Dan & Phil Part 85: the phildom

Our two favourite full time internet nerds who never go outside!
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drama llama
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so does he only make videos when he has spon now? at this point i kind of wish he’d just stop making videos if his heart isn’t in it. he said in his first vid of the year that he wanted to try new things. where are the new things? the year is almost half over already.
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Did he add the #AskPhil thing to the title? Anyway this was...a usual 2019 Phil video. Him talking about Harry Styles's Met Gala outfit made my eyes roll up to my brain lmao. The video was cute, I guess? I liked his shirt. That's about it.
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Catallena wrote: Fri May 24, 2019 7:51 pm I liked the video, but damn.

That #spon could've made for such a good video bUT HE MISSED THE OPPORTUNITY.

Are Pokémon cards nostalgic? Hell yes. So many people my age collected those suckers, including me. You know what's also nostalgic? Just collecting them because it was cool and the pictures looked pretty but not knowing how to play. I never learned. I bet most people never did. In my class of like 30 kids I think there were maybe two people who actually played the game and one even did tournaments for a while.

He could've made a video about learning how to play. That could've been really interesting and great and original.

*deep sigh*

Title should've been something along the lines of 'SPILLING YOUTUBE TEA' like I know he has morals or whatever but nobody cares about Snapchat Filters enough to click on a YouTube video with a title like that. This ain't 2014 hon. Also put Q&A in those titles. People are nosy bastards and will click.
That’s a really good idea but isn’t Pokémon a group game? (I don’t know how to play it either tbh). Imagine how crazy people would have gone if he had learned to play with someone else besides dan, lol.
I'm having a stress.
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We've reached the point where I didn't even wanna watch it. I skipped through it (muted with subtitles on as I was on the couch watching TV) and checked here to see if I missed anything important. Seems like I didn't. There's so much great content on YouTube, why would I want to see this one? Sorry Phil, I don't care enough about you and Snapchat filters.
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i care about phil. that’s why the state of things as they are makes me sad. i can’t imagine it feels creatively fulfilling for him to make these mindless vids, so i do genuinely hope with all my heart that he has or is looking for another outlet for expressing that side of himself. i hope they both are. i’m definitely angry at the way they’re kind of keeping us dangling by half a thread, but it definitely doesn’t mean i don’t care.
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had it not been a Phil video I wouldn’t have clicked on it for the title. Snapchat filters don’t interest me and I thought it was going to be 10 minutes of him messing around with filters? I was glad it was a Q&A but it was a bit all over the place. I’ve been trying not to have ~feelings about his content for the last while but as someone said above, the year is nearly half over and he hasn’t actually tried many new things. My favourite video so far was the Instagram hacks and I would love more of that style of video but longer and with more effort. I think the trend of short videos has passed, people seem to be more into slightly longer, well-planned content again.
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Catallena wrote: Fri May 24, 2019 7:51 pm Title should've been something along the lines of 'SPILLING YOUTUBE TEA' like I know he has morals or whatever but nobody cares about Snapchat Filters enough to click on a YouTube video with a title like that. This ain't 2014 hon. Also put Q&A in those titles. People are nosy bastards and will click.
Big agree! The man's been on YouTube for ages and has a degree in English Language, surely he should know how to write better titles than this? I'm a bit frustrated about this because he seems out-of-touch with YouTube and its audience and is really not helping himself to get more views this way.

Anyway, I did like the video, though it was quite standard. Are Q&A's just an excuse to do spons now? I was kinda hoping he'd take the opportunity to tell us something important but nope.

In regards to the previous discussion, I really hope Dan will come back in June because I believe he and his refusal to be online, communicate with us and appear in videos are the main reasons why things are the way they are right now. It's why he's been so inactive the past few months (and especially this month), it's why there's no joint content in any way, shape or form and it's why there aren't live shows. Without him, nothing will change and hopefully his comeback will set things in motion again and maybe they'll actually "try some new things".
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what is this content. i just looked and i haven't watched a phil video since the mukbang he uploaded with dan (other than pinof10 out of routine). i just get the vibe his heart isn't in anymore, all these videos lack substance and interest. i've been invested in watching all of his content for over 10 years and now i've lost all interest and it's just..sad, i don't even mean anything personal against him/his videos i just miss liking his content. just feels like he's losing the connection with his audience. srry if any of this has already been said i haven't been here in a while.
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Does anyone recall what some of the top comments or liked membership posts were for when phil asked for suggestions of what kind of videos to make?? / Has he even done anything yet that was suggested..?
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There have been some good, interesting posts about Phil’s content and the fandom generally over the past week that have echoed some of my own thoughts and that I’ve thought about responding to, but haven’t had the chance. Perhaps I still might, but instead of discourse I suddenly felt like making some timestamps instead (I know itasca00 has been expertly covering this ground recently, but I used to really enjoy seeing multiple people do them sometimes back when I first started lurking here).

First of all: bad title, Phil, in my opinion. I didn’t see the tweet before seeing the video pop up on my YT frontpage, so I didn’t realise it was the Q&A at first, but I really don’t care about snapchat filters. At all. Did not make me excited to watch the video, don’t know if it would make many others to do so, either.

0:00 Apparently Phil accidentally left the camera rolling for eight minutes before he actually started filming. This is probably the hundredth time he wonders whether or not there’s a ghost in the room/flat/building he’s in, or maybe I just feel like that’s a thing he says in videos often.

0:15 Phil uses the glottal stop /ʔ/ instead of pronouncing the t in the word ‘Twitter’ and points it out. Has anyone ever made a phonological analysis of these guys? There must be lots of people that have studied linguistics in this fandom. I’d read that shit.

0:21 “We’re just gonna stick our finger right into that jar and pull one out”. I don’t know where these questionable metaphors of his come from.

0:31 Phil gives us the tea. He recommends flavoured green tea if you don’t like the regular stuff. I would say that it’s super easy to make green tea too bitter by using too-hot water and letting it brew for too long, so make sure to not pour boiling water on green tea leaves but let it cool down for a bit (about 90 degrees is ideal, but who actually measures). I love tea.

1:04 Here come the snapchat filters. The female filter does compliment Phil better than the male one, I would agree. I love that he uses the word ‘sexy’ when he describes how good some people look with the male one. Apparently two male friends and one lesbian friend of his told him they now fancy him after he posted that Philippa picture on Twitter; based on the comments I saw under that photo I would say many others felt that confusion as well. Lmao @ the shade towards the GoT petition though! I have complicated feelings towards the show and the ending but was slightly amused about the scale of the backlash so I felt that. The Annabelle mention with the kid filter felt very timely with the surfacing of those awful dolls. The farmer-dude filter made me feel uncomfortable and no, I do not want to go mow any corn. Is that even a thing? I feel like it isn’t. Overall, was more entertained by the filters than I expected.

2:06 The last thing Phil googled was ‘Lizard mating’. Mating animals and the second mention of the word ‘mate’ in the video already, typical Phil. Presumably this was to do with the lizards from that “important meeting” instastory.

2:27 A review of Harry Styles’ MET gala outfit. According to Phil, more guys should wear frilly, meshy sleeves. Sure, I agree, though I think Harry’s outfit was a bit boring for the theme.

2:33 Pokémon counts as a thing that gives Phil nostalgia and an opportunity to do #spon. Didn’t mind it, though was disappointed at the lack of Detective Pikachu review even if Detective Pikachu was mentioned. A Dan mention: he got a coin that he’ll use the next time he and Dan can’t agree on something. He pulls out cards that represent him and then us: he’s Rattata, we’re Drowsee. So, he’s a rat, as has been long-established, and we’re… drowsy? tired…of their bullshit, certainly, if the recent mood is anything to go by.

4:23 The worst advice anyone ever gave to Phil was that he shouldn’t move to London because most entertainment careers fail. That does seem like a pretty harsh way of phrasing that, I guess I’m glad you didn’t follow it either, Phil. This felt a bit meta: “If someone you don’t really know has a very strong opinion on your life you probably shouldn’t take it too much to heart” (4:42).

4:53 Phil’s (they’ve) been watching Parks and Recreation.

5:06 Phil would like to have an Irish accent if he wasn’t British.

5:23 Phil once pretended to be sick to avoid hanging out with some kids of his age. He now thinks this was a bad decision, as he would have had a nice day having ice cream and he met said kids later on and they were perfectly nice. I feel for past Phil, as an introverted and shy child it was indeed awkward to be in such a situation.

6:13 Phil likes his toast just a touch too dark for my taste, but still acceptable. His grandfather on the other hand was a fan of carcinogenic toast. This toast picture is kind of terrible though, many of them are exactly the same.

6:39 Tears were shed at Endgame and it saved Phil’s bladder. I would say he talks about peeing too often, but I also find it surprisingly relatable, so I don’t know what to say.

6:55 Phil is worried about someone accidentally eating a puppy burrito.

7:05 Relationship advice. I like that he feels qualified to give some, despite never publicly having stated being in a relationship to begin with – a demonstration of the glass closet people sometimes like to talk about, I suppose. Anyway, it’s good advice though I feel like we’ve heard it from him or them before: be yourself, the other person should like you for you and not who you pretend to be.

7:17 A fact that amazes Phil every time he hears it: how caterpillars turn into butterflies. He even gives us a warning about a caterpillar meltdown, very existential. I did not know that they turn into mush. Dramatic editing.

8:03 Phil shows us the last photo he took. It’s two birds sitting on someone’s shoes (I’m going to presume it’s his dad or something). No context given.

8:09 Phil offers some reassuring words and advice if you don’t know what to do with your life. He tells you to not stress about it and talk about it with someone who knows you very well (as opposed to being disheartened by strangers’ advice earlier). It’s also sweet how he says it might take some time to get there. “That felt quite inspirational, didn’t it”, he says (8:32). It feels like good advice but I wouldn’t know, should maybe try it sometime.

8:36 It’s the MBTI personality quiz! This I’ve definitely seen people talk about in relation to dnp before. He’s an INFP-T. I have no idea what it means and am sceptical about this in general, but the short bit he read seemed to fit…okay?

9:20 According to Bryony, Phil’s would best get along with J-Hope of all the BTS members.

9:28 Long egg. Don’t like it.
Overall, especially after my negative reaction to the title, I enjoyed it. It made me smile, and, well; I just like Phil. Kind of like the previous video, the risky click one, it was better than I expected because I was not a fan of the premise of that one. He answered a lot more questions from Twitter than the membership page: I counted nine from Twitter and three from members, twelve in total, although I cba to go back and confirm if that’s correct.

Despite quite enjoying the video, I do wish he would make some more high-effort content. As people have said, I wouldn’t click on a video that is titled ‘Testing Cursed Snapchat Filters!’ from basically anyone else. And if he insists on doing this type of relatively low-effort, not very long videos, I hope he gets on a more regular uploading schedule – not a strict one, but a more regular one nevertheless. I know there was a bit of a break probably because of the holiday, and earlier there were technical issues with the first Q&A and we iirc we then got two videos pretty close to each other because of that, and then at the beginning of the year there was the usual period of quiet in general, but…yeah. I get why many people don't feel satisfied with these kinds of videos as the only, relatively sparse content we get. Though I have to also say that as someone (I went and checked, liola) sarcastically predicted earlier, I feel like some of this mixed reaction is definitely down to the latest outburst of negativity that the seven second app instastory produced. Sigh. The following applies to more than just Phil’s videos, but I can’t help wondering if they know what they’re doing. They’re the only ones that actually know what’s going on in their lives and have the whole picture, so I have to presume that they do, but still. Sometimes I wonder.
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Other Youtubers get canceled. Dan and Phil cancel themselves. :daddy:

I’m still pretty satisfied from Phil sharing his stressful shoe, weird husband notes and while the video didn’t blow me away or anything I’m glad he’s still making videos.

Not so glad to see their flat in his IG story but. Eh. It’s an okay flat. I’m just gonna go back to making replicas of Dan’s shirts in the Sims. That is my phandom experience now. :lol:
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I'm glad the video wasn't about snapchat filters alone, and I like the fact that he mixed it with the Q&A I think the questions he's picking are, while obviously safe, not at all what I at least expected (i.e. mainly brand related things like Loki the freaking cactus). But I do feel the sponning was kinda meh, could've done something more interesting than mainly promo. Idk, I feel disconnected, as many have expressed here.
His videos seem too quick paced, that bothers me a little, like I wouldn't mind if he took a bit more time with each thing, or made longer videos.

At this point I have a question for you all, cause I've been wondering this lately and haven't gotten to any conclusions really. What's the best/safest way for Dan to come back? I feel like he's dug himself into a hole and no matter what he does it's gonna get really harsh backlash.

Edit: I also wanted to comment that the idea of messing around with the filters brought me back to the Photo Booth Challenge and it made me really emo ;-;

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Grey wrote: Fri May 24, 2019 8:59 pm
Catallena wrote: Fri May 24, 2019 7:51 pm I liked the video, but damn.

That #spon could've made for such a good video bUT HE MISSED THE OPPORTUNITY.

Are Pokémon cards nostalgic? Hell yes. So many people my age collected those suckers, including me. You know what's also nostalgic? Just collecting them because it was cool and the pictures looked pretty but not knowing how to play. I never learned. I bet most people never did. In my class of like 30 kids I think there were maybe two people who actually played the game and one even did tournaments for a while.

He could've made a video about learning how to play. That could've been really interesting and great and original.

*deep sigh*

Title should've been something along the lines of 'SPILLING YOUTUBE TEA' like I know he has morals or whatever but nobody cares about Snapchat Filters enough to click on a YouTube video with a title like that. This ain't 2014 hon. Also put Q&A in those titles. People are nosy bastards and will click.
That’s a really good idea but isn’t Pokémon a group game? (I don’t know how to play it either tbh). Imagine how crazy people would have gone if he had learned to play with someone else besides dan, lol.
It is, but I don't think that's anything a bit of creativity, effort, and the online TCG game can't solve.

Show off the real cards from the package while talking about the basics of the game, say something super relatable about having no friends to play with but that you can try it out online, then doing some tutorial levels to get hang of it, and then maybe a first actual match to end it on. Go crazy, make a 15 minute video out of it instead of a barely 10 minute video. :shrug:
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i did enjoy phil saying people have been looking ‘really sexy’ with the man filter. that was nice
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knq wrote: Fri May 24, 2019 10:57 pm Other Youtubers get canceled. Dan and Phil cancel themselves. :daddy:
:daddy: :daddy: :daddy:
fun fun fun
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"Hey. Wanna go mow some... corn?"
I dont know why that made me laugh so much but it did. :lol:

This was a pretty typical Phil video-short and light and i liked it for what it was but do wish he'd try something new. Go outside! Try a new brunch location and vlog about it, go moon over some dogs at a shelter, take us on a Topman tour. Shake it up a bit Phil.
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I could not finish watching the video, I think I barely made it to 4 or 5 minute mark. I want to watch it and have some fun so bad, but damn, I'm sick of feeling like I'm punishing myself by watching a boring, 10 minute video.
CapriciousCrab wrote: Fri May 24, 2019 11:53 pm Go outside! Try a new brunch location and vlog about it, go moon over some dogs at a shelter, take us on a Topman tour. Shake it up a bit Phil.
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Since Phil isn’t one to publicly express emotions, maybe this is barely-keeping-it-together Phil and his short, formulaic vids are a byproduct.

I wonder how much they really planned out when it comes to Dan’s creative rediscovery hiatus. No doubt they both thought a break would be good, and maybe genuinely believed there would be some sort of return to the status quo after a little while, but I’m highly suspicious that they discussed this would be the plan 6 months later... if they did, then their communication and setting audience expectation is appalling.

I guess mainly I wonder how much stress this has put on Phil, especially if Dan’s withdrawal is linked to a depression episode... the writer’s retreat was a positive sign that something is progressing behind the scenes, but was that the tail end of a journey or just the first steps... I just have a strong feeling this hiatus has been more Guild Wars marathons than self-development.
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Phantasy wrote: Sat May 25, 2019 1:12 am Since Phil isn’t one to publicly express emotions, maybe this is barely-keeping-it-together Phil and his short, formulaic vids are a byproduct.

I wonder how much they really planned out when it comes to Dan’s creative rediscovery hiatus. No doubt they both thought a break would be good, and maybe genuinely believed there would be some sort of return to the status quo after a little while, but I’m highly suspicious that they discussed this would be the plan 6 months later... if they did, then their communication and setting audience expectation is appalling.

I guess mainly I wonder how much stress this has put on Phil, especially if Dan’s withdrawal is linked to a depression episode... the writer’s retreat was a positive sign that something is progressing behind the scenes, but was that the tail end of a journey or just the first steps... I just have a strong feeling this hiatus has been more Guild Wars marathons than self-development.
Hi guys this is my first time posting here. I agree with most of your post Phantasy. I can't help but wonder how this affects Phil. I just keep going back to him passing out because of stress. This whole has to be stressful on some level. It doesn't feel fair to Phil. I know people speak on Dan's depression a lot but Phil's health is just as important.
I guess I just wonder how much help he is actually getting from Dan now. He shouldn't have to take the full brunt of this.
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Sorry to break up the conversation, but we have our next Phandom Watch this Saturday (so tomorrow or today depending on your time zone), and I feel like the videos may cheer us up.
Our shows are at 1 PM, 7 PM and 10 PM UTC. Hope to see you there! :)
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I enjoyed Phil's new video, especially the editing with the caterpillar melt down! I know it wasn't a deep video, and the title didn't really reflect what it was about, but other than that, it brought me joy, and that is why I loved it! Phil being Phil and talking to us before he sat down just cracked me up. I don't usually love sponsored videos because it feels like their hearts aren't in it, but this one didn't bother me. He likes Pokemon IRL, so I felt like he was into it. And that's what I like: Seeing him engaged :) .

Have a great evening/day everyone!
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i cant bring myself to click on phil's new video. i've been putting it off since last night. i'm feeling too hurt at the moment, and 2019 phil's endless spon/brainless trendy content just isnt cutting it for me anymore
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Phantasy wrote: Sat May 25, 2019 1:12 am Since Phil isn’t one to publicly express emotions, maybe this is barely-keeping-it-together Phil and his short, formulaic vids are a byproduct.

I wonder how much they really planned out when it comes to Dan’s creative rediscovery hiatus. No doubt they both thought a break would be good, and maybe genuinely believed there would be some sort of return to the status quo after a little while, but I’m highly suspicious that they discussed this would be the plan 6 months later... if they did, then their communication and setting audience expectation is appalling.

I guess mainly I wonder how much stress this has put on Phil,
especially if Dan’s withdrawal is linked to a depression episode... the writer’s retreat was a positive sign that something is progressing behind the scenes, but was that the tail end of a journey or just the first steps... I just have a strong feeling this hiatus has been more Guild Wars marathons than self-development.
I wonder too about all that’s falling to Phil as the only one keeping the connection to us. He’s an introvert too, so it must be hard to try to satisfy us when it used to be them handling social media pretty equally. I’m pretty confident Dan is working with Phil on other things, just not being in videos or on social media. Maybe he’s at least doing more chores or cooking or looking for a house? I hope it’s not like the second bolded sentence above. That made me lol.
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There's been so much discussion about Dan and Phil dropping joint branding so they can focus more on new solo things but I'm looking at Phil's channel and he's doing exactly what he has always done, literally nothing new. Look, I don't expect him to suddenly become the male version of Jenna Marbles or something, but he needs to shake things up a little bit, imo. No one complained about his content until last year, that's true, but that's because he provided us with various stuff(liveshows, dapg, collabs with Dan and solo stuff). Now AP is the only channel still active and I don't understand why Phil is not taking that as an opportunity to create something more interesting, more engaging. He opened the membership, he asked for suggestions, and he hasn't fulfilled any, yet. Why?
Is this happening because something is going on behind the scenes and there's no time to make more elaborate videos or connect with the audience? I don't know. I really do hope that's the case, though.

Anyway, I am pissed at the way they (and by 'they' I mean Phil, because Dan doesn't exist anymore, apparently. Does he even know that he's part of the business too? Or he just doesn't give a damn because he's sooooo over it?) keep handling things, at the way they keep avoiding confrontation with the audience. Posting an IG story where you announce another thing ending so you won't face people's disappointment and worry? And then you talk about it on twitter only via reply to someone? That doesn't sit right with me and I think that's not a mature behavior at all, which is quite ironic considering they want to be treated like the adults they are.
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glitterintheair wrote: Sat May 25, 2019 8:28 am There's been so much discussion about Dan and Phil dropping joint branding so they can focus more on new solo things but I'm looking at Phil's channel and he's doing exactly what he has always done, literally nothing new. Look, I don't expect him to suddenly become the male version of Jenna Marbles or something, but he needs to shake things up a little bit, imo. No one complained about his content until last year, that's true, but that's because he provided us with various stuff(liveshows, dapg, collabs with Dan and solo stuff). Now AP is the only channel still active and I don't understand why Phil is not taking that as an opportunity to create something more interesting, more engaging. He opened the membership, he asked for suggestions, and he hasn't fulfilled any, yet. Why?
Is this happening because something is going on behind the scenes and there's no time to make more elaborate videos or connect with the audience? I don't know. I really do hope that's the case, though.

Anyway, I am pissed at the way they (and by 'they' I mean Phil, because Dan doesn't exist anymore, apparently. Does he even know that he's part of the business too? Or he just doesn't give a damn because he's sooooo over it?) keep handling things, at the way they keep avoiding confrontation with the audience. Posting an IG story where you announce another thing ending so you won't face people's disappointment and worry? And then you talk about it on twitter only via reply to someone? That doesn't sit right with me and I think that's not a mature behavior at all, which is quite ironic considering they want to be treated like the adults they are.
Yes to all this. I hate not knowing and this time I feel like we should know more, we should have more info. That's not what I signed up for.

Sorry, I'm just very pissed.