Dan & Phil Part 60: Lady Door Tour

Our two favourite full time internet nerds who never go outside!
dank meme
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I really liked this PINOF. I thought it was less cringey and more natural than previous years. It was overall cute and funny. Loved the Ribena incident and arm wrestling left right confusion and the selfies.
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actual demon phannie
actual demon phannie
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:23 - Phil with the tongue between the teeth laugh.
:24 - "Did you miss this tickle?"
:43 - Whiskers; good scrape.
1:00 - "You're an aged cat, and I'm a little kit."
1:04 - Greg is the sexiest name out there. "Nothing gets me riled like a hard G."
1:22 - "Watch me, dad." "Go." "Crow pose." Dan just out there casually calling Phil 'dad' and Phil just casually responding as though Dan calls him dad all the time which after this video I'm fairly sure he does.
1:39 - "Your mum." with Dan laughing, and then Dan's genuine wtf over Phil's inability to tell left from right.
2:09 - Phil doing the table pose on the bed behind Dan.
2:24 - Steven Universe song.
2:33 - Phil doing another yoga thing.
2:41 - First of a few down the shirt shots of Phil, for you chest hair fiends.
2:52 - Crabwalk up the stairs. Phil seems to genuinely have to talk Dan into it, Dan cancels it as soon as Phil slips. (Bonus: Dan telling Phil "Flex that spine." yoga boyfriends.)3:39 - "Shove your fingers deep-" "Don't shove your fingers anywhere!"
3:56 - Phil doing stretches, then the vase question. (I love the vase joke.)
4:09 - They're so excited about finishing the tie race at the same time.
4:35 - Truth bombs spon, but cereal cuteness.
4:45 - Jump scare.
5:02 - For some reason Dan just seems genuinely happy about Phil's dog name.
5:06 - "Hey there, sea man. Wanna inspect my gills?"
5:23 - Random photo question; they had way too much fun with this one.
6:10 - Cheese costume.
6:24 - Another tongue between the teeth grin.
6:30 - Dan in the cheese costume.
6:35 - Phil g-notes Dan. (Phil's massive grin.)
6:40 - First of all, why is Dan grabbing his dick. Second of all, oh my god that's so cute with Phil jumpscaring Dan.
7:00 - Dan doing the sexy end screen dance in the background.
7:07 - "Anal." (Dan has the same look on his face he did when Phil said he'd eaten too many 'cockies' in that one video from the hotel room during TATINOF.)
7:15 - Roasting the 'quirky/random' questions.
7:18 - Dressing each other.
7:32 - Phil starts to shake his butt but then it jumpcuts away.
7:43 - Omelet du fromage.
7:46 - Idiot sandwich.
7:48 - Dan calling Phil "Lester."
7:49 - Phil's sexy 'hey' that makes Dan pause and laugh.
8:06 - Why is Dan grinning up so cutely?
8:38 - Phil singing.
8:51 - Dan saying "bestest friend" through clenched teeth.
9:01 - Phil attempts to twerk flip the bottle.
9:16 - Dan pokes/touches Phil's knee (with the Sharpie?). Bonus cheeky bit of Phil flesh.
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This took me a really long time because I was using paint, but it's really important to me for some reason.
Now, I am not a fan of the idea that Phil is some soft innocent boi who has recently been corrupted. he was naughty from the beginning of his channel, just in little ways. However, there was a definite time when he was learned to behave in a certain less-naughty way on his channel, esp in vids with Dan. The so called "no-homo" era, although I think it was more than that and that is an oversimplification.

Personally, I often credit the tour with the emergence of this so-called new more edgy phil, and I truly think it was their time working together and living together on a tiny bus that relaxed them and made them be more comfortable in close quarters, along with the very exploration of their channels/putting the past behind them that came with making tatinof.

Thats not really the point of what I want to show here though - What I want to show here is how dan's reactions to phils super unexpected comments have changed lol. I'm putting it under a spoiler because its long with lots of pics.
June 7th, 2016 - one of my fav vids "Our past life animals" came out and it has one of my favorite moments. Phil, overly hyped up on sugar, says he had two cockies this morning. Dan immediately panics. Not the cute laughy panic, but the OMG ABORT! kind of panic.


But Phil doesnt abort - he laughs about it and corrects himself, which causes Dan to pull this face, the best face I have ever seen him pull. He even makes the 'cut the camera gesture" thinking the moment is unsalvagable and needs to be refilmed.


Phil doesn't cut the camera or restart the take - he just keeps talking, and Dan realizes its because he intends to keep that footage. Dan has to verify "Are you leaving that in?" Phil shrugs, why not?" Nearly this whole time Dan has been looking at the camera, and only briefly glances at phil when he breaks character to check what reality he's in.


Phile keeps talking - Dan is not ready, he's not over it. He is still grasping the fact that Phil is just going to leave in a really gay sounding comment - his world has been shook. Phil looks over to check that Dan is ok with everything. After a second they continue, together.


Now compare that to the most recent shocker of Phil shouting ANAL in the new pinof.


Dan is looking at Phil instead of at the camera, ready to see what Phil will do. He looks a bit shocked and concerned, but he just watches, and waits, and goes with it. He doesnt ever stop looking at Phil or break the scene. As Phil corrects his words and spits out the right sentence, Dan just nods along.

The moment is over almost instantly. Beautiful. I cry. Good Stuff. They don't check with each other if anything they say is ok, they just trust that if a real boundary was crossed it would be known.
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i can't with this tweet lol super random but somehow dan sounds like my mum when i ask her anything about christmas (mum's firmly into keeping the santa secret even though i'm an adult and little brother isn't far behind me :roll:)

also pinof was great. definitely a lot, but great. i would say more but i'm still in the hazy after period ahaha
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Good character development Artdefines. :thumb:
I love the two cockies moment and that little vid in general, and I really appreciate how you’ve broken it down. :respekt2:

Great timestamps dizzy. I need to sit down tomorrow and really pay attention to all the mentions, because I still haven’t absorbed it all.

The husband was not amused to come home to both of us wearing cat whiskers (though it is more excusable for the kid). I don’t know what Dan and Phil are complaining about with the sharpie removal. It’s not that hard to scrub off, though it does leave the skin a bit irritated. Hyperbolic drama queens.

New thread name suggestions should be soon yeah?
dank meme
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Well that was enough to put a lasting smile on my face and totally turn my shitty day around. There was a lot there that I want to go back and re-watch so massive thanks to everyone who has done time stamps!

I'm sure I'll have more to re-act to after I've had a chance to let it soak in a bit more- it does seem to me that their behaviour is overall becoming more casual and relaxed and mature and I am totally here for all that character growth!
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in actually dead, my death certificate reads "killed by phil lester's ass"

honestly deppy seem so much like they were in the first pinof, and i don't have words rn. off the top of my head, the best bits: aged cat/little kit, watch me dad, crabwalk, slime, merman/sailor, anal, twerking

(that list looks like the tags on some messed up phanfic on ao3)

also every moment that their arms were exposed bc holy fucking shit. these guys aren't noodle boys anymore, they are grown-ass men
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alittledizzy wrote: Sat Nov 25, 2017 1:47 am 1:00 - "You're an aged cat, and I'm a little kit."
*ahem* furries
1:04 - Greg is the sexiest name out there. "Nothing gets me riled like a hard G."
I was expecting a g-note joke here. But then again, I think it was better left how it was..
3:56 - Phil doing stretches, then the vase question. (I love the vase joke.)
I sometimes find the recurring jokes annoying, but this one gets me every time.
6:35 - Phil g-notes Dan. (Phil's massive grin.)
...and there it is
6:40 - First of all, why is Dan grabbing his dick.

I had to pause and rewind to make sure I hadn't seen that wrong. I mean, there's nothing overtly sexual about it or anything, but it just felt very un-Dan-like (I mean, at least in-front-of-the-camera Dan)? Or maybe we just don't see their bottom halves enough?
7:46 - Idiot sandwich.
I had such a deja vu moment where I was like, where have I heard this before? I can hear this in my head, but where? Was it a dnp thing? So I googled it and just found a video of Gordon Ramsay, which I had no idea that's where it started. Cut to me reading these timestamps, and hearing that voice in my head again, and I'm like no, this had to be something dan or phil said in the past. Googled it again and found the clip of Phil saying it in a past video. I had always thought that was just a random thing Phil had made up on the spot! (sorry for the pointless story, this just rocked my world for some reason)
sofa crease
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I don’t think Dan’s “wanna inspect my gills” and the reaction “that was the worst thing I’ve ever said” originally went together. The jump cut between that joke and the reactions is making me suspicious, and my money is on a seaman/semen joke that was too inappropriate and got cut.

I love Phil’s semi-sexy “hey” between “hey Lester” and “wanna do a leg dab” and Dan’s giggle ahhhh <3

It was a tiny bit jarring to hear Phil proper yell during the idiot sandwich bit haha

This pinof is now one of my fav videos of theirs ever. Usually they are dramatic and over acted, this one felt so much more natural and the married vibes were strong.
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Hey. Yo. Don't forget to get your thread name suggestions in. :rainbowsparkle:

My delayed reaction to pinof9: oh. my. god.

How blessed are we in the Year of Our Lester 2017?! Phil coming through with the shameless dirty jokes. Dan coming through with the... happiness. IDK MAN.

I know everyone's going on about that Phil selfie, but...
his has been me re Rudolph the Red-Nosed Daniel for the last 3 hours:
000dia000 wrote: Fri Nov 24, 2017 10:20 pm @02.45 chest hair
@03.01 Phil serving Exorcist realness
@03.31 chest hair
yes. good. same.
alittledizzy wrote: Sat Nov 25, 2017 1:47 am 1:04 - Greg is the sexiest name out there. "Nothing gets me riled like a hard G."
2:52 - Crabwalk up the stairs. Phil seems to genuinely have to talk Dan into it, Dan cancels it as soon as Phil slips. (Bonus: Dan telling Phil "Flex that spine." yoga boyfriends.)
6:40 - First of all, why is Dan grabbing his dick.
7:48 - Dan calling Phil "Lester."
1) brb writing phan/gradrian fic.
b) the fact that yoga is a thing that they do at home together now and bond over... it's... it's fuckin' me up. in the best way. i'm mid-flight right now, but i just shook my head and shot my pineapple juice back like it was tequila. someone get me a real drink stat, i'm having trouble computing all of this fantastic new-ness.
iii) an itch? alas. evidence that perhaps he isn't a robot from the underground google labs.
•) them calling each other by their last names will never get old for me. brought me back to christmas radio show 2015. please never let it stop.

A lot of people have already said this, but there really were a ton of moments in this video that felt so natural, particularly from Dan. I've often been one to criticize his over-the-top/fake laughter, but the dude fuckin' giggled today. He seemed so delighted by everything? I'm really living for happy!Dan and I hope things just keep going up for both him and Phil because I am SO about this new era.
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I don’t think I’ve ever been so surprised by one of their videos. Right away their energy and the editing were amazing especially compared to 8. Phil seemed so different in a cute way in 7 and 8, I loved him then and I love him even more now. I didn’t realise at first that those were all yoga poses, some of it looks balletic which I love anyway. Go them showing off their flexibility and hot arms. Also loved the shot of Phil’s arm freckles at about 8.07. I thought he quite suited the checked shirt and his starry red one was really cute on Dan. I’m daring to keep hoping for good things from the tour if this is any indication.
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I still can’t believe dan would tattoo himself on phil’s arm. And that doodle is of a young dan with long straigt fringe and all. I’m suddenly alive and dead at the same time. Pinof 9 is wonderful.
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That was such a fun video. <3 They seem to actually enjoy themselves, not just be overly hyper from sugar or coffee or whatever they usually do pre-pinof. I was happy to see Lion make an appearance, I'm glad he didn't suffered the same fate as the rave tree. :lion:
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My favorite part was the whole random photo bit. Dan's snort-laugh and Phil mocking Dan's selfie pose made me laugh so hard. :lol:
The whole video had a more natural vibe, less acting and more authentic reactions. I think it's my new fav.
drama llama
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So as I was rewatching all the pinofs i was curious about views and noticed 8 has the least views with 5.6 M and then pinof2 with 5.8. The rest seem a decent amount higher and I found it odd that those two would be exceptions (keeping it kind that’s still really good for deppy) anyone have ideas as to why this would be?
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drearyquery wrote: Sat Nov 25, 2017 5:21 am So as I was rewatching all the pinofs i was curious about views and noticed 8 has the least views with 5.6 M and then pinof2 with 5.8. The rest seem a decent amount higher and I found it odd that those two would be exceptions (keeping it kind that’s still really good for deppy) anyone have ideas as to why this would be?
i would imagine pinof2 has less views because of how close it was posted to 1 (though that may be completely wrong to assume..), and i think it's one of those videos that people generally like but don't love, if that makes sense? (again i may be reaching or something...)

however regarding pinof8, late last year the whole #adpocalypse thing was starting to come up, along with videos not being sent to sub boxes, making casual viewers or viewers who purely interact with them on youtube out of the loop if the video never got sent to their sub box on the day it was published. again, i could be wrong but i'm thinking that would be the culprit for pinof8.
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I'm gonna be honest and say that the first time I watched it, I didn't love it. I think I was mainly a bit disappointed with some of the questions they had picked because I had seen a lot of other questions/requests on Twitter that I liked a lot more and the energy of the video felt kinda off to me. However, every time I rewatched the video I grew fonder of it and kept noticing things I hadn't noticed the first time around and now I do love it and appreciate it a lot more :D
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The more I rewatch it the more I love it. I was already wondering when they'll post again and feeling withdrawals in advance but then remembered we're getting a gaming live stream tomorrow, we're supposed to get a Dan video and GAMINGMAS NEXT WEEK
Will probably never be over the BONCAS and the beauty of Phil Lester.

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Did anyone notice Dan said his mum's name was Jackie, and Phil played along?? Or did I mishear something? Because that was a bit odd to me. Of course, he'd like to keep his mum's information private, but he could've just said "my mum" rather than giving her a random name. Or maybe Jackie is her name, and somehow I think it begins with a K or something. HELP.

And it was sUCH a cute and lighthearted video. There were a few cringes and "eh"s along the way but that's what makes pinof so good :) BLOOPERS NEXT TEAM - like a late boxing day lmao
i want dan's hair and phil's hips
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relatablemood wrote: Sat Nov 25, 2017 11:07 am Did anyone notice Dan said his mum's name was Jackie, and Phil played along?? Or did I mishear something? Because that was a bit odd to me. Of course, he'd like to keep his mum's information private, but he could've just said "my mum" rather than giving her a random name. Or maybe Jackie is her name, and somehow I think it begins with a K or something. HELP.

And it was sUCH a cute and lighthearted video. There were a few cringes and "eh"s along the way but that's what makes pinof so good :) BLOOPERS NEXT TEAM - like a late boxing day lmao
Oh i think you're thinking of phil's mum Kathryn or Kath, dan's mum is Jackie :D
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BSV wrote: Sat Nov 25, 2017 11:10 am
relatablemood wrote: Sat Nov 25, 2017 11:07 am
Did anyone notice Dan said his mum's name was Jackie, and Phil played along?? Or did I mishear something? Because that was a bit odd to me. Of course, he'd like to keep his mum's information private, but he could've just said "my mum" rather than giving her a random name. Or maybe Jackie is her name, and somehow I think it begins with a K or something. HELP.

And it was sUCH a cute and lighthearted video. There were a few cringes and "eh"s along the way but that's what makes pinof so good :) BLOOPERS NEXT TEAM - like a late boxing day lmao
Oh i think you're thinking of phil's mum Kathryn or Kath, dan's mum is Jackie :D
Wait, that's Dan's mum's name? I though he was referring to the mum of whoever sent in the question. :shock:
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somethingsketchy wrote: Sat Nov 25, 2017 11:25 am
BSV wrote: Sat Nov 25, 2017 11:10 am
relatablemood wrote: Sat Nov 25, 2017 11:07 am
Did anyone notice Dan said his mum's name was Jackie, and Phil played along?? Or did I mishear something? Because that was a bit odd to me. Of course, he'd like to keep his mum's information private, but he could've just said "my mum" rather than giving her a random name. Or maybe Jackie is her name, and somehow I think it begins with a K or something. HELP.

And it was sUCH a cute and lighthearted video. There were a few cringes and "eh"s along the way but that's what makes pinof so good :) BLOOPERS NEXT TEAM - like a late boxing day lmao
Oh i think you're thinking of phil's mum Kathryn or Kath, dan's mum is Jackie :D
Wait, that's Dan's mum's name? I though he was referring to the mum of whoever sent in the question. :shock:
Yeah im pretty sure? Ive just been looking to confirm (i swear we've heard it before somewhere!) but now i can't find anything and not i'm doubting myself :lol: but i swear theres been at least one mention of her name before??
pumpkin spice pumpkin cookie
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BSV wrote: Sat Nov 25, 2017 11:27 am
somethingsketchy wrote: Sat Nov 25, 2017 11:25 am
BSV wrote: Sat Nov 25, 2017 11:10 am
relatablemood wrote: Sat Nov 25, 2017 11:07 am
Did anyone notice Dan said his mum's name was Jackie, and Phil played along?? Or did I mishear something? Because that was a bit odd to me. Of course, he'd like to keep his mum's information private, but he could've just said "my mum" rather than giving her a random name. Or maybe Jackie is her name, and somehow I think it begins with a K or something. HELP.

And it was sUCH a cute and lighthearted video. There were a few cringes and "eh"s along the way but that's what makes pinof so good :) BLOOPERS NEXT TEAM - like a late boxing day lmao
Oh i think you're thinking of phil's mum Kathryn or Kath, dan's mum is Jackie :D
Wait, that's Dan's mum's name? I though he was referring to the mum of whoever sent in the question. :shock:
Yeah im pretty sure? Ive just been looking to confirm (i swear we've heard it before somewhere!) but now i can't find anything and not i'm doubting myself :lol: but i swear theres been at least one mention of her name before??

Edit: oh god did i just really miss what was going on? Was it in fact the parent of the question giver??? ahhhh :shock:
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sofa crease
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Isn't Dan's mum called [redacted by moderator] or did I just make that up. I guess the mom of the person who asked the question is called Jackie!
Last edited by alittledizzy on Sat Nov 25, 2017 3:49 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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somethingsketchy wrote: Sat Nov 25, 2017 11:25 am
BSV wrote: Sat Nov 25, 2017 11:10 am
relatablemood wrote: Sat Nov 25, 2017 11:07 am
Did anyone notice Dan said his mum's name was Jackie, and Phil played along?? Or did I mishear something? Because that was a bit odd to me. Of course, he'd like to keep his mum's information private, but he could've just said "my mum" rather than giving her a random name. Or maybe Jackie is her name, and somehow I think it begins with a K or something. HELP.

And it was sUCH a cute and lighthearted video. There were a few cringes and "eh"s along the way but that's what makes pinof so good :) BLOOPERS NEXT TEAM - like a late boxing day lmao
Oh i think you're thinking of phil's mum Kathryn or Kath, dan's mum is Jackie :D
Wait, that's Dan's mum's name? I though he was referring to the mum of whoever sent in the question. :shock:
Yeah they were talking about who asked the question, Dan's mom is called [redacted by moderator], he's said it before somewhere
Last edited by alittledizzy on Sat Nov 25, 2017 3:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: name removed for privacy purposes
Will probably never be over the BONCAS and the beauty of Phil Lester.

Official Moving Hill Mayor