each other because they sit so close now! 😂

1. Who do you think changed more over the years on DAPG - Dan or Phil? Why?
I think Phil changed the most, Dan was loud in the first video, yes. But his louder now, and it feels like he's more himself. But Phil almost didn't say anything in the first video. So I think they both changed, with not holding back so much. But I think you can see the change with Phil more.

2. Based on these two videos, what do you think of their dynamic as a team? Do you think they hold back a lot from their natural behavior when gaming?
I think they play it up more. I think when they play by themselves, they are still screaming and banting, but I think they support each other more than they do in the videos. Like when they play Dan vs. Phil they always try to help each other even though they are competing. I think that's comes to them naturally because they always support each other.

3. Imagine we do this again three years from now, do you think the difference will be as huge as it is now (between 2014-2017)?
I don't think it will be equally as huge. But I think that they maybe will be even more comfortable with showing more of thier real selves?
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I've been semi-hiatusing but here I am for some good Deppy rewatches anyway. :skeleton:

I really remember LOVING the Donkey Kong videos, but I was actually less entertained than I thought I would be. There are still some genuinely funny moments in there, but since they were so new to this and because it was 2014, something seems off watching this back.

They use their radio presenter voices a lot (especially in the intro and outro) and it makes the whole thing a bit awkward. I never thought D&P made particularly good presenters anyway and that forced way of talking was the exact reason why. It's completely logical that that is how they started out, since that's what they were used to. They weren't really used to filming together as much as they are now because they still liked being ~individuals who just happened to live together~, so they just brought the way they were on the radio to the gaming channel. It was probably a good way to ease themselves into their new adventure, but I'm glad that they've changed it up and improved since then.

Their dynamic has really obviously improved since then. It's easy to see why some people back then thought that Dan was always annoyed by Phil, considering how he reacts to some things. Also when Phil nails the barrel thing Dan does compliment him by taking back his earlier comments while maintaining a sarcastic tone. Sure, it's for comedic effect but also to maintain a distance from each other. Can't express too many genuine feelings, so no homo bro. These days were on the neverending rollercoaster named fondness, and they show it off in all kinds of subtle and not so subtle ways. I couldn't be happier about it. :love2:

It's funny how they were at some point planning on reviewing games they played, I guess that idea died with 'eventually uploading almost every day' and 'we just gotta turn on the camera when we play a game' and whatever other wild ideas they had in the beginning. It'd be kinda cool to see what them playing this in 2018 would look like.

Some other comments:
- Their fringes didn't look like complete shit yet. Good times.
- 2014 was a simpler time where jokes about Iggy Azalea, Nicki Minaj, Miley Cyrus, and twerking were the epitome of comedy. It didn't age well.
- "Eat Pantenne bitch!" is an iconic quote.
- I remember people being so sad about Phil's comment about hiding from bullies and crying. Tumblr essays were written.
- So many mounting jokes.
- That spitroast comment and Phil's reaction. 2018!Phil would have laughed lmao.
- "So racist towards Player 1" made me cringe into a vaguely human shaped puddle but yay for growing as a person I guess.
- That absolute failure of a high five.
- The dying or giving birth while watching bit took me all the way back to old liveshows. At the sound of sirenes Dan would play 'Guess The Crime' with the audience and talk about stabbings and shit. But Phil would say that there was a baby being born. Just so we would know how tOtAlLy DiFfErEnT!!! from each other they were or something I guess.
- "That was a tough time in our friendship." Once again, people on Tumblr in 2014 had all kinds of feels about that one.

On to the next video, which is actually one that I have rewatched a lot. It's a masterpiece, with everything that we love about the Dan and Phil that we know now. Screaming (oh so much screaming), shushing, swearing, genuine encouragement and support, taking the piss, and just a whole lot of banter.

Compared to the last video, they have visibly gotten used to filming these videos with each other. The radio host voices are long gone, they no longer rely on obviously scripted 'conversations' in the intro and outro, and there's no longer that invisible wall of doom feel between them. The flow of the video is more natural (doesn't necessarily mean that they're natural though because they're obviously still 'on') and also a lot more entertaining. It's also just really fucking funny and watching them slowly lose it really appeals to my sadistic side. :thumb:

Honestly the best thing about this video is just how they're so into it. We just don't se that a lot, but they truly love playing this game and are so determined to win. More of that please.

Trying to do commentary that isn't just 'Dan screams like a banshee':
- Phil's haircut the year before going quiff is some stuff of nightmares.
- "Show me that bandicussy." They were really obsessed with that joke at some point huh.
- "I found my flow Phil. I got my period." Let me guess, it was late?
- Dan calls Phil out for just repeating things he says out of context. That peek of some beautiful domestic spending-too-much-time-with-each-other bliss.
- The bit about how they almost killed each other playing the game is always amusing, but especially now compared to the Donkey Kong video where they mention how the mine cart levels also almost made them murder each other. They really stick with each other through thick and thin uwu.
- Phil reprimanding Dan for swearing too much. I like imagining him saying "Language, Daniel!" IRL as well.
- Phil's swearing getting bleeped out. And Dan not even noticing.
- Phil trying to save the controller from Dan's teeth.
- "Patreon for our euthanasia." A mood.
- Erotic Massages. Lucky Phil...
- Dan's swearing is truly on another level.
- I am overwhelmed with pride whenever I watch this video and they finish the level.
1. Was there a single difference between the videos that stood out the most to you?
They looked surprisingly different. It's weird. Not just the hair, their faces as well. Age is catching up with them lol. Aside from that, there are a lot big and small things that make ~the difference~ between the videos.

2. What did you like better about the older video in comparison to the newer one?
tbh... not really anything? That doesn't mean I disliked the video, but it was like the awkward beta testing phase of the channel and the people they have become. I truly believe everything is better now. But, maybe that at the time they seemed a bit more motivated about their ideas for the channel?

3. In your opinion, which video was better?
Stormy Ascent is one of their best videos ever, Donkey Kong could never.

4. How often do you re-watch their older DAPG videos? What makes you go back to them, and if you don't, what stops you?
I gotta be in the mood for it, but fairly often? I like having a look through their uploaded videos and picking something I either have fond memories of or don't really remember.


1. Who do you think changed more over the years on DAPG - Dan or Phil? Why?
Ohhh that's a difficult question. I think I have to give it to Phil. He was very silent in that first video, someone who wouldn't know D&P would think he was a sidekick instead of an equal. That's not at all the case anymore. While Dan is still the loudest, Phil does speak up a lot more and has gotten better and talking and gaming at the same time. I think he struggled with that in the beginning.

2. Based on these two videos, what do you think of their dynamic as a team? Do you think they hold back a lot from their natural behavior when gaming?
They're a great team. While they talk in both videos about wanting to kill each other during certain parts of a game, in the end they always manage to do it. I think D&P's natural gaming behavior is a lot like what we see on video, just a bit less of everything. Less screaming, less banter, less trying to be funny.

3. Imagine we do this again three years from now, do you think the difference will be as huge as it is now (between 2014-2017)?
I've been wondering about that a lot since I started writing this post. People never stop growing and changing, so I'm assuming that while the change might not be as big it will still be significant.

Phew. Long post. Anyway, I had fun :tu:
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Donkey Kong:
I have timestamps! It's funny because a couple days ago I found timestamps for this video in my writing notebook, which was very odd (I don't know why I did timestamps and forgot about them, or why they were in that notebook, but they were there none the less), so I basically just went back to verify the timestamps.
(0:55)-P: "Did you just say 'shitting through the clouds?" I love that the first gaming channel video has a bleeped out Phil swear
(1:08)-And the channel deleting jokes have already started
(1:11)-lol Lost nerds
(1:25)-Dan looking fondly at Phil mashing the buttons for no reason
(1:32)-Some speculation about Donkey Kong and Dixie's relationship--Phil ships it, Dan is horrified
(1:47)-twerking Dixie and ass slapping DK - D: "We need to stop they're probably related somehow"
(2:29)-D: "It's not a competition, we're on the same team" I love that this is in their first gaming video because it's something they still constantly do, especially Phil.
(3:42)-D: "Get off my bananas![x2] I didn't think I would be saying that today *looks at Phil*"
(3:51)-Perfectly synced jumping noise
(4:16)-D: "Suck that...banana *regret*"
(4:34)-First appearance of "shine a light" from Phil
(5:39)-Reflecting on Phil's bullies; an interesting moment. The first kind of random personal tangent that are far more common in their videos now.
D: "That's what Phil used to say to all the kids that bullied him"
P: "Yeah...I actually just hid and cried [awkward laugh]"
(5:56)-P: "I can do what I want, this is my channel...half channel" lol okay Phil
(6:08)-D: "Easy like your mum"
P: "Easy like your dog"
D: "My dog is dead"
P: "Oh, I'm sorry"
D: [yells about game]
P: "It was kind of an easy dog though"
D: [looks appalled as Phil giggles]
(6:46)-Mounting each other and confusion about the mounting
(7:58)-P: "Just massage my ego some more why don't ya?"
(8:25)-P: "Come on mount it"
(8:57)-D, about the pigs: "Busy spit-roasting each other probably"
P: "No!"
(9:41)-Terrible hi five
(9:45)-P: "Do you want to mount me again?"
(10:30)-P, about Dixie and DK's hi ten: "There was love hearts!" Clearly he is not letting his ship die
(10:42)-Fond looks while they do their own hi ten
(12:36)-D: "Everyone will love our reviews" Oh, this was a review? Right, right that star rating made a lot of sense. And reviews yeah? lmao
(12:47)-I love when they talk about nearly killing each other when they play games. It's nice and domestic.
-Some fondness in the end screen
-Also, there's a few moments in this where Dan asks/makes an assumption about the game and Phil knowingly answers. Interesting to see the 'Phil does most of the game testing and Dan does most of the post stuff' dynamic in their first video.
Stormy Ascent:
I actually watched this in the background while writing last weekend, and I didn't finish it so I was greeted by Dan screaming where I left off lol. But I took some notes and a few timestamps below.
(3:06)-P: "Shh you're stressing me out!" Already lol
(5:17)-P: "Watch out lads, Phil's back on the prowl"
(5:24)-D: "Complete floppy ding dong" and then some back and forth about how that sounds like he's talking about dicks
(17:48)-D: "You're worth this, yeah great one" I love the amused natural voice :')
(21:41)-D: "My mum has nothing to do with the filming of this video good sir"
P: "She does. She's behind the camera"
D: "Plot twist: our mum films all my vi--our mum??"
(22:46)-D: "Just call me Danny: master of life, space, time, and erotic massages"
(24:42)-P: "You just broke the sound barrier again"
D: "We've been over this, pitch has nothing to do with the sound barrier"
P: "It does today"
-I love listening to Phil describe things for Dan before he does them there's always some kind of innuendo
-Hearing them talk about killing each other over games is great
-Phil freezing after swearing and Dan not noticing. Good.
-I can't believe Dan was going to make a joke about fucking the dead bodies of people wearing headphones. I mean, I can believe, but still
-I love watching them bounce off of each other trying to figure things out, like with the bonus level
-Phil being determined to "shake things up" at the mirrored stairs was great because they go back and forth but it's fast, and just an interesting way of looking at their dynamic
-You can see them getting antsier as the video goes on, it's really interesting
1. Was there a single difference between the videos that stood out the most to you?
Their energy was weird. Like others have said, they had their radio voices on, but not quite as constantly on as they were when they did actual shows. I guess that makes sense because they launched this around the time the Internet Takeover was replacing the Dan and Phil Show, and they weren't going to be on the radio weekly. But Dan felt very danisnotonfire and Phil was like a muted AmazingPhil. Also the editing is so much better now (as I would hope!).
2. What did you like better about the older video in comparison to the newer one?
Like many others, Phil's hair. The fringe truly got worse with every year he kept it.
3. In your opinion, which video was better?
Stormy Ascent, no question. It's domestic, with the perfect amount of bants and pride at the end when they finish the level. I just love what it gives us about their dynamic too.
4. How often do you re-watch their older DAPG videos? What makes you go back to them, and if you don't, what stops you?
Before we got super consistent gaming videos, I'd watch them all the time, especially during that American tatinof drought. Now I hardly find myself rewatching them. In fact, I rarely even go back to rewatch videos without the curls and quiff combo unless I'm in the ~mood or if I have to. I think them being less relaxed from their personas grates on me a bit which is why I tend to rewatch things in the past year.

1. Who do you think changed more over the years on DAPG - Dan or Phil? Why?
Phil for sure. 2018 Phil would have laughed at the spit-roasting joke Dan made, and might have even expanded on it a bit. He also isn't as quiet or as Radio!Phil.
2. Based on these two videos, what do you think of their dynamic as a team? Do you think they hold back a lot from their natural behavior when gaming?
They really work so damn well as a team, and I always love seeing them work together. I think what we see is what they're like irl, but with less of their personas attached. I also think Phil swears more when he games too (he might have said that once and I'm just remembering that, idk, but I headcanon it lol).
3. Imagine we do this again three years from now, do you think the difference will be as huge as it is now (between 2014-2017)?
I don't think it would be as stark. They seem to be shifting into who they want to present themselves as online, and I don't think that'll change much past the next year as we enter this new "era".
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I'm several hours late to the party, but here are some quick notes
-i'm really thrown off by- i dont want to say they're uncomfortable- but how much more stilted they are? cute bants but its still such a stark contrast to how they carry themselves now? less of a familiar back and forth. I think this is because it was still very new to them to play games together in front of the camera.
-i remember the day this was uploaded and the channel was announced, it was very exciting because as @Catallena said, they make a really great team.
-fun game, and its been a while since i've rewatched.

-i've rewatched this one a lOt, i love it
-first noticeable difference: better mics! wow i forget how quiet they used to sound (they also just project more now)
-straight into a -ussy joke, bless
-perfected the whole game, they are so dedicated wtf.
-i love the yelling, phil losing his temper
-the petulant tone they both take when switching turns, i love
-sweet teasing
-phil telling dan to breathe after screaming lmao
-15:11 is my favorite bit- "oh for fooks sake"
-the bants in this video are top-knotch.

1. Who do you think changed more over the years on DAPG - Dan or Phil? Why?
They've definitely become much more comfortable on camera, from the way they present themselves to the way they interact with each other.
I have to say Phil though, he's so funny and I'd be lying if I didn't say his confidence these days isn't an attractive attribute (aaaand the phillie in me comes out) but more importantly he's more relaxed and gives his input a lot. Everytime Phil says "taste it" when banting in a game I gain 3 months of life.

2. Based on these two videos, what do you think of their dynamic as a team? Do you think they hold back a lot from their natural behavior when gaming?
They know how to communicate, and obviously have enough experience as a team to finish games together. It shouldn't be so surprising to me that they love these games and put in enough time to perfect them, but for some reason it does. They definitely hold back their frustrations though. I think when they game off-camera, theres a little less silly-business, and more quiet seething (but maybe I'm projecting).

3. Imagine we do this again three years from now, do you think the difference will be as huge as it is now (between 2014-2017)?
I think they've grown up a lot in this years, but even just from 2017-2018 we're seeing a difference. I think as long as they continue to do whatever feels natural and comfortable to them, we will. I don't know how major it will be though.
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glitterintheair wrote: Sun Oct 14, 2018 6:22 pm Do you guys think that since they were very professional and rehearsed in their fist dapg vid, they had intented for the channel to become more of a serious channel? Like, a proper gaming one?
If so, I'm glad they gave up on trying, because I definitely enjoy the mess we're getting nowadays.
(double posting to break up my original post)
I feel like they may have expected the channel to work well for reviews, but I don't think that was ever super sustainable. They realized pretty fast that many of their views were coming from people who like their personalities and chemistry and not so much the games. There are people who value their opinions on games, but not enough to warrant full videos/professional content. DAPG evolved quickly into a "Let's Play" channel (which I personally prefer) and I think they found that to be the most fun content for them to make. We also see a sliver of that when they choose to play more serious games that they think might be too boring to play on camera, or they want to experience personally instead of with all the work that goes along with filming and uploading and being "on" for the channel.
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I loved all your posts! I'm taking some stuff out again, but honestly, love reading these. Made my day!
If anyone's still watching, leave your thoughts here! :)

(I see that two more people posted while I was writing this monstrosity, yay! I have to sleep now, but I'm reading it rn!!)

hello9217 wrote: Sun Oct 14, 2018 9:04 pm If you look at the description of dnpgames it says they wanted to review games. So I think the channel was supposed to be a combination of playing competitive, fun, and new games (so that they could review them). I do think dnp were just like gamings popular and we like to game why not start a channel but it probably wasn't intended to contain a large majority of flash games, that it does now, and be slightly more serious.
Yeah, I agree. They probably had bigger plans for the channel, but honestly, they don't fit the bigshot gamer demographic, they never did. Dan kinda used to have this type of humor on his channel, you could tell he wanted to branch out onto that demographic, but he never really did and I am so, so glad.
hello9217 wrote: Sun Oct 14, 2018 9:04 pm I still think they 100% hold back their natural behavior when gaming. I think a "real" dnp gaming experience would have a lot more yelling and insults coming from both of them.
Seriously, I'd pay so much money just to see them play a game with the camera on but ignoring it completely. I think we got a cute lil glimpse with that skyrim VR instastory that Phil posted, but I mean, that doesn't even compare. I feel like Dan might actually be a bit more subdued, but Phil? Let me see Phil lose it, please @ universe.
ame wrote: Sun Oct 14, 2018 7:03 pm comparing it with their newer videos tho, it certainly feels more....err....cleaner? i mean, theres less editing pizzaz that you get from their newer videos.
Ooo I love this point! You're right. The first video is mostly them sitting and playing, nowadays they zoom in at the weirdest moments and highlight the things they'd likely cut out 4 years ago. And I definitely agree - their new style is so much better.
Tottrie wrote: Sun Oct 14, 2018 9:45 pm I think they play it up more. I think when they play by themselves, they are still screaming and banting, but I think they support each other more than they do in the videos. Like when they play Dan vs. Phil they always try to help each other even though they are competing. I think that's comes to them naturally because they always support each other.
Don't mind me, just over here melting as I'm imagining them being supportive of each other and laughing as they fail. Yeah, I think that even if they scream and insult each other they totally don't mind it. I don't buy that "it's destroying our friendship" crap at all. :lol: Also, I think they're sat on the sofa because it's a console game, but I'm not sure!
Catallena wrote: Sun Oct 14, 2018 10:56 pm They use their radio presenter voices a lot (especially in the intro and outro) and it makes the whole thing a bit awkward.
I love how both you and @autumnhearth mentioned radio voices. I think especially Dan sounds so off in this video, it's all really forced.
Catallena wrote: Sun Oct 14, 2018 10:56 pm Their dynamic has really obviously improved since then. It's easy to see why some people back then thought that Dan was always annoyed by Phil, considering how he reacts to some things.
I almost managed to forget that, but then this does come up even now when Dan screams too much. I sometimes like to think that the reason Dan acted so on edge was because he had to control himself and suit his "persona", but who knows. I'm glad we're past that.
Catallena wrote: Sun Oct 14, 2018 10:56 pm - "I found my flow Phil. I got my period." Let me guess, it was late?
I'm CRYING :rofl:
Catallena wrote: Sun Oct 14, 2018 10:56 pm I think I have to give it to Phil. He was very silent in that first video, someone who wouldn't know D&P would think he was a sidekick instead of an equal. That's not at all the case anymore.
That is such an interesting point and I hate that it's true. It kinda ties with what you said above, about people thinking Dan is annoyed by Phil. For a while there, Dan was the loudest one that seemed to be the "leader" in their dynamic. I love that these days they are equals, supportive of each other, and ridiculously cute happy :happytears:
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