Dan & Phil Part 48: Exposing themselves via fidget spinner

Our two favourite full time internet nerds who never go outside!
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I also feel a little less enthusiastic about their content lately, but I attribute it to the fact that they're posting more regularly. When it was a video once or twice a month I didn't really care if it was the same old shtick, I was just excited to see a new video. But now that I'm getting more of the same content AND more frequently...I find myself skipping a few videos or saving them for later.
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alittledizzy wrote:Since Cat apparently has a collab with them coming this week, any guesses on what it'll be? Or things you'd like to see her make them do?
As a few people have mentioned, I could see her doing something eye-catching to try to bait phans into watching it on her youtube before finding a downloaded version. I think she must have figured out by now that phans like to download her stuff as to spread it without giving her views and money.
000dia000 wrote:
Cat: h̯̳͈I͚͇͙ͅ ̱̼G͓̠u̲̠̫̭̝y̬̟s͔̲̖̖!̬̠̺!͎̲͓̮̖̟!͉͉͍̹͇!̘̲̞̳̫̗̬!̠̖͍̟̞!̱͉͓̗ ̘͎͖Today we're going to be talking about m͚e̯͈̼͔Ḙ̯͇̖̯͚Ẹ͙͎̭͙̣E̙̟
i hope its the exact opposite of this! I hope Cat is behind the camera

re: content interesting-ness: Maybe I'm a minority, but I've been watching since 2011, and I find their content now very interesting and enjoyable to watch. I took my break in 2015-mid 2016 and came back on in my opinion when things were really going uphill! I love the gaming content, especially the new gaming content, and Phil's videos are so fun and original right now imo! I'm excited to see where Daniel Howell goes with his videos since I hated the dinof persona and am extremely happy to see it go. I agree with alittledizzy that their content has changed a lot in recent years and I personally really love the change and think it's for the better. Also, I agree with her concept of honeymoon periods with fandom. It's kinda like when kids go through phases. It's common for people of any age to get really excited about something for a little while and then kinda get over it. It happens with "health kicks" and hobbies more often in adults, but it's the same thing. As for deppy content, I think we're really in a golden period right now with no signs of stopping.
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alittledizzy wrote:
hopinglester wrote:I agree with the fact that Dan and Phil haven't changed their content and that we tend to lose interest after we get through our phase of being enthralled by the novelty of them. But I guess that's kind of the point? The fact that they keep repeating the same content and, as bolded, keep repeating the same jokes and same <kind of fakish> reactions is what makes people 'bored'.

I get that you could say that it's not Dan and Phil's jobs to make content that everyone will enjoy and that if someone does not like their content anymore they should move on naturally to something that they find more engaging. But I think that people systematically pointing this out, saying that they think it would be cool if Dan and Phil try to go a bit outside the box or explore other ideas is fair criticism and something I quite agree upon, and I think that it's objectively something most people tend to agree when speaking about Dan and Phil and their content both on the gaming channel and their individual channels. They are entertainers - their goal is to make people engaged and excited about each new video and if that doesn't happen then we can conclude that some people are losing interest not only because of the lack of novelty or excitement dizzy described but also because constant repetition of something that worked before doesn't mean that, just because the content hasn't objectively changed, the quality of the experience hasn't, and I think that is what counts.

Basically what I'm trying to say is that, true, the content hasn't changed, but I don't think that the ending of the 'honeymoon period' (though it's 100% real) is the only reason people lose interest . Sometimes people who have been watching someone's content for ages may progressively lose interest even if they had long lost their initial infatuation. I guess my question is whether it's the entertainer's roles - as people who aim to entertain the biggest amount of people possible - to adapt their content or if they don't have their responsability whatsoever and if it's merely the audience's role to adapt (or abandon) the 'fandom'.

I feel like I'm kind of going round in a circle and that my point doesn't really matter much unless there is a general disappointment in the audience rather than individual disappointment, but that's obviously hard to tell and anyways, I'd love to hear other thoughts, I'm a bit conflicted on this.
Oh man, I understand what you're saying but I disagree hard that there hasn't been any real change - Dan and Phil right now are almost not the same people that Dan and Phil of early 2016 are. In Dan's case, literally - he was danisnotonfire and now he no longer is. They're both more open and affectionate and relaxed with each other, their style of humor and reactions to jokes the other person makes has changed. Phil's humor is more adult and there's less feigned ignorance. Both of them freely reference male attraction now. Dan is more open about his mental health issues/anxieties. On a more personal level, they hide less of themselves and what they do together from us; the family trips, the selfies.

Maybe if you only started watching them in January of this year (not speaking to you specifically, just picking a month at random) and now it's June you feel like they are stagnant but no as someone who started in 2015, this current Dan and Phil is all about change. Even the fact that they post videos regularly is a sign of that change.

I suppose you have a point that gaming channel specifically content-wise hasn't changed, but why would it? It's a gaming channel. They will continue to making gaming videos because that is what it's for, there's no reason and not much room for them to adapt to new concepts. There is room for them to personally continue to change within the content, and that's what they absolutely have been doing.

(also coming back to edit and say I recognize there is some contradiction in my 'the content hasn't changed' comment from earlier - that was more looking at the perspective of someone who has only been a fan for a few months coming down from the initial high, which is a separate thing from them having been evolving over the past couple of years)
Oh, maybe I wasn't clear in my post but I also totally acknowledge that there have been major changes in their content in these last few months in terms of their attitudes and ''personas''! - And at least, for me, that has made the 'phandom experience' 10 times times more interesting than it was before. My idea that the content hasn't changed was the same as yours - looking at like this year for example, after all the changes started.

I mean, I also think that arguably those changes were really visible for us who have been keeping up with liveshows and more direct stuff, but a lot of people might not even feel a big impact by those and even if they do, that impact might not change other problems they have with their content? Just because that change for you and me has really made their content so much more interesting and engaging doesn't mean that everyone would think so, I think. nyways, about what you said about the gaming channel, I don't really agree that 'there isn't much room or reason to adapt their content' nor that they have been making a very noticible change 'within that context' - when I look back in the type of videos they do in their gaming channel, their content in general seems to me to not have changed that much. Yes, their interactions are more natural and more relaxed and interesting to watch, but I don't think the content itself has increased in creativity or etc, which other people might value more, though it's personally not what I care about most in their videos.

Just wanna say that I'm arguing this as if I'm in the camp of people who are displeased with their content- I'm actually really not ahhaah. I've been living for their recent chemistry and videos and I see their videos to relax and have fun and for me, they do just that. Maybe sometimes I'd like them to go a bit more for the creative side, and some videos might make me less excited (aka sims and horse prince), but I'm still very much invested in them as I was back in 2014, when I started watching them for the first time.
The only thing I disagree is that the only reason people are turning back or 'getting bored' by their content is because they lost their initial infatuation - I think there are a lot other factors that come into play and that they are very pertinent usually. Maybe Dan and Phil don't need to shape their content to please others if they don't want to, but again, they are entertainers, and if a big quantity of people started to say 'their content is boring to me' I'd think something is probably not right.
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i can understand about losing interest, i /definitely/ have that issue with fandoms. i've had many, many obsessions over the years and some lasted longer than others. but i do find that most of the time, when i lose interest in them i just completely withdraw myself from that interest and almost never really actively seek it out. which is what happened when i lost interest in deppy, i didn't really pay attention to what they were doing for like 4 years and just had no idea what was going on with them (which is why i had no idea about tatinof lol) but. it does happen. it's sad. i wish that i didn't lose interest in my obsessions. but they all still have a special place in my heart. i do notice that whenever i do find a new obsession though i tend to hyperfocus on that one obsession and just obsess over that one thing and nothing else. i'm trying to..fix that issue i have though and focus on other interests rather than just one thing.

which is working so far. i have more varieties of interests now and watch more than just two youtubers lol. but.. i do think deppy have changed a lot and bring new fresh content and keep people interested. they've changed a lot this year, but in a good way. in a better way for sure.
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I tend to fade in and out of fandoms. I was really into Dan and Phil for ages a few years back, and then I went on a really long break. I still watched the videos, went to the tour, bought the book, read, and loved it - but I was never actively reading phanfiction, reading their tweets etc. I still used tumblr and followed (and still do) loads of phan blogs, so Dan and Phil became a consistent part of my life - I was just never immersed. As is the case with most of my fandoms.

Even now, after only re-immersing myself in dnp, I know I'm drifting between fandoms because I've been reading more Harry Potter fanfiction than Phanfiction (fanfiction is usually the indicator for me. When I run out of new stuff to read, after scrolling through so many fic recs, I tend to float away and re-read old faves from other fandoms).

I think I just need the liveshows and projects to re-immerse me into dnp. I'm loving the more consistent content (SO much more consistent than it was a few years ago) but now I'm just...

I think being actively involved by writing fanfiction, editing videos, drawing, helps keep people in fandoms because they build up their own community and continue to enjoy creating for that fandom when they receive positive feedback. As someone with no laptop, artistic talent, and insecurities about her writing skills, I pretty much remain a passive member; passive members tend to flicker between fandoms much more easily because of their lack of investment.

wow, this felt kinda useless, sorry lads
25/04/2017 - #blessed
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Deppy is my first "obsession" so I can't really relate anything, however while I haven't experienced any disinterest in their content I've experienced irritation with their relationship with their audience. I'm frustrated at times by the lack of communication, the lack of insight and the brief snapshots we get. I know, my complaint is mainly stemmed to the wish that they were more open, I should respect their privacy, etc, etc. but I can't be the only one who feels a disconnect from them? It's very alienating at times to read "deppy have been so good for us" kind of posts when I just feel like deppy have been more distant than ever. I repeat, this is my opinion, deppy have been more open and "real" than ever, but not about the little things in their every day life. Their tweets are orchestrated to remain perfectly ambiguous and we have seen corners and only corners of their new home. Mentally, I feel myself in a box when I'm in this phandom and sometimes get peeks outside at times. It's frustrating.

The last week I've felt more "included" and that's because of extra pictures and videos we've seen-and how many of those have been supplied by deppy themselves on their social media? Exactly. I come to occasions like this where they are nearly caught out in the open, the phandom has something new to talk about, deppy seem to be real people and not some god like people. I feel like I'm in a religion sometimes with the constant mentality of positivity and trusting Dan and Phil.

I liked alittledizzy's summary of fandoms, they're like a relationship :D and like real people, I don't think there's anything wrong with "falling out" from the phandom, or disliking aspects of it. Sometimes it's good to take a break, either from their videos or from the phandom, to sort of rediscover your passion for it all over again. I take breaks from here and social media when I find it too much.

LtrllySusan wrote:
If the rules are still the same as some years ago, then the person uploading the photo needs to be the copyright holder, unless the photo was uploaded to flickr or the like with a special copyright licence. So it's unfortunately a bit tricky - which is why when you look at other celebrities' pages, they often have stage or red carpet photos.
Thank you :D
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Dan made a facebook-only post:

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Oh dear, feel like I've dropped a bomb.
My feeling bored was more about Youtube in general, I still enjoy some of Deppy's stuff I just am not that engaged in all of it and I was contributing it to my feeling bored and fed up with all Youtubers I subscribe to. A lot of it just feel like a 'trick' (a word I've seen someone before me mention). Not in a manipulative way (though again, in some ways it is, though that's not necessarily bad), but like.. the watching a show bit. A very heavy personality-driven show. Some of Dan and Phil's liveshows and stuff they do still feels like they're just being people. That's what I like best nowadays I guess. Not much for the show apparently. I also watch next to no tv because of similar reasons so idk.

I can definitely see being in a fandom as being cyclical. I've been pretty into their stuff for a few years so yeah it's probably natural to change in the meantime and gain different interests. I also think some jokes can get boring if you've heard them dozens of times. But like if you're new to them it can be really funny. They probably still gain a lot of new fans still. This old fart is just a bit fed up with some of the recycled and acted out jokes.
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alittledizzy wrote:Dan made a facebook-only post:

Um, so, does this mean they're at Facebook (or just left, whatever)??
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LeftHandedism wrote:
alittledizzy wrote:Dan made a facebook-only post:

Um, so, does this mean they're at Facebook (or just left, whatever)??
It's a booth at vidcon (https://socialblade.com/blog/facebook-s ... -creators/)
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998274 wrote:
LeftHandedism wrote:
alittledizzy wrote:Dan made a facebook-only post:

Um, so, does this mean they're at Facebook (or just left, whatever)??
It's a booth at vidcon (https://socialblade.com/blog/facebook-s ... -creators/)
Ah, thanks. I was just wondering if they had wandered north.
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000dia000 wrote:Deppy is my first "obsession" so I can't really relate anything, however while I haven't experienced any disinterest in their content I've experienced irritation with their relationship with their audience. I'm frustrated at times by the lack of communication, the lack of insight and the brief snapshots we get. I know, my complaint is mainly stemmed to the wish that they were more open, I should respect their privacy, etc, etc. but I can't be the only one who feels a disconnect from them? It's very alienating at times to read "deppy have been so good for us" kind of posts when I just feel like deppy have been more distant than ever. I repeat, this is my opinion, deppy have been more open and "real" than ever, but not about the little things in their every day life. Their tweets are orchestrated to remain perfectly ambiguous and we have seen corners and only corners of their new home. Mentally, I feel myself in a box when I'm in this phandom and sometimes get peeks outside at times. It's frustrating.
I agree with you. This is frustrating for me sometimes too. I think for me it has a lot to do with the liveshows as well. That's my real glimpse into their real lives, and I think with the liveshows being cancelled a lot lately, they have felt a lot more distant. It's frustrating if you want to engage with/about them but there isn't much to engage with.
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Thanks, Philly, I needed this.
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kenzieisnotonfire wrote:
what is it with Phil getting stuck with all the interdimensional elevators lately?

EDIT: just saw the new video immediately after I posted this and yelped.
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Moonbeamsonthepath wrote:

Thanks, Philly, I needed this.
Can't believe he actually wen't through with this idea.
Oh, he's still spon-ing Tinder in the video and in the description ?
Last edited by malday on Tue Jun 27, 2017 9:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Delurking to say: I love the new video.

Curly!Phil is gonna be my life for a few days.
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i'm on my way home so i can't watch it, but dan curling phil's hair!!! this is all my dreams come true (if it's as cute and bantery as i'm hoping)

/useless post
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Phil has honestly gotten so much more fond recently, it seems like he loves aimlessly complimenting Dan, even in the most subtle ways - I adore it.

Fond touching. I am pleased. Was expecting a joke about lacking integrity but ah well.

I think if they combed his hair so it looked more natural it could actually look pretty good tbh.

This was a relaxed vid, but they just seemed quite happy with each other - it reminded me a bit of the geogessr vibe?

Also, Phil had another quick lil tinder spon at the end (never knew they could get paid for just quickly mentioning it, wow). Are they saving some money up for something, or is it just that the opportunity for a spon arose so they took it? Who knows.

Overall: v pleased. Lacks integrity or some incredible idea, and casual fans probs wouldn't overly care to watch it, might not be big at attracting new viewers - but damn, this is the fan service we deserve.
Last edited by saffarinda on Tue Jun 27, 2017 9:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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i don't think it suits him very much, but the curly hair doesn't look nearly as bad as i thought it might tbh, it's quite cute
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Moonbeamsonthepath wrote:

Thanks, Philly, I needed this.
This was so stupid, yet great and funny at the same time. I loved it.
Have to say that Dan didn't do so bad, I was expecting worse.
Don't think the curls really suit Phil, so I'm still on team quiff. Though it's clear from this vid that Phil is planning on sticking with the fringe for the foreseeable future.
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Phil looked pretty cool with curly hair! Such a change!
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Phil's new video!! I too have noticed how he compliments Dan more naturally and more often instead of taking the chance of cracking a joke. Love it.

I kept thinking he was going to get burned but then, it was Dan doing it, he looked very focused when he waa actually trying.

Off to see it again!
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Aaaargggggh! I have very little time to write this post, but omg I loved that video. Quick thoughts, that I'm sure others will elaborate on:
  • So much relaxed, flirty behavior around each other. OMG???
  • Fuck the gaming channel, amirite? At this point, they're basically posting like... monthly pinofs all over the place and I'm so here for it.
  • A lot of fond. This lines up with point A. I can't get over it.
  • I hate that Phil offered an excuse as to why his hair will continue to be a fringe. Even when Dan essentially noted it's time for a change. Change is good, Phil. Change is good.
  • LOL. Paid by Tinder. (6 figures, surely.)
  • That montage of Dan doing Phil's hair gave me life and I'm not 100% sure why.
  • Don't know the exact quote, but something about Dan saying "what happened last time I was in this bed...." Fucking. Killed. Me. And it wasn't even that serious.
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