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Re: IDB Phandom Watch Fest #2 - Video Discussion

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 8:32 am
by glitterintheair
Ablissa wrote: Mon Oct 15, 2018 12:48 am
Catallena wrote: Sun Oct 14, 2018 10:56 pm I think I have to give it to Phil. He was very silent in that first video, someone who wouldn't know D&P would think he was a sidekick instead of an equal. That's not at all the case anymore.
That is such an interesting point and I hate that it's true. It kinda ties with what you said above, about people thinking Dan is annoyed by Phil. For a while there, Dan was the loudest one that seemed to be the "leader" in their dynamic. I love that these days they are equals, supportive of each other, and ridiculously cute happy :happytears:
This is very interesting to me and I agree because when i started watching them - and mind you, it was in 2016 so their dynamic was already better - i kept asking myself why they were playing together since Dan was always the leader and the one more "involved" in the video. Phil has changed so much and you can tell his confidence has grown a lot and I find myself loving their videos more now because their involvement is balanced.

Re: IDB Phandom Watch Fest #2 - Video Discussion

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 1:24 pm
by LurkingTrash
Ablissa wrote: Sun Oct 14, 2018 8:05 pm 1. Who do you think changed more over the years on DAPG - Dan or Phil? Why?
I was thinking about this for a long time and I don't think I can point who was the one that changed more, both of them changed a lot in different ways, I'd say Dan changes are more visible mostly because he talks about them a lot and transitions by rejecting his old selves quite strongly whereas Phil tens to test things out and keep them if the reaction is positive, only talking about it a handful of times that I can remember, so yeah, both changed and grew together at their own time and ways and I'm really proud of them for that.
Ablissa wrote: Sun Oct 14, 2018 8:05 pm 2. Based on these two videos, what do you think of their dynamic as a team? Do you think they hold back a lot from their natural behavior when gaming?
I think they held back a lot at the start, but that's a given now seeing how they act in 2018, I don't thing they have personas that are different from who they are, just a more polished version of themselves with the good parts for the camera while also being careful, but I do think they held a lot more back then than they do now, I could point some logical points, examples and comparisons but the overwhelming feeling of them being much more comfortable with us and that showing up on camera already does the job for me
Ablissa wrote: Sun Oct 14, 2018 8:05 pm 3. Imagine we do this again three years from now, do you think the difference will be as huge as it is now (between 2014-2017)?
No, not as huge of a difference, I feel like they are comfortable with how they are now (or getting there) so I'd feel like any change would be a natural progressionof them growing and changing instead of the catching up we are witnessing.

Ablissa wrote: Sun Oct 14, 2018 8:05 pm
hello9217 wrote: Sun Oct 14, 2018 9:04 pm If you look at the description of dnpgames it says they wanted to review games. So I think the channel was supposed to be a combination of playing competitive, fun, and new games (so that they could review them). I do think dnp were just like gamings popular and we like to game why not start a channel but it probably wasn't intended to contain a large majority of flash games, that it does now, and be slightly more serious.
Yeah, I agree. They probably had bigger plans for the channel, but honestly, they don't fit the bigshot gamer demographic, they never did. Dan kinda used to have this type of humor on his channel, you could tell he wanted to branch out onto that demographic, but he never really did and I am so, so glad.
That's a good point. I agree that they don't fit the big gamer stereotype and that's more than okay in my opinion, they fit very well what they have been doing and even if I didn't really know what the gaming yt community was like back when they started I knew that it involved a lot more of posting than dnp are used to and I honestly never thought that their procrastinators selves would be able to keep up with that rhythm
Ablissa wrote: Sun Oct 14, 2018 8:05 pm
ame wrote: Sun Oct 14, 2018 7:03 pm comparing it with their newer videos tho, it certainly feels more....err....cleaner? i mean, theres less editing pizzaz that you get from their newer videos.
Ooo I love this point! You're right. The first video is mostly them sitting and playing, nowadays they zoom in at the weirdest moments and highlight the things they'd likely cut out 4 years ago. And I definitely agree - their new style is so much better.
That's something that I didn't pay attention to but you guys are right! I love how they edit videos now, it makes it more fast-paced a bit and a lot more funnier, not that I don't love calm videos and all but it fits much more the gaming style
Ablissa wrote: Sun Oct 14, 2018 8:05 pm
Catallena wrote: Sun Oct 14, 2018 10:56 pm Their dynamic has really obviously improved since then. It's easy to see why some people back then thought that Dan was always annoyed by Phil, considering how he reacts to some things.
I almost managed to forget that, but then this does come up even now when Dan screams too much. I sometimes like to think that the reason Dan acted so on edge was because he had to control himself and suit his "persona", but who knows. I'm glad we're past that.
Oh god I forgot that too! I remember being always on edge and having to rationally talk me down from my emotional response of being mad at Dan and how he acted in gaming videos knowing that it wasn't an accurate representation of how they acted irl, I'm so glad that nowadays we can have the bants without that feeling
Ablissa wrote: Sun Oct 14, 2018 8:05 pm
Catallena wrote: Sun Oct 14, 2018 10:56 pm I think I have to give it to Phil. He was very silent in that first video, someone who wouldn't know D&P would think he was a sidekick instead of an equal. That's not at all the case anymore.
That is such an interesting point and I hate that it's true. It kinda ties with what you said above, about people thinking Dan is annoyed by Phil. For a while there, Dan was the loudest one that seemed to be the "leader" in their dynamic. I love that these days they are equals, supportive of each other, and ridiculously cute happy :happytears:
That's true too! They really grew and changed a lot, didn't they? I'm so happy that we can see their dynamic in 2018 and I love it SO much.