Dan & Phil Part 65: Phabergé

Our two favourite full time internet nerds who never go outside!
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So let me get this straight, Dan and Phil decide that they won't be streaming anymore, cancel people's subscriptions so that they don't take their fans' money for nothing and somehow everyone is angry? Like, lets be real, the ones who sponsor stuff definitely are hardcores, and know why their sponsorships got cancelled, they ain't no casual fans. Sometimes I can't deal with the phandom.

And like, they don't owe anyone any schedule too. To me it's clear that it stopped being fun for them the moment they started having schedules and that's why they don't anymore. Dan and Phil are millionaires who could literally disappear into thin air. Should they be grateful for the dedication their fans have? Absolutely. Has it come at the expense of immense invasions of privacy? Also yes. Let them live.
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sentinel wrote: Thu Feb 08, 2018 10:13 am So let me get this straight, Dan and Phil decide that they won't be streaming anymore, cancel people's subscriptions so that they don't take their fans' money for nothing and somehow everyone is angry? Like, lets be real, the ones who sponsor stuff definitely are hardcores, and know why their sponsorships got cancelled, they ain't no casual fans. Sometimes I can't deal with the phandom.
Exactly my feelings.
Also, regarding liveshows, I kind of like that there's no schedule now? They're obviously going to be(/already are) extremely busy/stressed/tired/etc etc all the time from tour planning, and I would much rather prefer an amazing, bubbly liveshow from Dan/Phil every six weeks than one every week where they obviously aren't feeling it.
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sentinel wrote: Thu Feb 08, 2018 10:13 am So let me get this straight, Dan and Phil decide that they won't be streaming anymore, cancel people's subscriptions so that they don't take their fans' money for nothing and somehow everyone is angry? Like, lets be real, the ones who sponsor stuff definitely are hardcores, and know why their sponsorships got cancelled, they ain't no casual fans. Sometimes I can't deal with the phandom.

And like, they don't owe anyone any schedule too. To me it's clear that it stopped being fun for them the moment they started having schedules and that's why they don't anymore. Dan and Phil are millionaires who could literally disappear into thin air. Should they be grateful for the dedication their fans have? Absolutely. Has it come at the expense of immense invasions of privacy? Also yes. Let them live.
Was there an announcement before the subs got nixed, or did people work backwards with that? Because if there was an announcement, fair enough, although I do understand people being disappointed all the same (I mean, I'd be disappointed if a concert or whatever was unexpectedly canceled, but if my ticket for it was refunded it would definitely take some of the sting out of it, ha). Those shows were also one of the ways to directly interact with them, yeah? And had a higher chance of getting a response than tweeting or commenting, probably. So I get why people would miss that too.

I think it boils down to people getting a bit discombobulated over what seems like a sudden change and worrying (sometimes p significantly!) about what it means going forward. As long as people aren't @ing them a bunch of antagonistic bullshit, I don't see a problem with talking it out with other people tbh. That's what these spaces are for imo.

I don't think they "owe" anyone a schedule either, though I do think that that kind of transparency would solve like 90% of the expectation problem thing. I also one billion percent get why they haven't put one forth, because sometimes shit happens and you can't make it work, and there's a very strange pressure that happens when you put hard and fast limits on something that is kind of ephemeral. Like, ofc they plan videos out but sometimes the ideas for them won't be "scheduled," if that makes sense? Idk.

In some ways I do think gratitude is the crux of the issue tbh. How they express it, what people want from them in terms of it, how often should it be explicitly shown/incorporated, etc. People won't agree on what precisely that means, and it will probably be a point of contention as long as they remain in the public eye (half-lidded though it may be). Doesn't mean it shouldn't happen, but tbh I've never really thought of them as taking their fans for granted in any extensive fashion. But I do think, as you mentioned and as others (and me) have noted, it can foster a slightly hostile-seeming tone among fans. It's definitely a "two sides" thing, and not one that is likely to be helped by people saying it's not cool to be cranky about what they do and how they do it.

Shit hopefully some of that made sense, it's almost 3AM and I am not making good choices rn so it's getting real verbose and weird, sorry.

Their notoriety has absolutely come at a very steep personal price, I don't think anyone would deny that. But being that well known means a different communication dynamic than would be present for lower key people, and I think that's what people are getting squirrelly about.

I get why people are upset but I'm also surprised at how upset people are. Idk. But I don't think people venting on here is precluding Dan or Phil from living.

I'm also not saying that venting about people venting is bad either lmao. WE'RE IN TOO DEEP :frantictyping:
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RE: The whole "lack of communication" discussion

I think in the end it comes down to people's individual needs and that's where we'll always disagree. Some people just want more communication than others. Think about mums sorry I know some of you are mums but I am bad at examples: Some are like "Text me when you get there and then let me know if you're having fun and write me again when you leave" and some are like "Ok have fun". I guess for some people, more communication means a more safe feeling and that is why some are freaking out a bit now - they don't know what's going on. Some can deal with that, some can't so well. I don't think we can call either right or wrong. We are just all different :platonic: .

However, more communication isn't gonna hurt the people who don't care much about more communication. That is why I don't understand why D&P don't let us know that they are busy/about the DAPG sponsorships/whatever else is going on. To put it provokingly: Do they not care, are they lazy, or are they afraid of some sort of backlash? Is it better to not communicate than to communicate something people might not like?

alittledizzy wrote: Wed Feb 07, 2018 10:38 pm In other news - luxury brands flock to Phil, while Dan has to resort to instagram begging.
Am I the only one whose first thought was "Wow they are ugly?"
I'm sorry, I don't understand fashion :lol:
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LtrllySusan wrote: Thu Feb 08, 2018 11:22 am Sidenote:
alittledizzy wrote: Wed Feb 07, 2018 10:38 pm In other news - luxury brands flock to Phil, while Dan has to resort to instagram begging.
Am I the only one whose first thought was "Wow they are ugly?"
I'm sorry, I don't understand fashion :lol:
For some reason the image wasn't loading for me before (it was on my end, not the site's) but fuuuck I actually love those boots. I can totally see how you'd think they're ugly though, haha! They do have a slight Hot Topic circa 10 years ago vibe what with the pale shiny strappy. They also remind me of when Phoebe made her own shoes on Friends, lmao. But pair 'em with dark skinnies and an oversize cold-shoulder knit sweater and it's precisely my flavor of basic-adjacent. Bajacent. :blackheart:

I have small feet but no money so I'm halfway there not really

I like that Dan is evolving beyond black. Gives me more opportunities to covet his fashion budget, RIP.
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Just came to say I love the edit of Dan and the shoes on the Simpson’s guy :thumb:
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neetbuzzer wrote: Thu Feb 08, 2018 10:42 am
sentinel wrote: Thu Feb 08, 2018 10:13 am So let me get this straight, Dan and Phil decide that they won't be streaming anymore, cancel people's subscriptions so that they don't take their fans' money for nothing and somehow everyone is angry? Like, lets be real, the ones who sponsor stuff definitely are hardcores, and know why their sponsorships got cancelled, they ain't no casual fans. Sometimes I can't deal with the phandom.

And like, they don't owe anyone any schedule too. To me it's clear that it stopped being fun for them the moment they started having schedules and that's why they don't anymore. Dan and Phil are millionaires who could literally disappear into thin air. Should they be grateful for the dedication their fans have? Absolutely. Has it come at the expense of immense invasions of privacy? Also yes. Let them live.
Was there an announcement before the subs got nixed, or did people work backwards with that? Because if there was an announcement, fair enough, although I do understand people being disappointed all the same (I mean, I'd be disappointed if a concert or whatever was unexpectedly canceled, but if my ticket for it was refunded it would definitely take some of the sting out of it, ha). Those shows were also one of the ways to directly interact with them, yeah? And had a higher chance of getting a response than tweeting or commenting, probably. So I get why people would miss that too.

I think it boils down to people getting a bit discombobulated over what seems like a sudden change and worrying (sometimes p significantly!) about what it means going forward. As long as people aren't @ing them a bunch of antagonistic bullshit, I don't see a problem with talking it out with other people tbh. That's what these spaces are for imo.

I don't think they "owe" anyone a schedule either, though I do think that that kind of transparency would solve like 90% of the expectation problem thing. I also one billion percent get why they haven't put one forth, because sometimes shit happens and you can't make it work, and there's a very strange pressure that happens when you put hard and fast limits on something that is kind of ephemeral. Like, ofc they plan videos out but sometimes the ideas for them won't be "scheduled," if that makes sense? Idk.
That made a lot of sense to me and I wish as was only half as weird and verbose as you are at 3 am ;)

I agree with @sentinel in that I do read a good amount of stuff on my twitter timeline that makes me want to reply to them that they are being very dramatic or seem to have a lot of expectations about Dan and Phil's communcation that I just don't agree with. Or I come across polls that want ask for the reasons of "the widespread feeling of disconnection" among fans and i'm thinking "Really? How do you know it's that widespread? I don't feel that way about it necessarily, and you're writing this as if you have intimate knowledge about the emotional needs and expectations of an amorphous group of tens- if not hundred of thousands of fans.".
Often twitter is just this echo chamber between a rather small group of people shouting loud and pretending to represent others, while the reality of it is much more nuanced. We could all do well with not taking a tweet to seriously imo :lol:
At the same time as @neetbuzzer points out, it's to be expected there is a lot of talk about it as people have different opinions about what they should do communication wise and hey that's what places like this are supposed to be for right?
In response to @LtrllySusan's provocative question: I can't look into their head, but i suspect it's a bit of all of those and more. I do think it's sometimes better to not communicate than to bring a message people might not like. They do that a lot i think. The backlash certainly is real. Imagine they started explicitly saying again that they are just friends and that people are spreading lies or seeing things. I would expect some blowback and quite poisonous comments about baiting etc. Also, I think it's wise to only communicate things about the tour or a video schedule that you are absolutely (reasonably) sure about and willing to commit to. Maybe the "to be confirmed" dates are still just that. I think it's likely that they don't really have a well defined planned on what/how much content they want to produce. They always had more of a "laissez-faire" attitude about when they made video's and their channels in general. I'm saddened that they are now giving up on any sort of commitment on liveshows, but not surprised. Would it hurt if they communicated more? It would probably easy some anxiety for some and would be a nice thing to do, but only if they follow up on what they say and i see little indication in their history that they like to be pinned down by commitments to their audience and plenty that they want to keep the freedom and control to do as they want :p.
Maybe it will be better than we expect, maybe a lot worse :shrug: I'm thinking of Phil warning us that gamingmas might not mean it's going to be a video each day, Dan being distressed because Phil revealed this and obviously in doubt on whether Phil should say this, and gamingmass eventually being much the same as the last year (If i remember correctly, they haven't really skipped a day?) Considering their attitude on gamingmas, I would think a huge and much more impactful tour comes with many more challenges that they can't fully foresee, even if their lazy asses wanted too :)

Also, i agree that those shoes are nothing to write home about imho :sideeye:
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I mean, I absolutely think Dan and Phil are mediocre wealthy white guys who need to be held to account when they fuck up. I'm particularly interested in calling them out when they, say, hang out in a luxury Airbnb with a white guy who casually drops the n word in his videos, just as an example. But I really don't think that most of the anger I'm seeing on twitter with regards to their alleged lack of uploads/poor communication is justified.

They did explain the cancellation of gaming channel subscriptions - Phil spoke about it in his most recent liveshow. Like sentinel said, anyone who is invested enough in Dan and Phil to subscribe to their gaming channel is surely on top of liveshows. And they did explain (eventually, I'll admit Phil should have explained sooner) that they are no longer doing frequent liveshows. Phil also said that he'll give us fair warning before he does them.

They're uploading videos to their gaming channel around about twice a week, which is pretty usual for them. Admittedly, their main channel content is less frequent (especially Dan's) but I don't think they'd benefit from a schedule. I was around in 2013, when Dan tried to stick to a schedule, and he worked himself to the bone tbh. It clearly wasn't doing wonders for his mental health, so I'd sooner they upload to their main channels when they feel inspired to do so rather than push themselves to upload mediocre videos more frequently at the expense of their mental health.

I agree that Dan and Phil should communicate more with us, and should explain to us when schedules change or whatever so that we're not left completely in the dark about things like the lack of liveshows. But I guess I just don't exactly see what it is we're angry about here? They've explained both their lack of liveshows and the cancellation of gaming subscriptions.

I hate when people incessantly defend Dan and Phil's every word and move, and I firmly believe in the importance of being critical of Dan and Phil and never sacrificing your own morals in order to justify the things they do and say. I get that youtube is their job, and that there are certain bare minimum things they really should be doing. But they're also not machines, at the end of the day, and they are entitled to privacy, as much as it sucks for us that they clearly (at least in my opinion) want to step back a bit in terms of what they share with us. They're not our friends and they never will be, and they don't owe us information about their personal lives.
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In regard of people complaining about them not being active, i'm on mobile so I can't share but for example Dan was busy with #stopspeaksupport this morning, hosting a workshop, speaking up with Prince William and such. I'm sure he had meetings on the side to organize it, and had to work on his speech and the guests he had to present.

It's clear to me that there's so much more going on behind the scenes that they either don't want or can't talk about with us, and while I do miss them and wish we had liveshows, I understand. They're busy, they're doing a lot of things and they're somehow still managing to post a couple of gaming videos every week. It's more than we could've said during Tatinof, let's be honest.
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captainspacecoat wrote: Thu Feb 08, 2018 12:34 pm I hate when people incessantly defend Dan and Phil's every word and move, and I firmly believe in the importance of being critical of Dan and Phil and never sacrificing your own morals in order to justify the things they do and say. I get that youtube is their job, and that there are certain bare minimum things they really should be doing. But they're also not machines, at the end of the day, and they are entitled to privacy, as much as it sucks for us that they clearly (at least in my opinion) want to step back a bit in terms of what they share with us. They're not our friends and they never will be, and they don't owe us information about their personal lives.
I'm pretty sure this is all anybody is upset over and nowhere in that disappointment is a demand for their personal information? All I'm seeing is people expressing their own disappointment and being told they're hysterical for it (and to not feel entitled to personal information...?). Like I'm disappointed that liveshows are not a thing anymore (and still a bit angry with Phil for taking his sweet ass time before dropping that bomb (especially because it was expected, so like, just fucking do it and get it over with- honestly that lingering annoyance is definitely colouring any other negative feelings I'm currently stewing in and that's a personal choice lol). rizzo explained it well (or at least it made me go 'ohhh that's it') with just feeling a bit at sea with "nothing really to look forward to" or expect in the way that we've gotten so used to this past year (with gamingmas being the cherry on top of a great year communication and content wise). But yes they're definitely uploading mostly as regularly as ever on the gaming channel, I think it's just a restless feeling with not getting regular liveshow updates on their non-gaming channel lives. I know the line now is that sporadic liveshows will be better because they'll actually have things to talk about, but those will be highlights. Getting regular liveshows, even when they don't have things to talk about because they said it all last week, or one said it all a few days ago, could at least lead to some unexpected places-- or even completely expected places and that vibe of 'did you already hear this story?' or 'have I talked about this before' was a nice feeling. Maybe just in hindsight, because you never know how good you have it until it's gone. Now they'll come in with a list of highlights to go over to fill the time, so it will feel even more scripted than they've felt in the past. But probably less waffle talk, so I guess the lesson is, as always, be careful what you wish for.

And anyway I'd like everybody to check their 'I'm going to see the tour so this will all be worth it for me in a few months" privilege (mostly..joking..) because getting shafted on the (false, I know) ~intimacy of liveshows in exchange for nothing greater than annoying M&G photos and touristy instagrams and shitty secret videos of the show (OH I'M GONNA WATCH THE BOOTLEGS D&P EAT ME) isn't a good trade. And I know it doesn't need to be a fair trade, boo hoo, life's not fair, everybody will disappoint you, everything turns to ash blah blah never expect anything good because then you're the dumbass. It's just that I started the new year trying to be positive (first mistake) and so each little papercut just hurt a little bit more than it would have if I just expected nothing. So that's my bad. Feb 8, 2018, the day I officially stopped hoping for better because to do so is just a growing hysteria. Damn you, uterus.

I totally understand wanting to take a step back; I was happy for them when they moved and honestly would have preferred they shared less of their new place and now expect them to probably share very little (or none) of wherever they end up after they move again, whenever that may be. But being happy for them doesn't have to translate to being happy for me. Good for them if they decided that weekly liveshows is too much interaction than they'd like to have, but I still get to feel shitty about such a longstanding area of content I enjoyed getting the knife. And there's nothing to be done except deal with it (or move on completely, but I'm not there quite yet), but the inbetween time before actually having dealt with it is what's happening here. Everybody needs to readjust and everybody is doing that in their own ways, and if one of those ways is having a little group vent on twitter (if it's not actually @ D&P..) then :shrug: . Feelings aren't mutually exclusive or black and white. But having them at all is probably just another product of hysteria and I'm going to follow Phil's lead and robot up a bit better. No feelings, no preferences, no expectations and just drink the rusty oil you're handed, no questions. I'll work on it.
Thanks and have a great day! Oil me
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Thought I would break up a few of the frustrating conversations (RE: communication) today with some pretty pictures of Dan at a Stop Speak Support event! Photos from Heads Together.
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I wonder how weird it is for Dan to just be casually on stage hosting a workshop next to the future King of England?
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Whoa so I'm just going to skip the last page or so of intense discussion because that is not my tea...

In other news, here is Dan again making me so proud of how far he's come, speaking out for mental health and cyber bullying and making those sweet royal connections!

I'll appreciate whatever content I get whenever I get it but it's knowing that in the meantime, behind the scenes and off camera, these two wonderful men use their influence to spread positivity and do some actual good in the world that I am a fan. -
It's difficult to find positive male role models in my life so I'm happy that I can count these two silly, entertaining, ridiculously tall guys making videos on the internet as such.
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My heart when I saw Dan in the Instagram story posted on twitter :newyear: I’m such a proud mum :respekt2: Also he looks gorgeous and I love how he’s sitting on that classroom chair. He looks so happy and he says such good things, always seems so calm.
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sonicgreen wrote: Thu Feb 08, 2018 1:42 pm
Look, I'm not saying this is what I needed.

But this what I needed.

What a goddamned inspirational nugget of a human being. :lilheart:
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fancybum wrote: Thu Feb 08, 2018 1:26 pm
And anyway I'd like everybody to check their 'I'm going to see the tour so this will all be worth it for me in a few months" privilege (mostly..joking..) because getting shafted on the (false, I know) ~intimacy of liveshows in exchange for nothing greater than annoying M&G photos and touristy instagrams and shitty secret videos of the show (OH I'M GONNA WATCH THE BOOTLEGS D&P EAT ME) isn't a good trade. And I know it doesn't need to be a fair trade, boo hoo, life's not fair, everybody will disappoint you, everything turns to ash blah blah never expect anything good because then you're the dumbass. It's just that I started the new year trying to be positive (first mistake) and so each little papercut just hurt a little bit more than it would have if I just expected nothing. So that's my bad. Feb 8, 2018, the day I officially stopped hoping for better because to do so is just a growing hysteria. Damn you, uterus.

I totally understand wanting to take a step back; I was happy for them when they moved and honestly would have preferred they shared less of their new place and now expect them to probably share very little (or none) of wherever they end up after they move again, whenever that may be. But being happy for them doesn't have to translate to being happy for me. Good for them if they decided that weekly liveshows is too much interaction than they'd like to have, but I still get to feel shitty about such a longstanding area of content I enjoyed getting the knife. And there's nothing to be done except deal with it (or move on completely, but I'm not there quite yet), but the inbetween time before actually having dealt with it is what's happening here. Everybody needs to readjust and everybody is doing that in their own ways, and if one of those ways is having a little group vent on twitter (if it's not actually @ D&P..) then :shrug: . Feelings aren't mutually exclusive or black and white. But having them at all is probably just another product of hysteria and I'm going to follow Phil's lead and robot up a bit better. No feelings, no preferences, no expectations and just drink the rusty oil you're handed, no questions. I'll work on it.
wow, well I don't want to deny you any right to colour in your emotions and feel as shitty about all of this as you want fancybum, but your post is so full of really dramatic statements that it's starting to effect me and i'm getting a bit worried about you.
I don't see things quite as negatively. I think it's still way to early to see how this pans out. Liveshows didn't completely get the knife and I don't see how you can be sure they won't return in a later stage. We can see all kinds of bad omens and I too won't be able to see them and am not that riled up about a couple of meet&greet pictures, but hey it's not like everything they do needs to taste of ash now! Why not keep some good spirits? If you expect nothing maybe you can't get disappointed but you can never be positively surprised or even just be glad that something panned out the way you wanted too either. Cynicism is quite overrated, a cynic should conclude ;) Now how is it dumb to ever feel or expect something? You have emotions, preferences and expectations anyway, like everyone. Yes, some will probably clash with reality, but you don't have to shut up and drink the rusty oil. To much oil is bad for your health :)

This isn't the first time they've been more silent than usual, and we do come from a period with much more content, and face the long drought that will probably come to some extent with Dan and Phil being very busy doing a world tour.
On the other hand, Dan and Phil are doing a world tour! And while that might not offer adequate compensation, it's not the first time we have had to cope with less content. I for one am not moving on either. I have some hope that they will in some ways, maybe more than the last time, involve us a bit in the travels they are doing. Maybe there's some novel stuff they are thinking about that could also offer some compensation, like IG stories or whatever. Maybe we see Dan talk about things that are near and dear to many, like mental health. I hope he sees a maximalist role in his ambassadorship of that mental health organization. It could be like the anti-cyberbullying thing, but much more long term and better fleshed out. Maybe they are setting up some more bounderies (again to soon to say), but those could also free them to speak more freely within( the clearer) boundaries. Maybe we'll see Phil trying less to robot and see him talk some about himself too. If they are thinking about 'acting' their age more, focusing less on the youngest demographic, i'd think that's a welcome change. One that might lead to us knowing more instead of less of them, despite them quantitatively spending less time with the online audience.
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liola wrote: Thu Feb 08, 2018 1:05 pm In regard of people complaining about them not being active, i'm on mobile so I can't share but for example Dan was busy with #stopspeaksupport this morning, hosting a workshop, speaking up with Prince William and such. I'm sure he had meetings on the side to organize it, and had to work on his speech and the guests he had to present.

It's clear to me that there's so much more going on behind the scenes that they either don't want or can't talk about with us, and while I do miss them and wish we had liveshows, I understand. They're busy, they're doing a lot of things and they're somehow still managing to post a couple of gaming videos every week. It's more than we could've said during Tatinof, let's be honest.
SHITiveHITtheFANdom wrote: Thu Feb 08, 2018 1:50 pm Whoa so I'm just going to skip the last page or so of intense discussion because that is not my tea...

In other news, here is Dan again making me so proud of how far he's come, speaking out for mental health and cyber bullying and making those sweet royal connections!

I'll appreciate whatever content I get whenever I get it but it's knowing that in the meantime, behind the scenes and off camera, these two wonderful men use their influence to spread positivity and do some actual good in the world that I am a fan. -
It's difficult to find positive male role models in my life so I'm happy that I can count these two silly, entertaining, ridiculously tall guys making videos on the internet as such.
Yes, thank you both. It was wonderful to see all those pictures this morning (and kind of a shock to come on here and see continued negativity). But my heart still feels very full right now. <3
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sonicgreen wrote: Thu Feb 08, 2018 1:42 pm Thought I would break up a few of the frustrating conversations (RE: communication) today with some pretty pictures of Dan at a Stop Speak Support event! Photos from Heads Together.
Gosh this is so awesome. I'm so happy he's found something like this to be apart of because it really seems more fulfilling. I could see him doing more and more of these things and that's exciting.
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Awww, that made my day :love2: it's so nice seeing Dan really try and make a difference, slightly unrelated but I can't wait for the Dan Birthday Fundraiser to start so I can donate to YoungMinds (lilabet I know it's technically already open but do you know when the collection effort will officially start?)
Didn't Phil just go to the eye doctors recently (or at the very least, 6 months ago when he livestream with dilated pupils)? I hope his eyes are okay, I wouldn't mind it if he had to start wear glasses (they do suit him!) but I hope it's just the contacts irritating his eyes and nothing else.
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whelpkeeper wrote: Thu Feb 08, 2018 4:17 pm
Didn't Phil just go to the eye doctors recently (or at the very least, 6 months ago when he livestream with dilated pupils)? I hope his eyes are okay, I wouldn't mind it if he had to start wear glasses (they do suit him!) but I hope it's just the contacts irritating his eyes and nothing else.
I'm guessing it was just the thing he said from his last liveshow where he can't wear contacts more than a few hours.
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Re: communication (or lack of). It wouldn't be Dan and Phil if they didn't do something in a way that frustrates/annoys some of their fans. They don't just give fanservice they serve it with a side of fanfrustration. It's part of the deal. :lol: (i understand both side of the argument in this case).

whelpkeeper wrote: Thu Feb 08, 2018 4:17 pm Didn't Phil just go to the eye doctors recently (or at the very least, 6 months ago when he livestream with dilated pupils)? I hope his eyes are okay, I wouldn't mind it if he had to start wear glasses (they do suit him!) but I hope it's just the contacts irritating his eyes and nothing else.
Yeah, that was when, some people speculated, he did a test that would tell him if he could be a candidate for Lasik.
Last edited by malday on Thu Feb 08, 2018 4:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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l m a o I swear I could just copy paste my posts from The Great Drought Of 2016 here, just leave out the parts about the scrapbook :') Although this time the hot take on their bad planning and communication seems to be that they're leaving us, instead of just them being a bit shit at some aspects of their jobs and that ultimately it will bite them in the arse when their fanbase drops them for always doing the bare minimum. Alright then.

Anyway. Dan looks wonderful in today's pictures, I'm glad that he has found a cause to be so involved in. <3
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Until now I didn't know that seeing Dan in his element sitting next to Prince William was everything I needed to feel better on a bad day. He looks so happy and passionate! I'm so happy for him (and proud), it's ridiculous
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I love Dan's engagement with the Heads Together project. I hope it helps him settle some thought too and that it inspires him to talk more about his own dealing with mental health. It most certainly not fall in deaf ears in much of the fandom.
Also the Make a Wish foundation should call Phil everyday until he agrees to take up a cause too. I'm not sure what's keeping Phil from championing a cause of his own, but it's blasphemous and the world could be a slightly better place if he did. Find your voice Philip ! :love1:

Here's some video footage of the event with Dan in it. Thanks Winston for bringing this to my attention :D
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Honestly deppy have been very boring since the start of the year. It's kind of sad when the most notable thing is the Phaberge moment. At least Dan is promoting the anti-cyberbullying campaign. He's getting out of the house and making a name for himself. He may pull a Tyler Oakley.

I think everybody takes them way too seriously. They do the bare minimum and the only thing really holding the phandom together, are phans themselves. Deppy don't give a fuck. They'll disappear off the face of the earth tomorrow and people will still defend them and say they don't owe us anything. At the same time, I'm really losing my patience at the praise they get for doing fuck all. Sort your priorities out in what they "owe" us vs what they give, because they give so little in comparison to what is expected and what they are praised for. They're extremely mediocre at the best of times. I think people have the right to bitch when they're being lavished with praise, but similarly that everyone should expect and accept that this kind of behaviour is very normal and this response and cycle occurs every couple of months. Rinse and repeat. It's all very unoriginal.

There's not much to appreciate when we're giving crumbs. I'm honestly very bored with discussion the last month. It's just been about their living situation and people building up fantasies and conspiracies that they're moving out and/or have a house somewhere. I think the very real and boring actuality is that they're probably still living in their apartment and that they're devoting their time to planning the tour. It's not that complicated and not that mysterious. They have been slowly ghosting us for some time now. Their views have been averaging out at 600K-800K and I'm sceptical if using the "algorithm" as an excuse. Even if they have the same number of fans, they aren't gaining any new ones. They're maturing from YouTube and I don't think people have realized that. In five years time I don't think there will be a phandom like there is now, if this is the kind of effort and energy that deppy are applying. This tour won't be a resurgence, but more of a finality. If they're spending this much time planning it, I just hope it's good.