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Getting-to-know-you-game: JOIN OR DIE

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 10:19 am
by mermaid blood
In the hopes this draws more people out of lurking, since GG was always flooded with anon guests:

Go around the circle and say one thing you would NEVER say in one of those awkward first-day-of-school/university/new job/training day "getting to know you" tasks that the instructor forces everyone to participate in. I'll go first:

- I've watched beastiality porn once, and I didn't click off as soon as I should have.
- I think avocados are absolutely disgusting and have the texture of the fat in a baby's forearm, if you were to eat a baby.
- I think I might like Dan's 'ugly' puffy ninja/tyre-soled shoes

Now your turn! :D

Re: Getting-to-know-you-game: JOIN OR DIE

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 10:29 am
by Anonymousse
I'll say many because I can (not against the rules):
- I'm bisexual (would totally not say that at work/school as you may see from my location, it's not advisable)
- My favourite Youtuber is Philip Defranco but very much so because of his consistency and ability to accept people for being gay, bi, trans or whatnot.
- I eat cereal without milk
- I wish for nothing more than for Phil to change his haircut.

Re: Getting-to-know-you-game: JOIN OR DIE

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 10:55 am
by human
Wow, avocado hate. Our wedded bliss is on the rocks now, Merm.

- I used to (ahem, used to, naturally) rp on GreatestJournal/Insanejournal for many years in various fandoms. Still do when I'm bored (which isn't often now tbh since we've had gg/idb).
- I may or may not enjoy a bit of Danthony. I'm sad it's so rare.
- I really love avocados and eat one a day. My iPhone case even has avocados on it.

Re: Getting-to-know-you-game: JOIN OR DIE

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 11:10 am
by teamug
Thank you to all for this safe haven.

- This morning on a brisk walk with my mom some random kid called us grannies. in my early 30s you punk.
- Been reading fanfiction since 2002. At this point probably read more fanfiction than actual books (not sure) but I've enjoyed the fanfiction more than the books I've read.
- Favorite diy pizza: tomato, cheese, mince meat, pickle, pineapple, spinach. thin crust.
- Lastly, would not tell anyone irl I've probably been thrown out of a online forum for being sarcastic.

Re: Getting-to-know-you-game: JOIN OR DIE

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 11:31 am
by mermaid blood
the problem i just realised with this thread is i want to reply to all of the statements, haha. i'll refrain henceforth, but:

the amount of bisexual viewers D&P draws in is super interesting. the largest percentage of orientation in the phandom survey conducted last year, i think? (that got 20k+ responses). gay myself, so i understand that unconscious craving for representation. i think i'd pass out from excitement if i ever met another lesbian phandom member.

anonymousse me too buddy, me too. Phil, please. please.
teamug! awesome seeing names i remember from way back on gg. i feel ya, i'm in my late 20s and getting called 'lady' by children at work still makes me do a double-take. i don't wanna be lady yet :(
human i think i already talked to you about this, but since my symptoms of celiac disease first turned up years ago, on the odd ocassion i've accidentally ingested avocado i've had excruciating stabbing pains in the gut and almost instant nausea. i thought it was only chunks and since i already hated them didn't have to avoid them - but then a year or so ago i had the same thing from a piece of sushi and i found out it was just in a thin paste on the seaweed. crazy. so i'm really hoping they're not connected, for your sake. though if you eat them every day surely the sensitivity barrier would've been reached by now and backfired...

re: roleplaying and fanfic, a fanfic thread should be opened up soon with recommendations, i reckon. phandom and otherwise. i don't wanna make too many though, i'll let someone else lose their thread-making cherry. ;)

Re: Getting-to-know-you-game: JOIN OR DIE

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 11:42 am
by Anonymousse
teamug wrote: - Lastly, would not tell anyone irl I've probably been thrown out of a online forum for being sarcastic.
I have to reply to this, but that is fucking hilarious. :D :lol: :lol:
zeemeermin wrote: the amount of bisexual viewers D&P draws in is super interesting. the largest percentage of orientation in the phandom survey conducted last year, i think? (that got 20k+ responses). gay myself, so i understand that unconscious craving for representation. i think i'd pass out from excitement if i ever met another lesbian phandom member.
I have heard of a few lesbian phandom members @ the Youtube comments. So you are not alone! ;)
But I do wonder about it aswell, how many of us are bisexual (or pansexual for that matter but I really don't make the difference personally). Then again, when I was 14-16 I was a lot more open with stating my sexuality than I am now (going to be 22 in a month). Is it curiosity? Actual braveness to bare it in-front of phandom members? The tall lesbian? who knows really.

Re: Getting-to-know-you-game: JOIN OR DIE

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 11:59 am
by swofro

- I read a lot of Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew and Enid Blyton's detective crap when I'm a kid and once want to be a detective
- I become obsessed with bbc sherlock on 2014 when I was introduced to them by a friend and read too many fanfics since then
- I am a hijab wearer muslim who lives in a trying-very-hard-to-be-modern country im being here says a lot about me tbh
- I wear pajamas to eat out a lot in my A Level years because I couldn't care less

Re: Getting-to-know-you-game: JOIN OR DIE

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 12:15 pm
by arequian
I think that D&P have something that attracts queer viewers (or maybe we just engage more?). On the list of things that I wouldn't say:

-I'm ten times (or a hundred times) more awkward online than I'm irl. But this page seems so friendly that I'll try to post more. :)

-I'm a huge fan of the group Les Luthiers and I can quote most of their shows line by line.

Anonymousse I'm panromantic, does that count?

Re: Getting-to-know-you-game: JOIN OR DIE

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 12:22 pm
by sunday
- Yoga pants and ugg boots are comfy as frick and I intend to shamelessly wear the shit out of them this winter.
- I could easily live without pizza and idg why the internet is so obsessed with it.
- Re the avocado debate, I love avocado but can't eat it as often as I want (read: 1-3 a day) because that stuff flies right out of ya :mrgreen:

So glad to see the D&P posters have moved here. Was always weary about posting on GG. Dodgy af. Thanks to whoever commented about this place on the GG blogspot.

Re: Getting-to-know-you-game: JOIN OR DIE

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 12:34 pm
by DryCereal
- As well as coeliac disease, I am allergic to celery, seriously, i'm a fucking nightmare to feed. I should turn vegan and complete the trifecta of PITA-house/dinnerguest) and sweets like M&Ms, Revels, Mini-Eggs... anything with that weird sugar crunchy-coating.
- I get weirded out by fanfiction about real people. Even when it's written by the subjects themselves (TABINOF) Please don't hate me.
- I may (NGL, I totally did.) have written a super-cringe YT message to DAPG whilst high on morphine in January this year. But I didn't mention phan/shipping, so although I live in almost constant fear since I found the separate/minimised window open with "your message has been sent" and back clicked and read it in all it's horrifying glory that they may have read it, it could be worse.
- Even before January, I spend far too much time online. In my defence, I'm a (broken) fitness instructor, so work odd hours, so my internet-hobo tendancies fit in with my odd working hours. (Apart from D&P Radio and YouNow shows. Fuck their timings, I'm normally slogging my guts out in a studio/poolside.)

Re: Getting-to-know-you-game: JOIN OR DIE

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 12:39 pm
by missemma
- I have never read any fanfiction, I haven't even read the milk/hat fic in full.
- I have however seen all the most disgusting things online (goatse, 2girls1cup etcetc) & love showing them to my friends who are in turn grossed out by them because I'm a badbad friend.
- I am very good at MarioKart (and if anyone wants to play against me on the wiiu then hmu)
- I have been in my pyjamas for at least the past 48 hours 8-)

Re: Getting-to-know-you-game: JOIN OR DIE

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 1:43 pm
by Kurapika
- I'm gonna watch Zootopia today and I'm excited. I love Disney.
- I've been reading fanfic since 2008 and I've read Harry Potter, CardCaptor Sakura, Jonas Brothers, McFly, Glee, Merlin, Percy Jackson, Shameless and so many other I can't even count. I have a tab open with AO3 on the Dan/Phil tag right now.
- My twitter account is @chwiscolfer follow me promo4promo lolzor
- I study psychology at college, and did a year of pedagogy last year. Who knows if I'll finish psychology. But it's fun.

Re: Getting-to-know-you-game: JOIN OR DIE

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 2:09 pm
by annetamiau
Hi! I've just discovered this :)

Confession time:
- I read yaoi.
- I'm bisexual (I've never told anybody irl and I'm in my late 20s).
- I have a very social job that I really enjoy, but out of it I'm pretty much always alone.

Re: Getting-to-know-you-game: JOIN OR DIE

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 2:21 pm
by alittledizzy
- I love to read but I almost exclusively read fanfic now. With occasional exception, I just find it much more relaxing and rewarding to go into a story already emotionally invested in the characters. When people ask if I read, I'm always slightly hesitant to say yes (bc if they ask me what books I've read lately, I'm at a loss) or no (because I do, I really do read voraciously - my favorite phanfic is as long as the fourth Harry Potter book and I feel like I re-read it in whole about once every 2-3 weeks).
- I love to write but I've never wanted to write original things. I spent a few token years in high school/college succumbing to professor and peer pressure but if I was honestly with myself even then I'd have admitted that the joy I get in writing, much like reading, is in building something up around a character I'm already in love with myself. My fanfic even almost never has original characters. tl;dr: I would rather writing forever be a hobby I love than to try and cash in and it become a job I hate.
- I work at home so I basically live in pajamas and get really resentful when I have to get dressed to leave the house.

Re: Getting-to-know-you-game: JOIN OR DIE

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 3:30 pm
by bberry
- I realised my sexuality because i felt uncomfortable, and didn't know what to answer, when people asked me if i was straight OR gay (i don't really label myself but I'm neither)
- No one irl knows i like d&p
- I didn't post on gg because my english is really bad
- I love avocado
- I found d&p in 2013 (or late 2012?) and was a casual fan of dan mostly, but left because they never uploaded content... ha ha :roll:

Re: Getting-to-know-you-game: JOIN OR DIE

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 3:53 pm
by tymyky
Hi, this actually made me think and believe me that my brain isn't cooperating on Easter Sunday.

-from time to time (ahm, every week) I still watch old school cartoons on youtube and my favourite is Tom and Jerry - always in my heart. I actually named my parrot Jerry and I own a pillow with their faces (did I mention I'm 23?)
-I'm not a social person and I don't classify weekend being perfect if I have to get out of pyjamas from friday evening to sunday
-I actually recreated my high school classmates at Sims and then made the ones I hated suffer. Now I do the same thing with my colleagues/uni classmates/professors.

Wow this is like a therapy :D

Re: Getting-to-know-you-game: JOIN OR DIE

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 4:00 pm
by Kathrynxjane
Joining in!

- My controlling ex is the main reason why I have low self esteem and crippling social anxiety (thank God for the Internet)
- I am an accountant and one of the main reasons why I love it is because I am a nosey bugger and love to know everything.

Re: Getting-to-know-you-game: JOIN OR DIE

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 4:25 pm
by netti
-I religiously watch trisha paytas and may or may not have started watching d+p when she mentioned (half-trashed) them
-I can't stand needles--even reading about them makes me want to crawl into a corner and hyperventilate
-I don't remember the last time I vacuumed my room. oh dear.
I never posted on gg for a multitude of reasons but I hope to be a more active member of the community here :)

Re: Getting-to-know-you-game: JOIN OR DIE

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 4:44 pm
by daichii
what a fun thread! I've enjoyed reading all your answers. Here are mine:

-I do not tell my online hobbies to anyone irl as they include my insane obsession with d&p, yaoi, some stupid novels which are basically porn reading xD
--When I was a teen I was obsessed with vampire knigth (anime & manga). I joined like 3 forums abt it and some livejournal communities. It was really bad
-I am extremely awkward (online and irl tbh)
-I've been in love with muse for the past 10 years :)

Re: Getting-to-know-you-game: JOIN OR DIE

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 5:23 pm
by fakelights
This topic is a great idea to talk about things we probably would never mention otherwise, love it!

- I found D&P when my interest in One Direction (yeap, I was a big fan) died and didn't have a specific fandom to obsess over like I always do and saw they were successful youtubers that had a radio show.
- Relating to the above mention, I'm one of the rare people that found them through Radio 1.
- I'm the most indecisive person ever. I never know what I want or what I like. I changed courses on university three times already. I'm now studying to be a PR.
- I like avocados, but pineapple and tomatoes are the worst things on the planet for me.

Re: Getting-to-know-you-game: JOIN OR DIE

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 5:29 pm
by jess
Because why not:

- I have never seen Titanic, Avatar, the new Star Wars, or about a billion other "must see" films because I cannot bring myself to care about most films (a few exceptions being Before Sunrise/Sunset/Midnight, Fight Club, Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy, Eternal Sunshine, & Reality Bites). I saw Batman v. Superman yesterday & pretty much wanted to claw my eyes out because it was so violently terrible.
- I haven't called anyone my "boyfriend" since I was 19 (31 now!) because relationships are too annoying to deal with & I hate labels, definition, & b/w thinking.
- Makeup tutorials were my YouTube gateway drug, then came hate watching random YouTubers. I actually ignored D&P for a good long while before I got over my hatred of their hair ( ), watched a video, & got hooked.

Re: Getting-to-know-you-game: JOIN OR DIE

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 5:40 pm
by wtfamidoinghere
- I call myself bi, but i am currently questioning my attraction to men, so that might be a lie.
- i don't regularly read fanfiction, but i have read all the shock fics in the phandom and i wasn't as shocked as i should have been.
- nobody irl knows about my love for youtube, it's my dirty secret.

Re: Getting-to-know-you-game: JOIN OR DIE

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 6:11 pm
by vincentian
- Me discovering and getting addicted to D&P was foreshadowed by mysterious accidental series of events and signs, one of which is llamas :lol: no rly
- Phandom helped me escape from depressing black hole that Sherlock fandom was becoming in 2014/2015
- I was in a very similar situation when a group of people got dissatisfied with the mods' behaviour&rules at a fan forum and was forced to move to a separate board. I'm having a deja vu rn (idk if it's a common situation)

Re: Getting-to-know-you-game: JOIN OR DIE

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 6:25 pm
by internetakeover
This was a great idea, and really interesting! hmm, things I wouldn't volunteer irl...

- I'm agender and aromantic (also bisexual, but I'm mostly out irl. And yes, I do love my labels!)
- I almost exclusively read fanfic now (as a few others have mentioned). I've only read one book so far this year, yet have done a full reread of my favourite fic series, which totals over 2 million words. Procrastination on/escapism from exams and my dissertation were a wonderful motivator, I've failed to reread that series about 5 times before!
- The only thing that would ever motivate me to travel is sport, as much as I have loved childhood family holidays I just don't have any desire to travel by myself without centering it around a specific event.

Re: Getting-to-know-you-game: JOIN OR DIE

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 6:26 pm
by PolarFox
Hai! So, the regarding the plan of attracting lurkers from hiding...
- I'm full time fandoms lurker - I rarely get involved in stuff and if, I do it via anon. I just don't feel comfortable, idk
- fanfiction was one of the first things I discovered on the internet like ten years ago when I was eight. I feel like it explains alot about me and my mind
- I might be a bit of a furry (but I'm not in the "fandom" nor I have a fursona or stuff like that... yet)
- I feel weird in the phandom sometimes as a lesbian. (And I have weird kind of attraction to Dan in his female personas... I have no explanation)
- As much as I love Star Wars and very much own a crap ton of merch, I don't really love the movies - I love the expanded universe, the books, the games.
- I used to be Twillight trash.
- I'm not that good with english as everyone I know thinks.
- I cry so hard while playing videogames. I literally cried for days after finishing some Bioware games.
So um... yeah, no more lurking anonymously, I'm ready for the mosh pit.