We're opening a few days early but just like last year, this Redbubble store will be up from today through Dec 30.
Why are we doing it a few days early? Because we want want your money before they drop more merch and you spend it all there. (#joking...... kind of)
This forum costs money to run and the last two years, the pop up shop has been enough of a success that all forum costs have been covered by the community contributions. It has also enabled us to donate at a 50/50 split with our faves at Phandom Gives! This year PhandomGives is focused on helping We Delete Blood Cancer, a charity that does... well, exactly what it says.
We offer almost all designs on a sticker and coffee mug, since those have proven to be our past best selling items, but we can customize almost any design to almost any item that you may want. Feel free to throw in special requests!
Want to help, but don't want to buy anything? We've set up a paypal donation link right here.