Are you going to this date? Want to meet up with others?
We want to hear all your reviews and opinions from this date. Seen a photo from the m&g you want to discuss, go ahead, we love a good discussion.
A few things:
- This forum is public, which means anyone can see information you post.
- If you are meeting up with others, please make sure you do this in a safe way. Make sure you know who you are meeting with beforehand, and do this in an open, safe place. Perhaps even Skype before to ensure your safety.
- If you are posting spoilers, please do so behind the spoiler tag.
Enjoy x
Amsterdam - Rai Theatre - 25/02/23
Good news! This show had been sold out for quite a while now, which isn't too surprising considering II sold out twice in the same theatre and it's the only Saturday show during the Europe Tour, but they just added a matinee!
I have a ticket for the evening show, but I'll get one for this one as well. Who else is coming?
I have a ticket for the evening show, but I'll get one for this one as well. Who else is coming?
- plantletariat
- not a first-time poster
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Fri Dec 30, 2022 2:07 pm
Long time lurker here lmao but the holidays have got me down and in desperate need of some dnp comfort content
I'll be there too

Long time lurker here lmao but the holidays have got me down and in desperate need of some dnp comfort content
I'll be there too